Early Disposal Agreement Sample Contracts
ContractEarly Disposal Agreement • September 15th, 2010
Contract Type FiledSeptember 15th, 2010EARLY DISPOSAL AGREEMENT SECTION 255(8) – MOTOR VEHICLE ACT BETWEEN: , who resides atFULL LEGAL NAME OF IMPOUND LOT OPERATOR _, (the “Impound Lot Operator”)ADDRESS, CITY, PROVINCE OR (IF IMPOUND LOT OPERATOR IS INCORPORATED) , a corporation with aCOMPANY NAME PROVINCE OF INCORPORATION registered office at , (the “Impound Lot Operator”)ADDRESS, CITY, PROVINCE AND: ,FULL LEGAL NAME(S) OF VEHICLE OWNER(S) who reside(s) at (the “Vehicle Owner(s)”)ADDRESS, CITY, PROVINCE OR (IF VEHICLE OWNER IS INCORPORATED) , a corporation with aCOMPANY NAME PROVINCE OF INCORPORATION registered office at , (the “Vehicle Owner”)ADDRESS, CITY, PROVINCE BACKGROUND FACTSA. The Vehicle has been impounded under section 215.46 or 251 (1) of the Motor Vehicle Act;B. The Impound Lot Operator has custody of the Vehicle; andC. The parties wish to enter into an agreement under section 255 (8) of the Motor Vehicle Act regarding the early disposal of the Vehicle. IN CONSIDERATION OF THE MUTUAL PROMISES CONTAINED IN THI