Common Contracts

1 similar Negotiated Agreement contracts

Negotiated Agreement
Negotiated Agreement • August 25th, 2021

Recognition Pg. 2 Agreement Pg. 2 Definitions Pg. 2-3 The School Day (Definition, Plan Time) Pg. 3-4 Dress Code Pg. 4 NEA Pg. 4 Teacher Evaluation Instruments Pg. 4 First Aid Training Pg. 4 Student Evaluation Pg. 5 Contracts (Supplementals, Extensions, Days) Pg. 5 Liquidation of Contract Pg. 5-6 Early Resignation Notification Incentive Pg. 6 New Teacher Orientation Pg. 6-7 Sick Leave (Allowance, Accumulated, Medical Statement, New Employee, Deduction, Written Report, Sick Leave Bank) Pg. 7 Family Illness or Death Pg. 7-8 Personal Leave Pg. 8 Professional Leave Pg. 8 Unpaid Leave Pg. 8 Family Medical Leave Act Leave Pg. 8-10 Compensation (Salary Schedule, Signing Bonus, Sponsorships, Coaching, Fringe Benefit, Group Health Insurance Benefit, Traveling Teachers, Supplemental Duty, Grant Writing Bonus, Preparation Time, Curriculum/School Improvement/Staff Development) Pg. 11-14 Contract Distribution Pg. 13 Management Rights Pg. 13 Grievance Policy Pg. 14-17 Reduction of Teaching Staff Pg.

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