Agreement for Use of Mountain Bike and Release and Waiver of Liability Sample Contracts
AGREEMENT FOR USE OF MOUNTAIN BIKE ANDAgreement for Use of Mountain Bike and Release and Waiver of Liability • April 4th, 2011
Contract Type FiledApril 4th, 2011Potato Hill farm Outdoor Education Center (PHFOEC) owns a number of mountain bikes, and biking equipment. To ensure that such equipment is used properly, and to ensure that the individual using the equipment (the “Rider”) behaves responsibly and has the best possible experience, PHFOEC requires that the Rider (and the Rider’s parent or other legal guardian, if the Rider is under 18) read and sign this agreement, which defines the Rider’s obligations in exchange for using a PHFOEC bike (the “Bike).
Standard Contracts
AGREEMENT FOR USE OF MOUNTAIN BIKE AND RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITYAgreement for Use of Mountain Bike and Release and Waiver of Liability • December 27th, 2023
Contract Type FiledDecember 27th, 2023The ___________________ Mountain Bike Club (“Club”), owns a number of mountain bikes (“Bike”) and biking equipment (“Equipment”). The Club wants to make these Bikes available for use by _____________ (“Rider”) for training and racing. To ensure that the Bike is used properly, and to ensure that Rider behaves responsibly, this agreement defines Rider’s obligations made in exchange for using the Club’s Bike.