Licence agreement concerning inclusion of doctoralCollaboration in Groups During Teacher Education • June 1st, 2011
Contract Type FiledJune 1st, 2011Teachers are expected to frequently collaborate within teacher communities in schools. This requires teacher education to prepare student teachers by developing the necessary community competence. The present study empirically investigates the extent to which teacher education programmes pay attention to and aim at stimulating the development of community competence in the intended curriculum, the implemented curriculum, and the attained curriculum. Various types of data are gathered and analysed in respect of these three curriculum representations. It appears that community competence is weakly conceptualised in the intended curriculum. In the implemented, and especially the attained curriculum, this results in no systematic and explicit practice in terms of the development of community competence.
Licence agreement concerning inclusion of doctoralCollaboration in Groups During Teacher Education • June 1st, 2011
Contract Type FiledJune 1st, 2011In dit proefschrift wordt verslag gedaan van vier studies waarin het samenwerken tussen docenten in opleiding (dio’s) onderzocht is. Samenwerking in de lerarenopleiding is belangrijk, omdat dit het leerproces van de dio’s tijdens de lerarenopleiding kan stimuleren en omdat ze zo voorbereid kunnen worden op hun eigen sociale rol als collega op school.
Licence agreement concerning inclusion of doctoralCollaboration in Groups During Teacher Education • June 1st, 2011
Contract Type FiledJune 1st, 2011