Electronic Information Services User Agreement Sample Contracts
ContractElectronic Information Services User Agreement • August 31st, 2020
Contract Type FiledAugust 31st, 2020
Standard Contracts
Electronic Information Services User AgreementElectronic Information Services User Agreement • June 3rd, 2020
Contract Type FiledJune 3rd, 2020By signing this page, you are acknowledging and verifying that you have received, and take the responsibility to review with your child, the document referenced below which can be found in this handbook, including, without limitation, the policy/procedures for due process, email and internet use expectations, electronic devices expectations, cheating/plagiarism and disciplinary consequences for such, and electronic information systems user agreement.
ELECTRONIC INFORMATION SERVICES USER AGREEMENTElectronic Information Services User Agreement • January 18th, 2023
Contract Type FiledJanuary 18th, 2023When the signed agreement is returned to the school, the user may be permitted use of electronic information services (EIS) resources. Additional information on the District's policy on the use of technology resources in instruction can be found in the current edition of the Parent/Student Informational Handbook found at www.dysart.org.
ELECTRONIC INFORMATION SERVICES USER AGREEMENTElectronic Information Services User Agreement • December 3rd, 2007
Contract Type FiledDecember 3rd, 2007Electronic information services are now available to students, teachers and staff in the Buckeye Elementary School District. Our goal in providing these services is to promise educational excellence by facilitating resource sharing, innovation, and communication. With access to computers and people all over the world also comes the availability of material that may not be considered to be of educational value in the context of the school setting. The Buckeye Elementary School District has taken precautions to restrict access to controversial materials. However, on a global network, it is impossible to control all materials and an industrious user may discover controversial information. The Buckeye Elementary School District firmly believes that the valuable information and interaction available on this worldwide network far outweighs the possibility that users may procure material inconsistent with the educational goals of the District.
ELECTRONIC INFORMATION SERVICES USER AGREEMENT - STUDENTSElectronic Information Services User Agreement • July 28th, 2020
Contract Type FiledJuly 28th, 2020The Litchfield Elementary School District #79 (LESD), in alignment with the Arizona Department of Education, and recognizing the Partnership for 21st Century Skills, believes technology encompasses the tools and strategies for solving problems, using information, increasing productivity and enhancing personal growth. LESD encourages students to become responsible digital citizens by mastering technology standards in order to live, learn and work successfully and responsibly in an increasingly complex, technology-driven society.
Electronic Information Services User Agreement Appendix CElectronic Information Services User Agreement • May 18th, 2022
Contract Type FiledMay 18th, 2022
TECHNOLOGY INFORMATIONElectronic Information Services User Agreement • August 3rd, 2004
Contract Type FiledAugust 3rd, 2004You will find attached to this letter an “Electronic Information Services User Agreement”. This is a fancy name for a permission slip. We are asking you for permission to allow your son or daughter to use computers, and especially the Internet, for educational purposes. We encourage you to carefully review the enclosed agreement and discuss it with your child before signing and returning it.
TECHNOLOGY INFORMATIONElectronic Information Services User Agreement • August 3rd, 2004
Contract Type FiledAugust 3rd, 2004You will find attached to this letter an “Electronic Information Services User Agreement”. This is a fancy name for a permission slip. We are asking you for permission to allow your son or daughter to use computers, and especially the Internet, for educational purposes. We encourage you to carefully review the enclosed agreement and discuss it with your child before signing and returning it.
Electronic Information Services User Agreement Acknowledgements and VerificationElectronic Information Services User Agreement • July 3rd, 2024
Contract Type FiledJuly 3rd, 2024By signing this page, you are acknowledging and verifying that you have received, and take the responsibility to review with your child, the information referenced below which can be found in this handbook, including, without limitation, the policy/procedures for due process, directory information, electronic devices expectations, disciplinary consequences, and electronic information systems user agreement.
Electronic Information Services User Agreement Acknowledgements and VerificationElectronic Information Services User Agreement • May 31st, 2022
Contract Type FiledMay 31st, 2022By signing the acknowledgement page or completing it online using the parent portal, you are acknowledging and verifying that you have received, and take the responsibility to review with your child, the information referenced below which can be found in this handbook, including, without limitation, the policy/procedures for due process, email and internet use expectations, electronic devices expectations, cheating/plagiarism and disciplinary consequences for such, and electronic information systems user agreement.
ELECTRONIC INFORMATION SERVICES USER AGREEMENTElectronic Information Services User Agreement • October 22nd, 2020
Contract Type FiledOctober 22nd, 2020Details of the user agreement shall be discussed with each potential user of the electronic information services. When the signed agreement is returned to the school, the user may be permitted use of EIS resources.
ELECTRONIC INFORMATION SERVICES USER AGREEMENTElectronic Information Services User Agreement • August 20th, 2021
Contract Type FiledAugust 20th, 2021Details of the user agreement shall be discussed with each potential user of the electronic information services (EIS). When the signed agreement is returned to the school, the user may be permitted use of EIS resources.
ELECTRONIC INFORMATION SERVICES USER AGREEMENTElectronic Information Services User Agreement • July 24th, 2020
Contract Type FiledJuly 24th, 2020Details of the user agreement shall be discussed with each potential user of the electronic information services (EIS). When the signed agreement is returned to the school, the user may be permitted use of EIS resources.
Contract Type FiledAugust 20th, 2018NOTE THAT THIS AGREEMENT APPLIES TO BOTH STUDENTS AND EMPLOYEES DISCUSSION OF USER AGREEMENT REQUIRED Details of the user agreement shall be discussed with each potential user of the electronic information services (EIS). When the signed agreement is returned to the school, the user may be permitted use of EIS resources. TERMS AND CONDITIONS:Acceptable Use for Students and Employees Each user must: A. Use the EIS to support personal educational objectives consistent with the educational goals and objectives of the School District. B. Agree not to submit, publish, display, or retrieve any defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, racially offensive, or illegal material. C. Abide by all copyright and trademark laws and regulations. D. Not reveal home addresses, personal phone numbers or personally identifiable data unless authorized to do so by designated school authorities. E. Understand that electronic mail or direct electronic communication
Electronic Information Services User AgreementElectronic Information Services User Agreement • September 13th, 2021
Contract Type FiledSeptember 13th, 2021Details of the user agreement shall be discussed with each potential user of the electronic information services (EIS). When the signed agreement is returned to the
ELECTRONIC INFORMATION SERVICES USER AGREEMENTElectronic Information Services User Agreement • August 9th, 2017
Contract Type FiledAugust 9th, 2017Details of the user agreement shall be discussed with each potential user of the electronic information services (EIS). When the signed agreement is returned to the school, the user may be permitted use of EIS resources.
ELECTRONIC INFORMATION SERVICES USER AGREEMENTElectronic Information Services User Agreement • July 26th, 2022
Contract Type FiledJuly 26th, 2022Details of the user agreement shall be discussed with each potential user of the electronic information services (EIS). When the signed agreement is returned to the school, the user may be permitted use of EIS resources.