Code of Conduct Sample Contracts
A1 DEFINITIONSCode of Conduct • September 20th, 2016
Contract Type FiledSeptember 20th, 2016A1.1 In this Code, except where the context otherwise requires, the expressions in the left hand column below shall have the meanings given to them in the right hand column below:
Standard Contracts
Code of ConductCode of Conduct • November 22nd, 2021
Contract Type FiledNovember 22nd, 2021This Code of Conduct is an agreement between volunteers who commit to the Oregon State University Extension Master Gardener Program and the Oregon State University Extension Master Gardener program faculty / staff in charge of programming at the county or local level. The Code shall guide the volunteers’ behavior during their involvement with the Master Gardener Program.
Summer Institute @UCFCode of Conduct • April 24th, 2017
Contract Type FiledApril 24th, 2017
Irish Music Rights Organisation CLGCode of Conduct • July 20th, 2020
Contract Type FiledJuly 20th, 2020Welcome to the IMRO Code of Conduct. This document outlines the roles and responsibilities of IMRO, sets best practice and determines the standards that govern how the society operates in its interaction with all its stakeholders
The Code of Conduct for Ceasefire agreed between the Government of Nepal and the CPN (Maoist) on 25 May 2006 at GokarnaCode of Conduct • August 19th, 2015
Contract Type FiledAugust 19th, 2015Respecting the popular mandate expressed through the historic people’s movement in favor of full democracy, progress and peace;
Contract Type FiledDecember 11th, 2023This Code of Conduct is for graduates of the Diploma in Practical Spirituality and Wellness (CFI Level 3), the Diploma in Spiritual Coaching and Caregiving (CFI Level 3), and for registrants on the UK Register of Spiritual Caregivers. Some work publicly and formally.
This Code of Conduct is an unsigned agreement between the Parent, Carer, Visitor and Tottenhall Infant School.Code of Conduct • November 4th, 2020
Contract Type FiledNovember 4th, 2020At Tottenhall Infant School we are very proud and fortunate to have a very dedicated and supportive school community. At our school the staff, governors, parents and carers all recognise that the education of our children is a partnership between us.
SACRED HEART CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOLCode of Conduct • September 30th, 2022
Contract Type FiledSeptember 30th, 2022This Code of Conduct is an unsigned agreement between the parent / carer / visitor and Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School and operates alongside our Home-School Agreement.
ContractCode of Conduct • December 11th, 2020
Contract Type FiledDecember 11th, 2020Player and Parent 2019 Code of Conduct and Agreement- Adamstown Rose- bud Junior Football Club Incorporated- Women’s Premier League
COUNCILCode of Conduct • December 14th, 2010
Contract Type FiledDecember 14th, 2010Recalling that Articles 3 and 4 of Council Decision 2010/48/EC of 26 November 2009 concerning the conclusion, by the European Community, of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (1), provide for the need to agree on a Code of Conduct before the deposition of the instrument of formal confirmation on behalf of the Union,
CODE OF CONDUCTCode of Conduct • July 16th, 2024
Contract Type FiledJuly 16th, 2024The Frontier Central Board of Education is committed to providing a safe and orderly school environment where students may receive and District personnel may deliver quality educational services without disruption or interference. Responsible behavior by students, teachers, other District personnel, parents and other visitors is essential to achieving this goal.
B’rit Kehillah – Code of ConductCode of Conduct • April 18th, 2017
Contract Type FiledApril 18th, 2017URJ Heller High School in Israel (URJ Heller High) (formerly NFTY-EIE) has spent much time and effort evolving what we believe to be the most appropriate policies to insure the health and safety of each student on our programs. We expect and understand that during all travel programs, young people will “push the limits” as teenagers do with the expected consequences. However, as we are involved with international travel and all that it implies, there are proscribed limits beyond which we cannot allow anyone to go. This means that there is a behavior code which will be strictly enforced.
THIS CONTRACT IS VALID April 1, 2017 THRU March 31, 2018Code of Conduct • March 6th, 2017
Contract Type FiledMarch 6th, 2017This Agreement describes the obligations of the player (hereinafter “Player”) and the Player’s parent(s) (hereinafter, “Parent”) to the Crescenta Valley Soccer Club (hereinafter “CVSC” or “Club”) and to the team on which Player will be playing (hereinafter “the Team”). Player and Parent must sign and deliver to Club this Agreement as a condition to playing on the Team. This Agreement supersedes any previous representations, promises, agreements and/or understandings between Player, Parent, the Club and the Team, or any of them, whether oral or written.
Code of ConductCode of Conduct • September 25th, 2020
Contract Type FiledSeptember 25th, 2020This Code of Conduct is between __________________________________ (student), _________________________ (their caregiver), _________________________ (bus operator), and _______________________________ (school). The caregiver and the student should ensure they have read and understood this document, which is to be adhered to for the safety of the bus driver and all students travelling on the school bus. I, ____________________________ (student), agree to abide by the behavioural expectations described below: When I am a seated passenger, I will remain in my seat for the whole journey. I will not eat on the bus or throw anything inside or out of the bus. If I am a standing passenger, I will stand quietly and not push or move around the bus. I will respect other students and their property at all times (this includes pushing, verbal or physical abuse, or any other behaviour that may distract the driver). I will use socially acceptable language when conversing with the driver and/o
Code of Conduct for Parents & Carers Hove Junior SchoolCode of Conduct • June 21st, 2021
Contract Type FiledJune 21st, 2021At Hove Junior School we are very proud and fortunate to have a very dedicated and supportive school community. At our school the staff, Governors, parents and carers all recognise that the education of our children is a partnership between us.
Contract Type FiledNovember 9th, 2021
Code of Conduct for Staff & VolunteersCode of Conduct • August 24th, 2022
Contract Type FiledAugust 24th, 2022Staff & Volunteers in the Archdiocese of Dublin are uniquely placed to act as positive role models to children and young people participating in Church activities. Such participation provides the opportunity to promote the development of self-confidence and enhance the wellbeing of the children & young people with whom we interact. This agreement serves to articulate the expectations of adult behaviour when working with children & young people in the Archdiocese of Dublin. It aims to provide confidence to children & young people, staff, volunteers, and parents that safeguarding children and young people is of paramount importance.
Code of Conduct for Participants of the Teapot Valley Choral Camp 2025Code of Conduct • March 31st, 2024
Contract Type FiledMarch 31st, 2024This Code of Conduct is between each participant (and their parent or guardian for singers under 18) and the Teapot Summer School Trust (TSST).
It is the policy of Berlin Youth Baseball and Softball (BYBS) that its members shall conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike and positive manner when representing BYBS at games, tournaments, practices, and other related activities. BYBS members are...Code of Conduct • December 8th, 2023
Contract Type FiledDecember 8th, 2023Parents/Families will not approach any player, coach, other parent, or spectator of the opposing team, or umpire before, during, or after a game as any attempts to do so may be perceived to be threatening. Parents/Families are responsible for the behavior of any other family members or friends present at a BYBS event.
This Code of Conduct is an unsigned agreement between the Parent, Carer, Visitor and Hove Junior School.Code of Conduct • January 27th, 2023
Contract Type FiledJanuary 27th, 2023At Hove Learning Federation School we are very proud and fortunate to have a very dedicated and supportive school community. At our school the staff, Governors, parents and carers all recognise that the education of our children is a partnership between us.
Contract Type FiledJanuary 27th, 2016The Northwest Territories Snowboard Association (NWTSA, NWT Snowboard Association or the Association) supports fair play, sportsmanship and broad based participation and believes those members participating at Association activities or on behalf of the NWTSA, should respect this intent by following the Association’s Code of Conduct. This Code of Conduct is an agreement that applies to all NWTSA members (athletes, coaches, officials and managers) who participate in events, competitions, clubs and meetings, within, and outside of the NWT.
MIRO CODE OF CONDUCTCode of Conduct • May 24th, 2022
Contract Type FiledMay 24th, 2022This Code outlines Miro’s company standards and expectations for itself for meeting goals while transacting business with transparency, honesty, trust, and social responsibility.
Participants of the Diamond Girls Softball Association Code of Conduct ContractCode of Conduct • January 30th, 2024
Contract Type FiledJanuary 30th, 2024This contract is an agreement between all parties that participate in the DIAMOND GIRLS SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION (DGSA). The intent is to familiarize everyone with the common goals and expectations for the upcoming season, Select Season, and any All-Star season. Standards of conduct are a part of the USA National Code and Southern California Rules and Regulations. Every DGSA participant shall respect these standards.
Code of Conduct for Staff & VolunteersCode of Conduct • February 6th, 2018
Contract Type FiledFebruary 6th, 2018This agreement serves to articulate the expectations of adult behaviour when working with children & young people in the Archdiocese of Dublin. It aims to provide confidence to children & young people, staff, volunteers, and parents that safeguarding children and young people is of paramount importance.
ContractCode of Conduct • August 17th, 2022
Contract Type FiledAugust 17th, 2022Code of Conduct 2022 This Code of Conduct is between (student), (their caregiver), KIWI Coach Charters, and Elim Christian College.The caregiver and the student should ensure they have read and understood this document, which is to be adhered to for the safety of the bus driver and all students travelling on the school bus.I, (student), agree to abide by the behavioural expectations described below:▪ When I am a seated passenger, I will remain in my seat for the whole journey.▪ I will not eat on the bus or throw anything inside or out of the bus.▪ If I am a standing passenger, I will stand quietly and not push or move around the bus.▪ I will respect other students and their property at all times (this includes pushing, verbal or physical abuse, or any other behaviour that may distract the driver).▪ I will use socially acceptable language when conversing with the driver and/or other students and I will not speak at a volume that may distract the driver.▪ I will respect the property o
This is a binding agreement which must be read and signed by every player, parent, and coach as aCode of Conduct • February 20th, 2020
Contract Type FiledFebruary 20th, 2020prerequisite to participating in the Edmonds Lacrosse Club (“ELC” or “Club”). All breaches of this agreement reported to the ELC Board will be investigated by the ELC Board. Reports of violations may be submitted in writing to the President or member of the ELC Board by players or parents.
Agreement to RulesCode of Conduct • March 15th, 2022
Contract Type FiledMarch 15th, 2022All persons who stay at Sundowner Lodge (referred to as Lodge guests) agree to abide by these Rules at all times during their stay. Failure to abide by these Rules may result in the loss of accommodation privileges.
Code of ConductCode of Conduct • October 8th, 2008
Contract Type FiledOctober 8th, 2008As a member of the Kent County Public Schools community, I am signing this contract as a pledge to uphold the six pillars of Character Counts! (Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring, and Citizenship). The definitions of these pillars include, but are not limited to, the following:
Contract Type FiledMarch 30th, 2015Agreement: It is the intention of this pledge to promote proper behaviour and respect for all participants within the Association. All players, parents and team officials will have to sign this pledge before being allowed to participate in this hockey season and must continue to observe the principles of FAIR PLAY throughout the course of the season.
This Code of Conduct is an unsigned agreement between the Parent, Carer, Visitor and Trinity St Stephen Church of England First SchoolCode of Conduct • April 30th, 2020
Contract Type FiledApril 30th, 2020The Governors and Staff at Trinity St Stephen Church of England First School value the positive relationship the school has with all its stakeholders and believe that maintaining good relationships is the best way to ensure that the school is able to deliver its primary function: providing the highest standard of education to all its children.
Moneylicious Securities Private Limited (“MSPL/ Dhan”) Partner, Authorised Person - Code of ConductCode of Conduct • August 30th, 2023
Contract Type FiledAugust 30th, 2023
Contract Type FiledFebruary 11th, 2019The NWT Amateur Speed Skating Association (NWTASSA, NWT Speed Skating or the Association) supports fair play, sportsmanship and broad-based participation and believes those members participating at Association activities or on behalf of the NWTASSA, should respect this intent by following the Association’s Code of Conduct. This Code of Conduct is an agreement that applies to all NWTASSA members (athletes, coaches, officials and managers) who participate in events, competitions and meetings, within, and outside of the NWT.
ASI Sustainability Professionals Members Network:Code of Conduct • September 18th, 2023
Contract Type FiledSeptember 18th, 2023The purpose of this network is to engage in conversation around leadership capacities and to build supportive relationships for the transition to a low-carbon, socially-inclusive economy; this requires a level of vulnerability from our members. The Academy for Sustainable Innovation is committed to cultivating brave spaces in which we can bring our lived experiences and perspectives to these conversations to support each other through change and growth. In order to collectively foster an enjoyable and learningful space for everyone, we request that all members abide by the following agreements:
A Matter Trust Volunteer | Code of ConductCode of Conduct • November 15th, 2022
Contract Type FiledNovember 15th, 2022This agreement is intended to indicate the seriousness of your service at Boys & Girls Clubs of Sonoma Valley (BGCSV). The intent of the agreement is to assure you of our deep appreciation for your service, to indicate our commitment to do the very best we can to make your volunteer experience here a productive and rewarding one, and to provide a safe, positive environment for Club members and staff.
Contract Type FiledJanuary 17th, 2018