ContractService Agreement • October 27th, 2022
Contract Type FiledOctober 27th, 2022English French CHARGEPOINT AS A SERVICE AGREEMENT CONTRAT CHARGEPOINT AS A SERVICE This ChargePoint EV Charging as a Service Agreement (this “Agreement”) is made and entered into by and between the customer specified during the ChargePoint as a Service (“CPaaS”) order process (the “Customer”), and ChargePoint Network (France) SAS B.V., a company with limited liability by shares, registered with the Chamber of Commerce under number 843 873 464 Le présent Contrat ChargePoint as a Service relatif à la recharge électrique (le« Contrat ») est conclu entre le client spécifié lors du processus de commande ChargePoint as a Service (« CPaaS ») (le « Client ») et le Réseau ChargePoint (France) SAS B.V., une société à responsabilité limitée par actions, immatriculée auprès de la Chambre de Commerce sous le numéro843 873 464 RCS PARIS, whose registered office is located at 12 Rue de la Chaussé d’Antin,75009 Paris, R.C.S. RCS PARIS, dont le siège social est sis au 12 rue de la Chaussée d’Antin, 750