Curriculum Transfer Agreement Sample Contracts

Curriculum Transfer Agreement • December 18th, 2020

FRE GER SPA 1101 1101 1101 Elementary French I Elementary German I Elementary Spanish I 4 FRN GER SPN 101 101 101 Basic Proficiency in French I Basic Proficiency in German I Basic Proficiency in Spanish I 4

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Standard Contracts

BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION CURRICULUM TRANSFER AGREEMENT GUIDE SCHOOL: Peirce CollegeMAJOR: Business Administration with concentration in Human Resource Management Bucks County Community College Curriculum: Business Administration (1009)Coordinator:...
Curriculum Transfer Agreement • May 4th, 2009

Courses Remaining for a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration, Concentration in Human Resource Management at Peirce College

INFORMATION SCIENCE and TECHNOLGY CURRICULUM TRANSFER AGREEMENT GUIDE SCHOOL: Peirce CollegeMAJOR: Information Technology- Networking, Administration, and Security Concentration Bucks County College Curriculum:Information Science and Technology...
Curriculum Transfer Agreement • September 9th, 2008

Peirce College Course Credits PRC 101 Peirce College Orientation 1 BIS 109 Information Searching and Presentation 3 ITN 144 Introduction to Network Security 3 ITN 200 Windows Client and Server Administration > CISC 244 at BCCC 3 ITN 300 Linux Administration > ITN 300 Linux Administration 3 ITN 302 Linux Networking and Security 3 ITN 310 Cisco CCNA Routers > ITN 310 Cisco CCNA Routers and Switches I 3 ITN 311 Cisco CCNA Switches 3 ITN 350 Planning and Maintaining a Windows Network 3 MIS 302 Information Systems Project Management 3 ITN 404 Network Defense and Countermeasures 3 ITN 410 Windows Active Directory Services 3 BIS 402 Systems Analysis and Design 3 ITN 415 Windows Network Security 3 ITN 425 IT Capstone with a Concentration in Networking and Network Security 3 ENG/COM CORE* English/Communications Course 3 2 SOC SCI CORE* Social Science Course 6 2 HUM/HIS CORE* Humanities/History Course 6 MAT CORE* Mathematics Course 3 GEN ED CORE* General Education Course 3 SCI CORE* Science Cour

ACCOUNTING CURRICULUM TRANSFER AGREEMENT GUIDE SCHOOL: Peirce CollegeMAJOR: Business Administration with concentration in Accounting Bucks County Community College Curriculum: Accounting (2016)Coordinator: Judith Toland Phone: 215-968-8420E-mail:...
Curriculum Transfer Agreement • May 4th, 2009

**The BCCC student will take MGMT 130 or MKTG 100 as part of the associate degree requirement. Whichever course the student did not take as part of the associate degree requirement can be taken at BCCC to satisfy Peirce requirements.

Curriculum Transfer Agreement • November 4th, 2020

**PLS 1120 or PSY 1100 will meet the social science integrated course requirement at the University of Dayton with the completion of 30 credit hours.

Curriculum Transfer Agreement • December 18th, 2020

BIO GLG PHY 1111, 1101, or 1100 8 Select Two Courses from: General Biology I Physical Geology Introduction to Physics Natural and Physical Science OTM Elective BIO 101+101L, GEO 115+115L, or SCI 190+190L 8

Curriculum Transfer Agreement • June 19th, 2013

CURRICULUM TRANSFER AGREEMENT GUIDELINE SCHOOL: Community College of Philadelphia (CCP)MAJOR: A.A.S. in Justice SCHOOL: Saint Joseph’s University College of Professional and Liberal Studies (SJU-CPLS) MAJOR: B.S. in Criminal Justice Contact Person/Coordinator: Tom QuinnPhone: 215-751-8823Email: tquinn@ccp.eduOffice: B2-44 Contact Person: SJU-CPLS AdmissionsPhone: 610-660-1267Email: plsadmit@sju.eduWeb Address: General Information: CCP and SJU-CPLS have entered into a dual admissions agreement. SJU-CPLS offers two programs of study for transfer students: the Bridge Weekday Program and CPLS Evening Program. For more information, please contact SJU-CPLS Admissions. The agreement stipulates that students who earn an approved associate degree program at CCP (A.A.S. Justice) with a minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA are admitted to SJU-CPLS with junior standing. A grade of “C” or better must be earned in courses transferred into the major. Students may transfer a maximum of 75 credit

Curriculum Transfer Agreement • July 2nd, 2024

CURRICULUM TRANSFER AGREEMENT GUIDELINE PA Highlands Community College: AAS in Business Management Millersville University of Pennsylvania: BS in Management General Information: All students are required to complete an Advanced Writing Course at Millersville if no equivalency completed prior to transfer. PA HIGHLANDS COMMUNITY COLLEGE AAS IN BUSINESS MANAGEMENT MILLERSVILLE UNIVERSITY BS IN MANAGEMENT Major Courses Completed at CC Cr. MU Equivalencies Cr. ECO 100 3 ECON 101 3 ACC 150 3 BUAD 161 3 BUS 210 3 BUAD 202 3 BUS 230 3 BUAD 231 3 BUS 125 3 BUAD 251 3 BUS 165 3 BUAD 352 3 BUS 220 3 BUAD 356 3 BUS 240 3 BUAD 353 3 BUS 110 3 BUAD 101 3 BUS 206 3 BUAD 2X6 3 FYE101 1 UNIV 1XX 1 COM 101 3 COMM 100 3 CIT 100 3 CSCI 101 3 ENG 110 3 ENGL 110 3 BUS130 3 BUAD 143, 3 MAT 110 3 MATH 1X1 3 CADP ELECTIVE 3 SOCIAL SCIENCE ELECTIVE 3 SCIENCE ELECTIVE 4 SCIENCE ELECTIVE 4 ACC 175 3 BUAD 1X7 3 ENG 220 3 ENGL 230 3 BUS 225 OR BUS 235 3 BUAD 2X2, OR WSSD 2X5 3 BUS 298 3 BUAD 2X9 3 M

Curriculum Transfer Agreement • January 21st, 2023

CURRICULUM TRANSFER AGREEMENT GUIDELINE SCHOOL: Widener UniversityMAJOR: Social Work Community College Curriculum: Behavioral Health/Human ServicesCoordinator: Kerry ArnoldPhone: 215-751-8595E-mail: karnold@ccp.eduOffice: BR-60 Widener Contact Person: Crina Drayer, Associate Director, AdmissionsPhone: 610-499-4595Email: cldrayer@widener.eduWeb Address: COMMUNITY COLLEGE OF PHILADELPHIA -Behavioral Health/Human Services Curriculum WIDENER’S REQUIREMENTS First Semester ENGL 101 English Composition ENGL 101 Reading, Thinking and Writing* BHHS 101 Intro to Behavioral Health/Human Services SW 107 Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare BHHS 105 Group Dynamics SW 10A Social Work elective BHHS 111 Intro to Helping Skills SW 10A Social Work elective CIS 103 Applied Computing Technology CSCI 101 Introduction to Personal Computers Second Semester ENGL 102 The Research Paper ENGL 102 Literature and Critical Writing* BHHS 103 Human Development and Behavior in the Soc

Curriculum Transfer Agreement • October 14th, 2020

ART ART ART MUS THE 1110, 2230, 2231, 1123, or 1101 3 Art Appreciation Art History: Ancient-Medieval Art History: Renaissance-Contemporary World Music Theatre Appreciation Arts & Humanities OTM Elective VAH 101, VAH 201, VAH 203, MUS 303, or THR 105 3

Curriculum Transfer Agreement • December 10th, 2012

BHHS CURRICULUM TRANSFER AGREEMENT GUIDELINE SCHOOL:Chestnut Hill CollegeMAJOR: Human Services (School of Undergraduate Studies-Day) Community College Curriculum:Behavioral Health and Human ServicesCoordinator: Melissa St. Pierre, Dept. Chair, Psychology, Human Services and Education Phone: 215-751-8448E-mail: mstpierre@ccp.eduOffice:BR-21 Chestnut Hill Contact Person: Michael Terranova (School of Undergraduate Studies--Day),Phone: Terranova (215-248-7007) Email:, Web General Information: This guide shows the transfer of CCP’s AAS in Behavioral Health/Human Services to the BS in Human Services at Chestnut Hill. If the student follows this guide and earns an AAS, the student transfers with the equivalent of third-year standing. In addition, a dual admission agreement exists between CCP and Chestnut Hill.The agreement leads to admission to Chestnut Hill with the earned associate degree and a cumulative GPA of at least 2.5. Scholarships are availab

Curriculum Transfer Agreement • December 18th, 2020

This Associate of Arts from Sinclair College is designed for students considering a major in English, History, Philosophy, or Religious Studies program at UD.

Curriculum Transfer Agreement • July 16th, 2010

CURRICULUM TRANSFER AGREEMENT GUIDELINE SCHOOL: Widener UniversityMAJOR: Engineering (Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical) Community College Curriculum: Engineering ScienceCoordinator: Dr. David Cattell or Dr. Alex GontarPhone: 215-751-8417, 215-751-8609E-mail:, agontar@ccp.eduOffice: W4-33, W4-32 Widener Contact Person: Courtney Kelly, Associate Director of AdmissionsPhone: 610-499-4676Email: chkelly@widener.eduWeb Address: General Information: An agreement exists between the AS in Engineering Science at CCP and the BS in Engineering at Widener. If a student earns the AS degree and follows this guide, the student transfers to Widener with junior standing. At least a C grade is needed for a course to transfer. A maximum of 64 credits transfers to Widener. COMMUNITY COLLEGE OF PHILADELPHIA -‌‌Engineering Science Curriculum WIDENER REQUIREMENTS First Semester ENGR 102 Engineering and Design Lab I ENGR 112 Major Requirement MATH 171 Calculus I MA

Curriculum Transfer Agreement • November 4th, 2020

FIRST YEAR Sinclair College Transfer Equivalent SUBJECT CODE COURSE NUMBER COURSE TITLE CREDIT HOURS SUBJECT CODE COURSE NUMBER COURSE TITLE CREDIT HOURS FALL SEMESTER ALH 1101 Introduction to Healthcare Delivery 2 ALH 2202 General Pharmacology 3 BIO 1141 Principles of Anatomy & Physiology I 4 BIO 1242 Principles of Anatomy & Physiology II 4 (BIO 2205 OR CHE 1111) 4 SPRING SEMESTER COM 2206 Interpersonal Communication 3 ENG 1101 English Composition I 3 (MAT 1130 or Ohio Transfer Module: Mathematics Elective) 3 NSG 1200 Introduction to Nursing 1 NSG 1400 Health & Illness I: Foundational Concepts in Nursing 7 SUMMER SEMESTER Total Hours: 34 Total H

Curriculum Transfer Agreement • July 2nd, 2024

CURRICULUM TRANSFER AGREEMENT GUIDELINE PA Highlands Community College: AS in Business Administration Millersville University of Pennsylvania: BS in Business Administration with a concentration in General Business General Information: All students are required to complete an Advanced Writing Course at Millersville if no equivalency completed prior to transfer. PA HIGHLANDS COMMUNITY COLLEGE AS IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION MILLERSVILLE UNIVERSITYBS IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION WITH A CONCENTRATION IN GENERAL BUSINESS Major Courses Completed at CC Cr. MU Equivalencies Cr. ECO 100 3 ECON 101 3 ECO 110 3 ECON 102 3 MAT 145 3 MATH 101 3 ACC 150 3 BUAD 161 3 ACC 230 3 BUAD 162 3 BUS 210 3 BUAD 202 3 BUS 230 3 BUAD 231 3 BUS 125 3 BUAD 251 3 MAT 200 3 MATH 235 3 BUS 110 3 BUAD 101 3 FYE101 1 UNIV 1XX 1 CIT 100 3 CSCI 101 3 COM 101 3 COMM 100 3 SCIENCE W/ LAB ELECTIVE 4 SCIENCE W/ LAB ELECTIVE 4 SCEINCE W/ LAB ELECTIVE 4 SCIENCE W/ LAB ELECTIVE 4 SOCIAL SCIENCES ELECTIVE 3 SOCIAL SCIENCES ELEC

Curriculum Transfer Agreement • May 29th, 2012

CURRICULUM TRANSFER AGREEMENT GUIDELINE SCHOOL: Saint Joseph’s College of MaineMAJOR: BS in Radiologic Science Administration (online) Community College Curriculum: Diagnostic Medical ImagingCoordinator: Sally RenschPhone: 215-751- 8424E-mail: Office: W2-5 Saint Joseph’s Contact Person: Brenda Rice, Program ManagerPhone: 207-893-7782Email: brice@sjcme.eduWeb Address: General Information: CCP and Saint Joseph’s College of Maine have entered into an agreement between the AAS in Diagnostic Medical Imaging at CCP and the online BS in Radiologic Science Administration at Saint Joseph’s. A student who earns the AAS transfers to Saint Joseph’s with advanced standing to the BS degree with an option of a progressive pathway to a Master of Health Administration. A grade of at least C must beearned for a course to transfer. At least 25% of coursework (32 credits) for the BS must be earned at Saint Joseph’s. All application procedures must be followed. Th

Curriculum Transfer Agreement • December 18th, 2020

Associate of Science to Bachelor of Science in Health Science Health Science Major Integrative Physiology, Exercise and Movement Science, or Occupational and Behavioral Studies Concentration

Curriculum Transfer Agreement • December 10th, 2012

BHHS CURRICULUM TRANSFER AGREEMENT GUIDELINE SCHOOL:Chestnut Hill CollegeMAJOR: Human Services(School of Continuing and Professional Studies-Accelerated) Community College Curriculum: Behavioral Health and Human ServicesCoordinator: Melissa St. Pierre, Dept. Chair, Psychology, Human Services and Education Phone: 215-751-8448E-mail: mstpierre@ccp.eduOffice: BR-21 Chestnut Hill Contact Person: April Fowlkes (School of Continuing and Professional Studies-Accelerated)Phone: 215-242-7704Email: Web General Information: This guide shows the transfer of CCP’s AAS in Behavioral Health/Human Services to the BS in Human Services at Chestnut Hill. If the student follows this guide and earns an AAS, the student transfers with the equivalent of third-year standing. In addition, a dual admission agreement exists between CCP and Chestnut Hill. The agreement leads to admission to Chestnut Hill (SCPS) with the earned associate degree and a cumulative GPA of at leas

INFORMATION SCIENCE and TECHNOLGY CURRICULUM TRANSFER AGREEMENT GUIDE SCHOOL: Peirce CollegeMAJOR: Information Technology- Information Security Concentration Bucks County College Curriculum:Information Science and Technology Curriculum...
Curriculum Transfer Agreement • September 8th, 2008

Peirce College Course Credits PRC 101 Peirce College Orientation 1 BIS 109 Information Searching and Presentation 3 ISC 310 Information Security Management 3 ISC 320 Access Control Systems & Methodology 3 ISC 330 Security Models & Architecture 3 ISC 340 Law, Investigation & Ethics 3 ISC 350 Telecommunications & Network Security 3 ISC 410 Management Level Cryptography 3 ISC 420 Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery Planning 3 ISC 430 Physical & Operations Security 3 ISC 440 Application and System Development Security 3 ISC 450 CISSP Review Course 3 ELEC General Elective Course 3 ENG/COM CORE* English/Communications Course 3 2 SOC SCI CORE* Social Science Course 6 2 HUM/HIS CORE* Humanities/History Course 6 MAT CORE* Mathematics Course 3 GEN ED CORE* General Education Course 3 SCI CORE* Science Course 3 Credits Remaining in a Bachelor’s Degree 61

Curriculum Transfer Agreement • July 2nd, 2024

CURRICULUM TRANSFER AGREEMENT GUIDELINE PA Highlands Community College: AA in Liberal Arts & Sciences: English concentration Millersville University of Pennsylvania: BA in English with a concentration in Writing Studies General Information: All students are required to complete an Advanced Writing Course at Millersville if no equivalency completed prior to transfer. PA HIGHLANDS COMMUNITY COLLEGE AA MILLERSVILLE UNIVERSITY IN LIBERAL ARTS & SCIENCES: ENGLISH BA IN ENGLISH WITH A CONCENTRATION CONCENTRATION IN WRITING STUDIES Major Courses Completed at CC Cr. MU Equivalencies Cr. FYE101 1 UNIV 1XX 1 CIT 100 3 CSCI 101 3 ENG 110 3 ENGL 101 3 ENGLISH ELECTIVE 3 CONCENTRATION ELECTIVE 3 HUMANITIES ELECTIVE 3 HUMANITIES ELECTIVE 3 SOCIAL SCIENCE ELECTIVE 3 SOCIAL SCIENCE ELECTIVE 3 COM 101 3 COMM 100 3 ENG 200 3 ENGL 230 3 OPEN ELECTIVE 3 CONCENTRATION ELECTIVE 3 ENGLISH ELECTIVE 3 CONCENTRATION ELECTIVE 3 OPEN ELECTIVE 3 OPEN ELECTIVE 3 MAT 116, MAT 126, OR MAT 145 3 MATH 1X6, MATH 104,

Curriculum Transfer Agreement • June 22nd, 2011

CURRICULUM TRANSFER AGREEMENT GUIDELINE SCHOOL: Thomas Jefferson UniversityMAJOR: RN to BSN Community College Curriculum: Nursing Coordinator: Dr. Barbara McLaughlin Phone: 215-751-8853E-mail: Office: W2-5H Jefferson Contact Person: Mark Chalmers, Asst. Director of AdmissionPhone: 215-503-1042Email: Web Address: General Information: The program provides a mechanism for students to earn the AAS in Nursing at CCP and the BSN at Thomas Jefferson in a seamless, integrated curriculum. Offers of admission to the RN-BSN program are made at the time the student is accepted to the CCP AAS in Nursing program. These offers are contingent upon the student fulfilling all TJU admission requirements. To enroll in the Jefferson RN-BSN program you must earn at least a 2.75 GPA at CCP, demonstrate English language proficiency as outlined in the TJU application, submit to all criminal background checks and have no disciplinary record a

Curriculum Transfer Agreement • August 23rd, 2022

SUBJECT CODE, COURSE NUMBER, COURSE TITLE CREDIT HOURS SUBJECT CODE, COURSE NUMBER, COURSE TITLE CREDIT HOURS HSSR 1110 Introduction to Social Services & Ethical Procedures 3 SW130 Introduction to Social Work 3 SOCI 2232 The Criminal Justice System 3 CJ195 Lower-Level General Criminal Justice Credit 3 ENGL 1101 English Composition I 3 ENlO0 Writing I 3 PSYC 1110 Principles of Psychology 3 PY130 Introduction to Psychology 3 MATH 1115 Math for Business and Social Science 3 MT106 Liberal Arts Math 3 SOCI 1107 Introduction to Diversity 3 SY195 Lower-Level General Sociology Credit 3 HSSR 1135 Affective Education & Group Process 3 PY195 Lower-Level General Psychology Credit 3 HSSR 1150 Case Management & Writing in the Helping Professions 3 SW195 Lower-Level General Social Work Credit 3 HSSR 1105 Survev of Substance Use Disorders 3 SW195 Lower-Level General Social Work Credit 3 ENGL 1102 English Composition II 3 EN101 Writing II 3 PSYC 1111 Life Span and Human Development 3 PY231 Developmenta

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Curriculum Transfer Agreement • November 4th, 2020

FIRST YEAR Sinclair College Transfer Equivalent SUBJECT CODE COURSE NUMBER COURSE TITLE CREDIT HOURS SUBJECT CODE COURSE NUMBER COURSE TITLE CREDIT HOURS FALL SEMESTER ALH 1101 Introduction to Healthcare Delivery 2 BIO 1107 Human Biology 3 (COM 2206 or COM 2211) 3 ENG 1101 English Composition I 3 MATElect (MAT 1120 or MAT 1130 orOhio Transfer Module: Mathematics Elective) 3 MHT 1101 Introduction to Human Services & Behavior Health 3 SPRING SEMESTER MHT 1130 Fundamentals of Addiction Counseling CDCA Phase I 3 MHT 1201 Interviewing Skills 3 HMSR 220 Interview Skills in Human Services 3 MHT 1202 Motivational Interviewing 3 MHT 1203 Professional Documentation 2 MHT 2105 Psychosocial Methods 3 SUMMER SEMESTER

Curriculum Transfer Agreement • November 4th, 2020

FIRST YEAR Sinclair College Transfer Equivalent SUBJECT CODE COURSE NUMBER COURSE TITLE CREDIT HOURS SUBJECT CODE COURSE NUMBER COURSE TITLE CREDIT HOURS FALL SEMESTER BIO 1111 General Biology I 4 BIO 206 (& BIO 106L) – Environment & Society (& Lab) 4 BIO 1211 General Biology II 4 COM 2206 Interpersonal Communication 3 COM 115 Introduction to Human Communication 3 ECO 2160 Principles of Macroeconomics 3 ECO 205 Basic Economics 3 SPRING SEMESTER ENG 1101 English Composition I 3 ENG 120 English Composition 3 ENG 1201 English Composition II 3 ENG 121 English Composition II 3 PSY 1100 General Psychology 3 PSY 150 General Psychology 3 SCC 1101 First Year Experience 1 SOC 1101 Introduction to Sociology 3 SOC 150 Principles of Sociology 3 SUMMER SEMESTER

Curriculum Transfer Agreement • December 18th, 2020

This Associate of Arts from Sinclair College is designed for students considering a major in English, History, Philosophy, or Religious Studies program at UD.

Curriculum Transfer Agreement • November 4th, 2020

**Students must select a minor for Sinclair’s program. Piano majors must select MUS 1119 (Secondary Voice). Other instrument majors must select Piano from MUS 1115+1116+2115+2116.

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