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1 similar Cooperation Agreements contracts

Cooperation Agreements
Cooperation Agreements • December 26th, 2013

2012/09 與中國人民大學書報資料中心簽訂協議書 Agreement signed with the Information Centre for Social Sciences of Renmin University of China 2012/09 與暨南大學簽訂學術合作交流協議書 Cooperation & exchange agreement signed with Jinan University 2012/09 與北京大學簽訂關於葡萄牙語專業學生交流學習安排合作協議書 Cooperation agreement signed with Peking University on student exchange in the Portuguese language programme 2012/10 與台灣中山醫學大學簽訂學術合作交流協議書 Cooperation & exchange agreement signed with Chung Shan Medical University in Taiwan 2012/10 與里斯本大學簽署合作協議書修訂本 Amended cooperation agreement signed with the University of Lisbon 2012/10 與澳門懷舊收藏協會簽訂學術交流與合作協議書 Cooperation & exchange agreement signed with Macao Association of Antique Collectors 2012/10 與澳門文獻信息學會簽訂學術交流與合作協議書 Cooperation & exchange agreement signed with Macao Documentation and Information Society 2012/10 與澳門歷史文化研究協會簽訂澳門歷史文化領域合作協議書 Cooperation agreement signed with the Association for the Study of History and Culture of Macao 2012/11 與天津理工大學簽訂合作交流協議書 Cooperation & exchange agreement signed with Tian

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