Darovacia Zmluva Donation Agreement Sample Contracts

Darovacia Zmluva Donation Agreement • August 19th, 2014

THIS DONATION AGREEMENT (the Agreement) was entered into under Section 628 et seq. of Act No. 40/1964 Coll., the Civil Code, as amended, and clause 9.5 of the Code of Ethics of the Slovak Pharmaceutical Industry between:

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Darovacia Zmluva Donation Agreement • November 24th, 2015

THIS DONATION AGREEMENT (the Agreement) was entered into under Section 628 et seq. of Act No. 40/1964 Coll., the Civil Code, as amended, and clause 9.5 of the Code of Ethics of the Slovak Pharmaceutical Industry between:

Darovacia Zmluva Donation Agreement • November 29th, 2019

DAROVACIA ZMLUVA DONATION AGREEMENT uzatvorená podľa § 628 a nasl. zákona č. 40/1964 Zb. Občiansky zákonník v znení neskorších predpisov medzi: concluded under Section 628 et seq. of the Act 40/1964 Coll. the Civil Code, as later amended by and between: A/ Obdarovaný A/ Beneficiary Obchodné meno: Jesseniova lekárskafakulta UK v Martine Business name: Jesseniova lekárskafakulta UK v Martine Sídlo/Miesto podnikania: Kollárova 2, 036 01Martin Registered office/Placeof business: Kollárova 2, 036 01Martin IČO: 00397865 Id. No.: 00397865 IČ DPH: SK202 084 5332 VAT No.: SK202 084 5332 DIČ: 202 084 5332 Tax Reg. No.: 202 084 5332 V mene ktorej koná/Zástupca: Prof. MUDr. Andrea Čalkovská, DrSc. Represented by/Proxy: Prof. MUDr. Andrea Čalkovská, DrSc. Registrácia: Registration: Bankové spojenie: Bank details: Číslo účtu: Bank account No.: IBAN: SK26 8180 0000 00700008 4832 IBAN: SK26 8180 0000 00700008 4832 SWIFT (BIC): SWIFT (BIC): (ďalej len “Obdarovaný”) (hereinafter refe

Darovacia Zmluva Donation Agreement • May 10th, 2016

THIS DONATION AGREEMENT (the Agreement) was entered into under Section 628 et seq. of Act No. 40/1964 Coll., the Civil Code, as amended, and clause 9.5 of the Code of Ethics of the Slovak Pharmaceutical Industry between:

Darovacia Zmluva Donation Agreement • January 14th, 2016

DAROVACIA ZMLUVA DONATION AGREEMENT TÁTO DAROVACIA ZMLUVA (ďalej len"ZMLUVA") je uzatvorená dňa 21.12.2015 THIS DONATION AGREEMENT (the “Agreement”) is made on 21.12.2015 Zmluvné strany: Between: I. FIS so sídlom na 601 Riverside Avenue, Jacksonville, FL 32204, Spojené štáty Americké, identifikačné číslo zamestnávateľa 37-1490331, zastúpená pani Ellyn Raftery, Chief Marketing Officer (ďalej len "FIS"). I. FIS with its registered office at 601 Riverside Avenue, Jacksonville, FL 32204, the United States of America, IRS employer identification number 37-1490331, represented by Ms Ellyn Raftery, Chief Marketing Officer (the “FIS “). a and II. Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave, Fakulta informatiky a informačných technológií, so sídlom Ilkovičova 3, 842 16 Bratislava, IČO:00397687, Zastúpená: prof. Ing. Mária Bieliková, PhD., dekanka fakulty, Bankové spojenie: Štátna pokladnica, Číslo účtu: 7000085552, Kód banky: 8180 (ďalej len "Univerzita"); II. Slovak University of Technology in

Darovacia Zmluva Donation Agreement • March 11th, 2021

Príjemca daru je Jeseniova lekárska fakulta v Martine Univerzity Komenského v Bratislave, Klinika hematológie a transfuziológie fakultnej nemocnice Martin a je odborníkom v oblasti zdravotnej starostlivosti liečby pacientov s krvácavými poruchami hemostázy.

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