Standard Contracts
St. Bonaventure University Cheerleading ContractCheerleading Contract • July 16th, 2013
Contract Type FiledJuly 16th, 2013The St. Bonaventure University cheerleading program is a student activity. As such, its first and foremost responsibility to the student, is to support and not to compromise the student’s academic career. Secondly, the program should aid in developing the student participant into a responsible, mature, and independent adult. Cheerleading is an activity where the student will be provided: leadership training, development of self-confidence, development of interpersonal relationships and generally will maximize the opportunity for student growth.
AHS Sideline Cheerleading Contract 2021Cheerleading Contract • July 24th, 2021
Contract Type FiledJuly 24th, 2021***This signed document binds Cheerleader to all rules and regulations of the Alpharetta High School Cheerleading program and may be subject to change at the discretion of the Coaches.
Menendez Cheerleading ContractCheerleading Contract • March 3rd, 2019
Contract Type FiledMarch 3rd, 2019A cheerleader’s first responsibility is to his/her academic program. The educational process should not be compromised by participating in cheerleading. Each team member is required to maintain a 2.0 GPA. If the participant’s GPA drops below a 2.0 GPA they will be dismissed from the squad and may not try out for the next season until their GPA is brought up. Each progress report and report card will be looked at by the cheer coaches as they are issued. Cheerleaders will be required to attend tutoring per the Athletic Department’s rules if any class grade is under a C.
Perry Cheer ContractCheerleading Contract • April 17th, 2018
Contract Type FiledApril 17th, 2018To promote and generate interest, enthusiasm, support and pride in athletic teams, events, traditions, and Perry High School.
Wiregrass Ranch Cheerleading 2023-24 ContractCheerleading Contract • August 11th, 2023
Contract Type FiledAugust 11th, 2023Thank you for becoming a part of the WRHS cheer family! Please understand that this is a commitment that must be taken seriously by both the parent and the athlete. Each member should always remember when both in and out of uniform that they represent the entire group, school and administration and must act accordingly.
BIG VALLEY SABRES CHEER CONTRACTCheerleading Contract • September 7th, 2022
Contract Type FiledSeptember 7th, 2022The organization shall be known as Big Valley Sabres. This contract voids out previous contracts and is for both new and returning cheerleaders.
ContractCheerleading Contract • August 22nd, 2022
Contract Type FiledAugust 22nd, 2022
Dear Parents and Tryout Participants,Cheerleading Contract • March 28th, 2024
Contract Type FiledMarch 28th, 2024Thank you for the interest you have shown in trying out for the high school cheer team. Being a high school cheerleader is a great leadership opportunity. There are a few items that you need to be aware of before trying out concerning the time and financial commitment of being a part of the team. Please carefully review the following information. If adherence to these rules and time commitment involved do not meet your approval, please do not try out. The success of the team depends on every member.
ContractCheerleading Contract • September 20th, 2020
Contract Type FiledSeptember 20th, 2020
HARCUM COLLEGE CHEERLEADING CONTRACTCheerleading Contract • October 15th, 2012
Contract Type FiledOctober 15th, 2012
Wetumpka Middle School CheerCheerleading Contract • February 3rd, 2021
Contract Type FiledFebruary 3rd, 2021
Cibola High School Cheerleading Contract 2023-2024Cheerleading Contract • March 23rd, 2023
Contract Type FiledMarch 23rd, 2023Thank you for your interest in the Cibola High School Cheer Program. We believe cheerleading is a rewarding and exciting sport; teaching dedication, sportsmanship and teamwork, all while promoting school spirit.
Cheerleading Contract Sandwich Middle School 2019-2020Cheerleading Contract • October 16th, 2019
Contract Type FiledOctober 16th, 2019Cheerleaders, by title, are role models. I hope that you will embrace this role. Remember that there are people watching everything you say and do. Because of this, the Sandwich Middle School Cheerleaders are expected to set high standards for their school and to set a good example for their fellow students. To achieve these ends, the cheerleaders will:
Claude High School Cheerleading Contract 2022-2023Cheerleading Contract • November 26th, 2024
Contract Type FiledNovember 26th, 2024The objective of the Claude High School and Junior High Cheerleading squads is to effectively execute a school spirit program that supports the athletic teams and promotes the school itself. Cheerleaders and the mascot will serve as positive role models and leaders for CHS/CJH and should promote sportsmanship within our school, our community, and among other schools at all times. This contract has been developed by current Cheer Sponsors and campus Administration. This Cheerleading Contract is not meant to be a complete statement of all policies, procedures, or rules in any given circumstance. This contract is subject to change, and any changes will be communicated to Administration, and to the cheerleading squad.
ContractCheerleading Contract • February 3rd, 2022
Contract Type FiledFebruary 3rd, 2022Each cheerleader is required to maintain a 2.5 GPA. Grades will be monitored by the coaches and if there should be a failing grade in any subject at any time, the cheerleader will be asked to attend tutoring and not participate in practices or games until the grade is brought up to a passing grade.
ContractCheerleading Contract • November 17th, 2014
Contract Type FiledNovember 17th, 2014This mission of the Dundee-Crown Cheerleaders is to support our athletic teams by promoting school spirit and good sportsmanship. We will uphold the honor and tradition of Dundee-Crown High School through our commitment to our school and community. We will strengthen our pride in ourselves and our school throughout hard work and commitment to our team.
Durham Middlefield Falcons Cheerleading ContractCheerleading Contract • April 26th, 2018
Contract Type FiledApril 26th, 2018
Ringgold Cheer Contract 2021-2022Cheerleading Contract • April 14th, 2021
Contract Type FiledApril 14th, 2021• Each student must know and be willing to abide by the RHS Varsity Competitive Spirit Squad Contract and the RHS Student-Athlete Handbook.
CONTRACT Items in this contract may be edited by the discretion of administration, coach, and advisorCheerleading Contract • October 27th, 2022
Contract Type FiledOctober 27th, 2022• Sign and adhere to all rules and regulations for the Poulsbo Middle School Cheerleading Squad and Student Code of Conduct.
DePaul Prep Cheerleading ContractCheerleading Contract • May 8th, 2023
Contract Type FiledMay 8th, 2023▪ To promote and generate interest, enthusiasm, support and pride in athletic teams, events, traditions, and DePaul College Prep..
WVJE Cheer Contract:Cheerleading Contract • June 29th, 2023
Contract Type FiledJune 29th, 2023This is an SYF cheer rule: your child, during stunting or tumbling, can tear their ear, if earrings are worn, any jewelry could hurt your child, during this sport. It is also not WVJE’s responsibility to keep track of
Bartram Trail Cheerleading 2024-2025 ContractCheerleading Contract • March 28th, 2024
Contract Type FiledMarch 28th, 2024
ContractCheerleading Contract • June 21st, 2022
Contract Type FiledJune 21st, 2022As a Guilford College Cheerleader, I (print name), will follow this contract and understand that any breach of this contract may result in being sidelined from cheer team activities. Furthermore I understand that, as a cheerleader for the college, I am a spirit ambassador for the school as well as a role model and should always display good character and values.
ContractCheerleading Contract • September 14th, 2021
Contract Type FiledSeptember 14th, 2021This contract has been written and adapted for the Glenbrook South High School Cheerleading Squads. The team and its contract are supported by the Glenbrook South Athletic Code.
2018- 2019 Highland High School Cheerleading ContractCheerleading Contract • October 24th, 2018
Contract Type FiledOctober 24th, 2018The Cheerleading Squads shall be known as the Highland High School JV (Junior Varsity) (if applicable) and Varsity Cheer Squads.
This contract MUST be signed by both parent/guardian and cheerleader.Cheerleading Contract • August 12th, 2024
Contract Type FiledAugust 12th, 2024We believe sideline cheerleading should be fun for all athletes, coaches, and parents and/or guardians. Our youth should have the ability to develop love for the sport they participate in while also learning the value of sportsmanship. The Lower Loudoun Youth Football League (LLYFL) Family believes that all athletes, coaches, and parents/guardians play an essential role in the success of our program.