Contract for Sale of LandContract for Sale of Land • June 29th, 2023
Contract Type FiledJune 29th, 2023Contract Date: PARTIES Seller: NAME: ABN: Mareeba Shire Council Pursuant to Chapter 4, Part 12, Division 3 of the Local Government Regulation 39 114 383 874 ADDRESS: 65 Rankin Street SUBURB: MAREEBA STATE: QLD POSTCODE: 4880 CONTACT: TELEPHONE: EMAIL: 1300 308 461 Seller’s Solicitor: NAME: 🗆 or any other solicitor notified to the Buyer Preston Law REF: CONTACT: ADDRESS: 15 Spence Street SUBURB: CAIRNS STATE: QLD POSTCODE: 4870 PHONE: MOBILE: FAX: EMAIL: 07 4052 0700
Contract for Sale of LandContract for Sale of Land • June 28th, 2023
Contract Type FiledJune 28th, 2023Contract Date: PARTIES Seller: NAME: ABN: Mareeba Shire Council Pursuant to Chapter 4, Part 12, Division 3 of the Local Government Regulation 39 114 383 874 ADDRESS: 65 Rankin Street SUBURB: MAREEBA STATE: QLD POSTCODE: 4880 CONTACT: TELEPHONE: EMAIL: 1300 308 461 Seller’s Solicitor: NAME: 🗆 or any other solicitor notified to the Buyer Preston Law REF: CONTACT: ADDRESS: 15 Spence Street SUBURB: CAIRNS STATE: QLD POSTCODE: 4870 PHONE: MOBILE: FAX: EMAIL: 07 4052 0700
Unit 11 – Real Property: Acquisition and Disposition ARE 306Contract for Sale of Land • October 5th, 2004
Contract Type FiledOctober 5th, 2004
CONTRACT FOR SALE OF LANDContract for Sale of Land • March 8th, 2016
Contract Type FiledMarch 8th, 2016WITNESSETH; T h a t , W hereas, Sellers are ow ners of a certain parcel of land located in Madison C o u n ty , K e n tu ck y , which they are
Contract for sale of land nsw special conditionsContract for Sale of Land • July 30th, 2021
Contract Type FiledJuly 30th, 2021Property subject to Local Law 17 (Maintenance of Works in Waterway Areas) 1. Maintenance of Works in a Waterway Area 1.1 This Contract is a contract to which section 15 of the Gold Coast City Council Local Law 17 (Maintenance of Works in Waterway Areas) applies. 1.2 This following specified prescribed works are completely or partly situated on, or connected to, the property (insert details as relevant eg. revetment wall, training wall, jetty or pontoon). 1.3 Under Local Law 17, a person who is a responsible person for the specified prescribed work is, at that person's cost, required to maintain and keep the specified prescribed work in (i) a safe condition and (ii) good working order, repair and condition, including so that the prescribed work can continue to perform its intended function. 1.4 There [is/is not] (delete one) an outstanding notice issued by Council under Local Law 17 in relation to the specified prescribed works. [The contents of that notice are as follows: insert detail
ANNEXURE A – SPECIAL CONDITIONSContract for Sale of Land • July 3rd, 2015
Contract Type FiledJuly 3rd, 2015These are the Special Conditions referred to in and that form part of the Contract for Sale of Land by Offer and Acceptance Dated: / / made between the following persons concerning the following property (“Contract”):
COMMONWEALTH OF THE BAHAMAS IN THE SUPREME COURTContract for Sale of Land • April 20th, 2020
Contract Type FiledApril 20th, 2020Misrepresentation - Fraudulent misrepresentation – Elements of fraudulent misrepresentation - Whether misrepresentation induced plaintiff to enter into contract for sale of land
JUDGMENT - McPHERSON J.Contract for Sale of Land • October 24th, 2021
Contract Type FiledOctober 24th, 2021By a written contract dated 29th June 1981 the first defendant agreed for a price of $145,000.00 to buy from the plaintiff Lot 15 on a proposed building units plan which was in fact registered in the Titles Office on 10th June 1982 and is numbered 4993. The obligations of the first defendant under the contract were guaranteed by directors of the first defendant who are second and third defendants in the action.
January 2 9 , 1 9 8 5 LR 39Contract for Sale of Land • March 11th, 2024
Contract Type FiledMarch 11th, 2024continued to buy. In 1977 he bought 2 ,600 acre s f r om my uncle. My uncle's name was Fred La mb . I hav e her e the signed contract that S. E. Copple signed buying on a 20 year contract 2 6 h u n dred and some acres from my uncle, Fred Lamb. Now my u ncle died two ye ars ago l a st May . He wa s a b achelor , n e v e r ma r r i ed , and his heirs are myself and my sister. My sister and I inherited this c ontract w h i c h h a d about 15 yea r s t o r un at that time . We i n herited the contra ct . Now one d a y o n De c ember 29, 1983 , I re cei v e d a letter from an attorney in Rock County , Ba ss e tt , w ho i s involved in my uncle's estate and his letter told me that a ccordin g t o t he r eco r d s at the C o u nty Court H o u se at Bassett that this contract that S. E. Copple had signed with
HOLLOW t . DE WET. 13SContract for Sale of Land • March 19th, 2020
Contract Type FiledMarch 19th, 2020H had entered into a written contract with de W in 190B under which he pur- chaaed P, certain plots of ground, for agricultural purposes on the farm R belonging to de W which had been cut up into agricultural and building plots. There had been a verbal agreement of sale of P between H and de W in 1906 based on a circular advertising the plots into which R had been divided. There was also a written document purporting to be an agreement of sale of P signed by de W in 1906. This document referred to the circular, but it was not signed by H. The contract of 1909 male no reference to the circular. Held, that though, owing to the provisions of sec. 49 of Ordinance 12 of 1906 neither the verbal agreement nor the document signed only by de W were of any force or effect, the Court was not precluded from referring to the circular as evidence of the surrounding circumstances for the purpose of interpreting the written contract of 1909.
Address: 10-14 Icely Street, Carcoar NSW 2791Contract for Sale of Land • September 22nd, 2016
Contract Type FiledSeptember 22nd, 2016
Contract for sale of land nswContract for Sale of Land • May 15th, 2021
Contract Type FiledMay 15th, 2021A land contract is a written agreement between a seller and a buyer for the acquisition of a property. While sellers often prefer a one-time cash payment for the property, a land contract allows the buyer to effectively obtain a loan from the seller which they pay off in predetermined installments. This allows for the land transaction to occur without the hassle of obtaining traditional bank financing and for a buyer with bad credit to obtain a home. A land contract is also called a Trust Deed, a Private Mortgage, a Contract of Deeds or Notes. Identify the property you want to purchase and negotiate the terms of the transaction with the seller. These terms should include the purchase price, payment period and installment amounts along with other discussed contractual obligations. Analyze the property's location and market value. Information on the property's location can be found online via the city/county/town's website. Property value can be assessed by comparing recent sales in your
BETWEEN:Contract for Sale of Land • September 28th, 2021
Contract Type FiledSeptember 28th, 2021
Referred to in the Contract For Sale of Land by Offer and AcceptanceContract for Sale of Land • April 19th, 2011
Contract Type FiledApril 19th, 2011
Contract for sale of land nsw formContract for Sale of Land • February 10th, 2021
Contract Type FiledFebruary 10th, 2021A land contract is a written legal contract or contract used to purchase real estate, such as vacant land, house, apartment building, commercial building or other non-contract. The land contract is a form of financing by the seller. It is similar to a mortgage, but instead of the buyer borrowing money from a lender or bank to buy a property, it pays the owner of the property or the seller until the purchase price is paid in full. Both the buyer and the seller sign the land contract, which applies to the agreed conditions of sale. Upon fulfilment of all the contractual conditions, including the payment of the purchase price over a specified period of time, the legal name of the transfer of the property from the seller to the buyer by means of a guarantee document or other document used for the transfer of title. This article discusses the basis of land contracts, including how and when they are used to buy real estate. Why are land contracts used? As with other types of financing by the
JUDGMENT - McPHERSON J.Contract for Sale of Land • May 25th, 2022
Contract Type FiledMay 25th, 2022By a written contract dated 6th February, 1981, the respondents, who are the plaintiffs in the action and to whom I shall refer as “the purchaser”, agreed to purchase and the appellant as vendor agreed to sell certain registered land on which was erected a dwelling house. The contract, being in the standard printed form (1977) adopted by the Real Estate Institute of Queensland and approved by the Law Society, contains in cl. 22 provision that time shall in all cases and in every respect be of the essence of the contract; but the printed form in this instance was altered in cl. 14 by the substitution of “vendor” for “purchaser” in that provision which, as altered, now reads —
Referred to in the Contract For Sale of Land by Offer and AcceptanceContract for Sale of Land • April 19th, 2011
Contract Type FiledApril 19th, 2011
ContractContract for Sale of Land • March 5th, 2020 • Illinois
Contract Type FiledMarch 5th, 2020 JurisdictionTHIS CONTRACT is made on the day of , 2020, by and between the City of Carbondale, Illinois, an Illinois Municipal Corporation, having its principal office at 200 South Illinois Avenue, Carbondale, Illinois 62901, herein referred to as “Seller” and C6 Farms, LLC, having their principal residence at 1507 East 53rd Street, #871, Chicago, Illinois 60615, herein referred to as “Purchaser.”
IN THE COMMONWEALTH OF THE BAHAMAS IN THE COURT OF APPEALContract for Sale of Land • October 2nd, 2024
Contract Type FiledOctober 2nd, 2024IN THE MATTER of contract dated the 4th October, A.D. 2018 and made between David R. Johnstone and Camelot International Diplomatic Services Limited for the sale of a piece of lot of land being known as Lot Number Nineteen (19), Block number forty four (44) situated in Skyline Villas Subdivision in the Western District of the Island of New Providence one of the Islands of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas.
CONTRACT FOR SALE OF LANDContract for Sale of Land • February 20th, 2013
Contract Type FiledFebruary 20th, 2013public body and a body corporate and politic created, organized, and existing in accordance with the Urban Redevelopment Law of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Act of May 24, 1945, P.L. 991, as amended, maintaining its principal business office in the City of Uniontown, Fayette County, Pennsylvania, hereinafter referred to as “Authority” or “Seller”,
Demagogue Pty Ltd v Ramensky (1992) 110 ALR 608Contract for Sale of Land • March 6th, 2021
Contract Type FiledMarch 6th, 2021Mr and Mrs Ramensky entered into a contract with Demagogue Pty Ltd ("Demagogue") to purchase land at Noosa Heads in Queensland. Demagogue intended to construct a multi-level residential home unit building and then subdivide the land.
Contract for sale of land formContract for Sale of Land • April 17th, 2022
Contract Type FiledApril 17th, 2022What are the criteria for forming a valid contract for the sale of land. Reiwa contract for sale of land form. No formalities need to be complied with when concluding a contract for the sale of land. Formalities for the conclusion of a contract of the sale of land. Does a contract for the sale of land have to be in a particular form. Variation of contract for the sale of land – form 107. Standard form contract for sale of land nsw. Contract for sale of land form wa.
Contract Type FiledJune 26th, 2017
Contract for Sale of Land Instruction SheetContract for Sale of Land • April 7th, 2005
Contract Type FiledApril 7th, 2005Address What is your address?What is the address of the property being sold ? What is the title reference (ie Lot & DP or SP no)? Agent Please let us have the details of the Real Estate Agent who is handling the sale for you. Deposit Do you require the deposit to be released to you prior to completion for the purposes of purchasing another property in NSW? Yes No Auction or Private Treaty Are you selling by Auction or Private Treaty ? Auction Private Treaty Completion Date – When would you like settlement to take place ? Settlement is the date on which the Purchaser pays the balance of the purchase price and the date on which you must hand over the keys and have moved out of the property. Six weeks (standard in NSW) Specify other length of time: Specific Date: Certificate of Title Where is the Certificate of Title to the property ? Mortgage Is there a mortgage registered on the title ? If so, please let us have the loan number and any contact details you may have for the len
Contract Type FiledFebruary 1st, 2016THIS FIFTH AMENDMENT to that certain AGREEMENT, made on or as of the 11th day of March, 2010, by and between the TULSA DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, a public body corporate (which, together with any successor public body or officer hereafter designated by or pursuant to law, is hereinafter called "Seller"), having its office at 1216 N. Lansing Avenue, Suite D, in the City of Tulsa (hereinafter called "City"), State of Oklahoma 74106; and ONE PLACE SW, LLC, an Oklahoma limited liability company, successor and assignee of ONE PLACE, LLC an Oklahoma limited liability company, (which are hereinafter collectively and individually called “Purchaser”), having its office at 201 South Denver, Box 1, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74103.
CONTRACT FOR SALE OF LANDContract for Sale of Land • October 16th, 2024 • Illinois
Contract Type FiledOctober 16th, 2024 JurisdictionTHIS CONTRACT is made on the day of , 2024, by and between the City of Carbondale, Illinois, an Illinois Municipal Corporation, having its principal office at 200 South Illinois Avenue, Carbondale, Illinois 62901, herein referred to as “Seller” and John P. Beyler having their principal residence at 177 Parrish Lane, Murphysboro, IL 62966, herein referred to as “Purchaser.”
Contract for sale of land nswContract for Sale of Land • February 3rd, 2021
Contract Type FiledFebruary 3rd, 2021A land contract is a written agreement between a seller and a buyer for the purchase of a property. While sellers often prefer a one-time cash payment for the property, a land contract allows the buyer to effectively get a loan from the seller as they pay down in predetermined installments. This allows the land transaction to happen without difficulty obtaining traditional bank financing and for a buyer with bad credit to get a home. A land contract is also called a Trust Deed, a private mortgage, a contract of deeds or notes. Identify the property you want to purchase and negotiate the terms of the transaction with the seller. These terms should include the purchase price, payment period and installment amounts together with other discussed contractual obligations. Analyze the location and market value of the property. Information about the property's location can be found online via the city/county/county/city's website. Property value can be assessed by comparing recent sales in you
CONTRACT FOR SALE OF LANDContract for Sale of Land • August 9th, 2019 • Illinois
Contract Type FiledAugust 9th, 2019 JurisdictionWHEREAS, Seller owns certain real estate consisting of a city lot within the city limits of the City of Carbondale, Jackson County, Illinois, with a parcel identification number of 15-22-302-019 more particularly described in the Jackson County Supervisor of Assessments property report attached hereto as Exhibit A (the “Subject Property”);