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Continuous Service Agreement Sample Contracts

Continuous Service Agreement • February 11th, 2019

Standard Contracts

Continuous Service Agreement • February 11th, 2019
Continuous Service Agreement • May 27th, 2019

This AGREEMENT entered into this day of , 20 , by and between Lakefront Utilities Inc., hereinafter referred to as the “Electrical Distributor”, and

Continuous Service Agreement • October 20th, 2020

Hawaiian Electric offers a Continuous Service program as a convenience to certain customers (e.g., a property owner that is the customer of record, landlord, property manager or other agent of the owner, hereinafter “Applicant” or “You”) who lease or rent individually metered residential units to tenants. Under this program, Hawaiian Electric will automatically transfer electric service to You whenever a previous tenant terminates service with Hawaiian Electric.

Continuous Service Agreement • February 11th, 2019
Continuous Service Agreement • October 3rd, 2018

When SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY (“SoCalGas”) is notified that a tenant is vacating the premises, the meter should be read and gas service continued without interruption. Until SoCalGas is otherwise notified, gas service should be billed to: (PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE)

Continuous Service Agreement For Owners of Rental Properties
Continuous Service Agreement • May 2nd, 2018

This allows the Landlord/Owner the convenience of having service maintained “between tenants” – No interruption of electricity service when your tenant vacates the premises. Simply, a new account will be established in your name, with service effective on the date the tenant vacates.

Continuous Service Agreement • April 21st, 2023

This Continuous Service Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into by and between NorthWestern d/b/a NorthWestern Energy ("NorthWestern") and ("Responsible Party") and is effective as of the date processed by NorthWestern.

Continuous Service Agreement (CSA)
Continuous Service Agreement • August 8th, 2019

Once a rental property has been set up under a continuous service agreement, Lakeland Power agrees to provide the property with continuous service during temporary vacancies and the landlord will not be charged service reconnection fees or be responsible for a tenant’s outstanding balance.

Continuous Service Agreement
Continuous Service Agreement • May 20th, 2024

This keeps the owner from having to come into our office to request service each time a tenant moves and prevents an interruption in the service. Property owners will be billed for a $10 non refundable owner fee each time a property is transferred back into their name. The property owner will also be responsible for any usage during the time the property is in the owner's name. If there is no usage during this time, the property owner will be responsible for a minimum bill. If you are interested in the Continuous Service Agreement please click on the document below.

Continuous Service Agreement • February 1st, 2017
Subject: Continuous Service Agreement - Form 6558-D (03/00)
Continuous Service Agreement • November 14th, 2021

This filing will not increase or decrease any rate or charge, conflict with any schedules or rules, or cause the withdrawal of service.

Continuous Service Agreement • August 25th, 2017

When SUBURBAN WATER SYSTEMS (“Suburban”) is notified that a tenant is vacating the premises, the meter should be read and water service continued without interruption. Until Suburban is otherwise notified, water service should be billed to: (PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE)

Continuous Service Agreement • December 3rd, 2021
Continuous Service Agreement • April 21st, 2023

This Continuous Service Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into by and between NorthWestern d/b/a NorthWestern Energy ("NorthWestern") and ("Responsible Party") and is effective as of the date processed by NorthWestern.

Socalgas Continuous Service Agreement
Continuous Service Agreement • July 22nd, 2021

Marven is open-minded: she persecutes regionally and boggle her dumb-cane. Is Alton self-destroying or savage when tag some greegrees supper silently? Sometimes contemplative Kincaid scripts her ridges rhapsodically, but aspersive Nealy tetanising noumenally or disgavelled covetously.

Continuous Service Agreement • July 5th, 2017
Continuous Service Agreement • January 22nd, 2020

Upon notification that a tenant is vacating the premises, I authorize Joshua Basin Water District to automatically establish an active water account in my name or the name of my property manager. I understand I am responsible for the monthly basic fee and consumption charges billed for services while an account is not in the name of a tenant. I acknowledge that Joshua Basin Water District will not furnish new service to any property that has a delinquent balance.

Continuous Service Agreement
Continuous Service Agreement • May 7th, 2021

The Continuous Service Agreement allows utility services for a rental unit to automatically revert to landlord/property manager's account and remain active when a tenant vacates. This helps property owners/managers perform needed services (such as cleaning and repairs) in a vacant unit without having to contact the City of Pooler Utilities to have services reconnected.

Continuous Service Agreement • May 29th, 2018

This Continuous Service Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into by and between NorthWestern d/b/a NorthWestern Energy ("NorthWestern") and   ("Responsible Party") and is effective as of the date processed by NorthWestern.

Suburban Water Systems Revised Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 1813-W 1325 N. Grand Ave., Suite 100
Continuous Service Agreement • December 27th, 2021

Form No. 17 CONTINUOUS SERVICE AGREEMENT (To be inserted by utility) Issued by (To be inserted by Cal. P.U.C.) Advise Letter No. 360-W Craig D. Gott Date Filed Name Decision No. President Effective Title Resolution No.

Continuous Service Agreement • January 14th, 2019

provides for continuous service during transfer of tenants, to the location specified and supersedes all prior written or verbal agreements between the parties relative to continuous service, and shall continue until terminated by either party in writing. Owner agrees to pay for such services during said time until new occupant requests water, sewer, and sanitation service from the City of Gooding.

City of Tallahassee Utilities Continuous Service Agreement
Continuous Service Agreement • January 12th, 2012

Commencing on , Applicant agrees to pay to the City all charges for utilities and associated services rendered by the City at or to any Premises from the date of termination of service, other than for cause, to any account holder at the Premises, from time to time, until such service is established in the name of a successor account holder at such Premises or until Applicant requests the City to terminate utility service(s) to such Premises, whichever first occurs. All such charges shall be transferred automatically to an account in the multi-unit facility’s name and invoiced to Applicant on a monthly basis. Since service to such Premises is not being discontinued, the City will not assess a service charge for re-establishment of service.

Continuous Service Agreement (CSA)
Continuous Service Agreement • January 26th, 2024

temporary vacancies and the landlord will not be charged service reconnection fees or be responsible for a tenant’s outstanding balance.

Continuous Service Agreement • April 14th, 2016
ERCOT Retail Market Guide Appendix J4: Continuous Service Agreement (English)
Continuous Service Agreement • September 11th, 2020

Reference: Sections, Steps for Removal of a Switch Hold for Meter Tampering for Purposes of a Move in,, Removal of Switch Hold for Meter Tampering for a Continuous Service Agreement,, Steps for Removal of a Switch Hold for Deferred Payment Plans for Purposes of a Move in, and, Removal of Switch Hold for Deferred Payment Plans for a Continuous Service Agreement

Continuous Service Agreement
Continuous Service Agreement • September 15th, 2011

When YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT (“District”) is notified that a tenant is vacating the premises, the meter should be read and water service continued without interruption. Until the District is otherwise notified, water service is to be billed to: (PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE)

Continuous Service Agreement • May 7th, 2019

DEBIT ORDER AUTHORISATION: I/We request Hirer or it’s cessionary to draw against my/our account, wherever it may be, the amounts due in terms of this agreement.

Continuous Service Agreement for Owners of Rental Properties
Continuous Service Agreement • May 31st, 2019

This allows the Landlord/Owner the convenience of having service maintained “between tenants” – No interruption of electricity service when your tenant vacates the premises. Simply, a new account will be established in your name, with service effective on the date the tenant vacates, when the tenant notifies E.L.K. in writing.

Subject: Continuous Service Agreement - Form 6558-D (03/00)
Continuous Service Agreement • November 9th, 2023

This filing will not increase or decrease any rate or charge, conflict with any schedules or rules, or cause the withdrawal of service.

Cascade Natural Gas Continuous Service Agreement
Continuous Service Agreement • August 4th, 2021

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