Standard Contracts
Groundwater (Border Agreement) Act 1985Border Groundwaters Agreement • February 22nd, 2008
Contract Type FiledFebruary 22nd, 2008
BORDER GROUNDWATERS AGREEMENTBorder Groundwaters Agreement • December 21st, 2021
Contract Type FiledDecember 21st, 2021WHEREAS it is desirable to make provision to protect the Groundwater resources adjacent to the border between the State of South Australia and the State of Victoria and to provide for the cooperative management and equitable sharing of those resources and to guard against the undue depletion or degradation thereof:
BORDER GROUNDWATERS AGREEMENTBorder Groundwaters Agreement • November 1st, 2020
Contract Type FiledNovember 1st, 2020WHEREAS it is desirable to make provision to protect the Groundwater resources adjacent to the border between the State of South Australia and the State of Victoria and to provide for the cooperative management and equitable sharing of those resources and to guard against the undue depletion or degradation thereof: