ALLIED HEALTH ENTERPRISE AGREEMENT 2019 -2022Allied Health Enterprise Agreement • December 19th, 2019
Contract Type FiledDecember 19th, 2019This Agreement shall apply to the Corporation of the Synod of the Diocese of Brisbane trading as Anglicare Southern Queensland (‘Anglicare SQ’) and its employees being Allied Health Staff as defined in clause 2.7 and who work in Residential, Community and Home Care Sector as defined in clause 2.2 and for whom classifications and rates of pay are set out in this Agreement.
Standard Contracts
Act Allied Health Enterprise AgreementAllied Health Enterprise Agreement • September 14th, 2022
Contract Type FiledSeptember 14th, 2022fOeslltrWogeosltiheiccoantdemcopnovreizregdinognAeg-suisdteednlyevaenrdouvnebrpaarrsicsaedsechairsnaslulypewrhtaennkAerddaoirghmydartoicpallalyneadndhiisnvciagroortainti.nPglays. sRivaechainddial