Ex-Ante Evaluation (for Japanese ODA Loan)Oda Loan Agreement • March 29th, 2016
Contract Type FiledMarch 29th, 2016transportation plays a central role in domestic transportation. Cambodia is located between Thailand and Vietnam. The territory is also located in the heart of the Southern Economic Corridor, where initiatives to strengthen connectivity are being promoted under the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity approved at the 2010 ASEAN top-level meeting. Because of its location, Cambodia is expected to become a regional distribution hub. Cambodia is making a progress in rehabilitating its transportation infrastructure since the civil wars ended in 1991 with help of the international community, including Japan, World Bank and Asian Development Bank. Rehabilitation and construction on the core part of its road and bridge infrastructure has almost been completed for the first time during the post-war period. However, some further rehabilitation is still needed due to aged parts and makeshift repairs after the civil war and the narrowness of the roads in order to cope with the increase in domestic an