Crowdstrike Terms and Conditions Sample Contracts
CrowdStrike Terms and ConditionsCrowdstrike Terms and Conditions • June 21st, 2023 • Texas
Contract Type FiledJune 21st, 2023 JurisdictionThese CrowdStrike Terms and Conditions by and between CrowdStrike, Inc., a Delaware corporation, and any Affiliates performing hereunder CrowdStrike a principal place of business at 150 Mathilda Place, Suite 300, Sunnyvale, California 94086 and Williamson County, Texas, a political subdivision of the State of Texas
Standard Contracts
CrowdStrike Terms and ConditionsCrowdstrike Terms and Conditions • December 14th, 2022
Contract Type FiledDecember 14th, 2022These CrowdStrike Terms and Conditions by and between CrowdStrike, Inc., a Delaware corporation, and any Affiliates performing hereunder (collectively, “CrowdStrike”) with a principal place of business at 150 Mathilda Place, Suite 300, Sunnyvale, California 94086 and the Ordering Activity under GSA Schedule contractsthat has executed this Agreement as identified in the signature block below, or in the Order, as applicable (“Customer”), are entered into as of the date signed by the last party (the “Effective Date”).