Declaration of Covenants Sample Contracts
THIS INSTRUMENT WAS PREPARED BY:Declaration of Covenants • September 27th, 2023
Contract Type FiledSeptember 27th, 2023
Standard Contracts
ContractDeclaration of Covenants • January 7th, 2009
Contract Type FiledJanuary 7th, 2009The provisions of this Declaration are subject to the provision of the Deerfield Village Property Owner’ Association Agreement date the ____________ day of
VERANDAH CLUB DECLARATION OF COVENANTSDeclaration of Covenants • February 12th, 2013
Contract Type FiledFebruary 12th, 2013KH VERANDAH LLC, a Florida limited liability company (“KH Verandah”), HERITAGE WILLOW LLC, a Florida limited liability company (“Heritage Willow”), and MAGNOLIA TRACE INVESTMENTS LLC, a Florida limited liability company (“Magnolia Trace”) are presently the owners of the real property described on Exhibit “A” attached hereto and made a part hereof commonly known as Verandah located in Lee County, Florida (collectively, the “Property”). Verandah Development LLC, a Florida limited liability company (“Verandah Development”), is the owner of the real property generally depicted on Exhibit “B” attached hereto and made a part hereof commonly known as the Verandah Club (“Club Property”) and located within the Property. KH Verandah, Heritage Willow, Magnolia Trace and Verandah Development hereby declare that the Property, including the Club Property, shall be subject to the following restrictions, covenants, terms and conditions as set forth in this Verandah Club Declaration of Covenants (“Club
DECLARATION OF COVENANTSDeclaration of Covenants • April 11th, 2023
Contract Type FiledApril 11th, 2023THIS DECLARATION, made by and between _, (a Hawaii corporation/other), whose principal place of business and mailing address is _, (Honolulu/other), City and County of Honolulu, State of Hawaii, hereinafter referring to as “Licensor”, and
Declaration of CovenantsDeclaration of Covenants • November 17th, 2021
Contract Type FiledNovember 17th, 2021The parties to these covenants are the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, acting by and through the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, (hereinafter referred to as the Commission), and the , (hereinafter referred to as
ContractDeclaration of Covenants • July 29th, 2002
Contract Type FiledJuly 29th, 2002THIS DECLARATION, made this 10th day of October, 1980, by KINGS PARK WEST ASSOCIATES, a Virginia Limited Partnership, hereinafter sometimes called "the Declarant."
Declaration of CovenantsDeclaration of Covenants • February 13th, 2006
Contract Type FiledFebruary 13th, 2006The parties to these covenants are the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, acting by and through the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, (hereinafter referred to as the Commission), and the [Name of the Grant Recipient], (hereinafter referred to as the [Short Name of the Grant Recipient]).