Cooperation Agreements Sample Contracts

Cooperation Agreements
Cooperation Agreements • January 21st, 2015

2013/09 與中山大學第五附屬醫院簽署合作協議書 Cooperation agreement with the No.5 Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University 2013/10 與澳門中華教育會簽署合作交流協議書 Agreement on cooperation and exchange with Macau Chinese Education Association 2013/10 與北京語言大學簽署合辦碩士學位課程協議書 Agreement on joint Master’s Degree Programme with Beijing Language and Culture University 2013/10 與國家行政學院簽署合辦碩士學位課程附加協議書 Addendum to an Agreement on joint Master’s Degree Programme with the China National School of Administration 2013/10 與澳門勞工子弟學校簽署合作交流協議書 Agreement on cooperation and exchange with the Workers’ Children High School, Macao 2013/10 與台灣屏東科技大學簽署合作交流協議書 Agreement on cooperation and exchange with Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan 2013/10 與澳門培正中學簽署合作交流協議書 Agreement on cooperation and exchange with Pui Ching Middle School, Macao 2013/10 與澳門慈幼中學簽署合作交流協議書 Agreement on cooperation and exchange with the Instituto Salesiano 2013/11 與中山大學簽署組建港澳發展協同創新中心框架協議 Framework agreement with Sun Yat-sen University on the establishment of the Coll

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Cooperation Agreements • December 29th, 2023

The goal of the Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund is to offer you comprehensive support in making work-related choices, finding a suitable job as quickly as possible, getting started in a job and, when needed, resuming employment. In supporting you we are guided by the Employment Programme and the Labour Market Measures Act.

Cooperation Agreements
Cooperation Agreements • December 26th, 2013

2012/09 與中國人民大學書報資料中心簽訂協議書 Agreement signed with the Information Centre for Social Sciences of Renmin University of China 2012/09 與暨南大學簽訂學術合作交流協議書 Cooperation & exchange agreement signed with Jinan University 2012/09 與北京大學簽訂關於葡萄牙語專業學生交流學習安排合作協議書 Cooperation agreement signed with Peking University on student exchange in the Portuguese language programme 2012/10 與台灣中山醫學大學簽訂學術合作交流協議書 Cooperation & exchange agreement signed with Chung Shan Medical University in Taiwan 2012/10 與里斯本大學簽署合作協議書修訂本 Amended cooperation agreement signed with the University of Lisbon 2012/10 與澳門懷舊收藏協會簽訂學術交流與合作協議書 Cooperation & exchange agreement signed with Macao Association of Antique Collectors 2012/10 與澳門文獻信息學會簽訂學術交流與合作協議書 Cooperation & exchange agreement signed with Macao Documentation and Information Society 2012/10 與澳門歷史文化研究協會簽訂澳門歷史文化領域合作協議書 Cooperation agreement signed with the Association for the Study of History and Culture of Macao 2012/11 與天津理工大學簽訂合作交流協議書 Cooperation & exchange agreement signed with Tian

Cooperation Agreements
Cooperation Agreements • October 7th, 2016

Certain highly important forms of cooperation such as the relo- cation of witnesses under threat, the enforcement of sentences, and receiving acquitted persons or suspects or accused on interim release, are not strict obligations for States Parties under the Rome Statute, but the ICC cannot per- form these functions on its own and it needs the voluntary cooper- ation of States.

Cooperation Agreements • January 8th, 2020
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