DateCasual Use Agreement • April 18th, 2023
Contract Type FiledApril 18th, 2023
Standard Contracts
insert date] [Insert address to licensee] Dear [insert name] Casual Use Agreement - Licence to Occupy school premisesCasual Use Agreement • October 2nd, 2020
Contract Type FiledOctober 2nd, 2020The School Board of Trustees (the Board) is the controlling authority for [name of school] (the School) and has agreed to enter into this licence agreement to allow [name of licensee] (you/your) to use [the school hall or playing fields or part of the school premises-delete or amend as appropriate] (the Premises) for the purpose of [insert the purpose] (Permitted Use) on the terms and conditions set out in this letter (Licence). The Secretary of Education (the Secretary) has authorised the Board to enter into this Licence pursuant to a Gazette Notice published under Section 163 of the Education and Training Act 2020.
Casual Use Agreement in relation to school premisesCasual Use Agreement • January 10th, 2024
Contract Type FiledJanuary 10th, 2024