ENERGY PERFORMANCE CONTRACTEnergy Performance Contract • June 16th, 2016 • Kansas
Contract Type FiledJune 16th, 2016 JurisdictionThis Energy Performance Contract (the “Contract”) is made and entered into as of this day of February, 2017, between Willdan Group, Inc., DBA 360 Energy Engineers (“ESCO”), and the City of Lawrence, Kansas (“Customer”), for the purpose of installing certain energy, water or other operating cost saving equipment, described in Schedule A, and providing other services designed to save energy, water or other operating costs for the Customer's property and buildings (the “Premises”).
Standard Contracts
Arkansas Energy Performance Contracting Program Energy Performance ContractEnergy Performance Contract • February 24th, 2020
Contract Type FiledFebruary 24th, 2020
Schiltigheim, France Energy performance contractEnergy Performance Contract • October 10th, 2011
Contract Type FiledOctober 10th, 2011
ENERGY PERFORMANCE CONTRACTEnergy Performance Contract • June 2nd, 2020 • Montana
Contract Type FiledJune 2nd, 2020 JurisdictionThis Energy Performance Contract (EPC) is for design, construction, guarantee, and follow-up measurement and verification of energy- and water-saving projects. An Investment Grade Audit (IGA) must have previously been completed that identified the costs and savings of each project. The IGA provides the basis to develop and negotiate this EPC.
Why Performance Contracting?Energy Performance Contract • April 16th, 2015
Contract Type FiledApril 16th, 2015Highlights Current Utility Costs Avg. Cost per square foot Total Project Cost* Estimated Savings Payback (years)* Energy Cost Reduction Fossil Fuel Reduction $2.5million $4.10 $12.7million $949,508annually 13.4 36% 71% *does not include finance costs 3rd Party Financing - Banc of America Public Capital Corp Interest Rate – 2.5955%Project Payback w/Interest – 16.95 yearsContract Term – 17 annual payments beginning when construction period ends
COST-EFFECTIVE GOVERNMENTAL ENERGY USE ACT (EXCERPT)Energy Performance Contract • April 5th, 2013
Contract Type FiledApril 5th, 2013
COST-EFFECTIVE GOVERNMENTAL ENERGY USE ACT (EXCERPT)Energy Performance Contract • April 5th, 2013
Contract Type FiledApril 5th, 2013Sec. 4. (1) "Energy performance contract" means a contract between a governmental unit and a qualified energy service provider for evaluation, recommendation, and implementation of 1 or more cost-savings measures. An energy performance contract may be structured as either a guaranteed energy savings contract or an energy savings performance contract.
An Energy Performance Contract for the Italian Public AuthoritiesEnergy Performance Contract • October 17th, 2019
Contract Type FiledOctober 17th, 2019
ENERGY PERFORMANCE CONTRACT Between THE STATE OF VICTORIA Represented by: <Insert Department/Agency name > and <Insert name of service provider > <insert ACN>Energy Performance Contract • August 19th, 2020 • Victoria
Contract Type FiledAugust 19th, 2020 JurisdictionBETWEEN THE STATE OF VICTORIA as represented by <insert name of department or agency> of <insert registered address of customer> (“Customer”)
Energy Performance Contract (EPC) by ESCO Pilot Projects using the Facilitation ApproachEnergy Performance Contract • November 25th, 2015
Contract Type FiledNovember 25th, 2015
Energy Performance Contracting is:Energy Performance Contract • November 15th, 2017
Contract Type FiledNovember 15th, 2017
Agreements;Energy Performance Contract • December 22nd, 2015 • Delhi
Contract Type FiledDecember 22nd, 2015 Jurisdiction
ENERGY PERFORMANCE CONTRACT (EPC)Energy Performance Contract • July 22nd, 2019 • Kansas
Contract Type FiledJuly 22nd, 2019 JurisdictionThis Energy Performance Contract (the “Contract”) is made and entered into as of this day of <Date> , between <Name of ESCO> (“ESCO”), and <Governmental Unit Name> (“Customer”), for the purpose of installing certain energy and other operating cost saving equipment, described in Schedule G, and providing other services designed to save energy or other operating costs for the Customer's property and buildings (the “premises”).
ENERGY PERFORMANCE CONTRACTEnergy Performance Contract • November 16th, 2005
Contract Type FiledNovember 16th, 2005This Purchase Agreement for Energy Conservation Equipment (the “Agreement” or "Contract") is made and entered into as of this day of <date>, by and between <name of customer, state> ("Customer") and <name of energy service company (ESCO)> ("ESCO"), for the purpose of the sale and installation of certain energy saving equipment (“Equipment”), described in Schedule A (Equipment to Be Installed by ESCO) and provision of other services described in Schedule D (ESCO Monitoring, Maintenance and Service Agreement) designed to save energy and reduce related costs for certain property and buildings owned by Customer (the “Premises”) as described in Schedule B (Description of the Premises).
EPC (Energy Performance Contract)Energy Performance Contract • November 26th, 2009
Contract Type FiledNovember 26th, 2009The financial institution covers the investment costs according to guarantied and specified energy savings from the supplier and the customer within the agreed period of time. The customer pays for the investment through his future energy savings, only.
ENERGY PERFORMANCE CONTRACT (the “Contract”)Energy Performance Contract • March 23rd, 2022
Contract Type FiledMarch 23rd, 2022An Energy Performance Contract is hereby made by and between the DORMITORY AUTHORITY of the State of New York, a public authority and public benefit corporation established by the laws of the State of New York, having its principal office and place of business at 515 Broadway, Albany, New York 12207- 2964, and [CONTRACTOR NAME], the Energy Service Contractor whose principal office and place of business is at ADDRESS, hereinafter referred to as the CONTRACTOR.
Energy Performance Contract (EPC)Energy Performance Contract • January 19th, 2018
Contract Type FiledJanuary 19th, 2018Organisations across the UK face the combined forces of high energy and water costs, ambitious carbon reduction targets and rising maintenance charges due to ageing equipment. Getting
ContractEnergy Performance Contract • May 28th, 2019
Contract Type FiledMay 28th, 2019
NAME OF AGENCY PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT #_________________________ For Energy Performance ContractingEnergy Performance Contract • September 18th, 2020 • New Mexico
Contract Type FiledSeptember 18th, 2020 JurisdictionTHIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between the State of New Mexico, NAME OF AGENCY, hereinafter referred to as the "Agency," and NAME OF CONTRACTOR, hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor,” and is effective as of the date set forth below upon which it is executed by the Department of Finance and Administration (“DFA”).
Schiltigheim, France Energy performance contractEnergy Performance Contract • October 10th, 2011
Contract Type FiledOctober 10th, 2011
KEJURUTERAAN ASASTERA BERHAD (“KAB” OR “THE COMPANY”)Energy Performance Contract • September 19th, 2019
COST-EFFECTIVE GOVERNMENTAL ENERGY USE ACT (EXCERPT)Energy Performance Contract • November 8th, 2021
Contract Type FiledNovember 8th, 2021
Energy Performance Contract (EPC) for the Somers CSDEnergy Performance Contract • November 6th, 2020
Contract Type FiledNovember 6th, 2020● Our job is to protect the District’s interests – We perform all due diligence needed to ensure District receives optimal value for savings
Contract Type FiledSeptember 1st, 2022This Amendment No. 1 (hereinafter referred to as “Amendment No. 1), is entered into by and between The Texas Facilities Commission (hereinafter referred to as “TFC” or the “Owner,” as defined herein), a state agency, and Johnson Controls, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “Energy Service Company” or “ESCO” as defined herein) (hereinafter individually referred to as “Party,” and collectively referred to as the “Parties”) to amend the Energy Performance Contract between the Parties (hereinafter referred to as the “Contract”) for the purposes stated below, and to be governed by the provisions terms and conditions of the Contract and this Amendment No. 1.
DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2017-23-11-109-117Energy Performance Contract • April 6th, 2023
Contract Type FiledApril 6th, 2023Îсвещены про6uемы, прNсущNе эuектроэнергетNке, которые доuшны 6ыuN разрешNться в резуuьтате ре- формNрованNя отрасuN, однако до сNx пор остаются актуаuьнымN. B частностN, рассмотрена про6uема прNвuеченNя NнвестNцNй в эuектроэнергетNку. ПрNведено опредеuенNе эuектроэнергетNческой отрасuN. ПроанаuNзNрованы прNчNны снNшенNя экономNческой эффектNвностN функцNонNрованNя энергетNче- ской отрасuN N основные показатеuN ра6оты эuектроэнергетNкN. Отмечено, что на сегодняшнNй день от- сутствуют эффектNвные Nнструменты дuя прNвuеченNя NнвестNцNй в эuектрNческNе сетN, а существующNе меxанNзмы нацеuены на стNмуuNрованNе развNтNя uNшь генерNрующNx мощностей. ПрNведены осо6енно- стN реаuNзацNN NнвестNцNонныx проектов в секторе энергетNкN. О6ъектом NссuедованNя явNuось о6uастное государственное унNтарное энергетNческое предпрNятNе «Эuектросетевая компанNя по экспuуатацNN эuек- трNческNx сетей О6uкоммунэнерго» (ОГУЭП «О6uкоммунэнерго») в Nркутской о6uастN. Рассмотрена дея- теuьность эuектросетевой компа
Model Energy Performance ContractEnergy Performance Contract • October 12th, 2016
Contract Type FiledOctober 12th, 2016Law No. 327-VIII of 09.04.2015 "On Introduction of New Investment Opportunities, Guarantee of the Rights and Lawful Interests of Business Entities for the Large Scale Energy Modernization"
HOWARD COUNTY, MARYLAND ENERGY PERFORMANCE CONTRACT CONTRACT#Energy Performance Contract • April 15th, 2015 • Maryland
Contract Type FiledApril 15th, 2015 JurisdictionTHIS AGREEMENT (“Agreement”), is made this day of in the year 2009, by and between ENERGY SYSTEMS GROUP, LLC (“Contractor”), 4401 O’Donnell Street, Baltimore, MD 21224 (“the Contractor”), and HOWARD COUNTY, MARYLAND, (“the County” or “the Owner”).
DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICESEnergy Performance Contract • July 16th, 2010
Contract Type FiledJuly 16th, 2010July 28, 2010 Pages Energy Performance 1 thru 4 Maintenance 5 and 6 Equipment 7 and 8 General Miscellaneous 9 thru 14 Real Property 15 thru 20 Leases 21 thru 40 Capital Grants and Loans 41 thru 46
ENERGY PERFORMANCE CONTRACT BETWEENEnergy Performance Contract • July 17th, 2020 • Texas
Contract Type FiledJuly 17th, 2020 JurisdictionThe Texas Facilities Commission (hereinafter referred to as “TFC” or the “Owner,” as defined herein), a state agency located at 1711 San Jacinto Boulevard, Austin, Texas 78701, and [Insert] (hereinafter referred to as “Energy Service Company,” or “ESCO,” as defined herein), located at [Insert], enter into the following agreement for utility cost reduction measures (hereinafter referred to as the “Contract”) pursuant to Tex. Gov’t Code Ann. § 2166.406 (West 2018), to be effective as of the Effective Date (as defined below). Nothing in this Contract shall be interpreted or construed to make ESCO a third-party beneficiary hereunder.
ContractEnergy Performance Contract • August 18th, 2015
Contract Type FiledAugust 18th, 2015This model contract provides broad contours of the energy performance contract to help ESCOs and host companies to avoid pitfalls in working with outsourced energy efficiency improvement projects. It has been prepared after consultation with all stakeholders and is suitable for the financial and legal systems in India.
CONTRACT AMENDMENTEnergy Performance Contract • July 9th, 2020
Contract Type FiledJuly 9th, 2020WHEREAS, JCI and Customer are parties to a performance contract agreement, dated February 26, 2019 and Amendment 1, dated March 20, 2020 (the “Agreement”); and
Energy Performance Contracting, RFQ No. 2012000314Energy Performance Contract • September 20th, 2013 • Florida
Contract Type FiledSeptember 20th, 2013 JurisdictionThis Guaranteed Energy, Water, and Wastewater Performance Savings Contract (this “Contract”) is made and entered into as of the day last signed below, at Port Charlotte, in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida, by and between Siemens Industry, Inc. building Technologies Division("Company"), having its principal offices at 1000 Deerfield Parkway, Buffalo Grove, IL 60089, and Charlotte CountyBoard of County Commissioners, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, ("Agency") with its principal offices at 18500 Murdock Circle, Port Charlotte, Florida 33948-1094, for the purpose of installing certain equipment, and providing other services designed to reduce energy or water consumption, wastewater production, or energy related operating costs for Agency.
ENERGY PERFORMANCE CONTRACTS: A WIN-WIN SITUATIONEnergy Performance Contract • December 18th, 2017
Contract Type FiledDecember 18th, 2017Energy Performance Contracts (EPC) are one of the options available to the final customer for achieving the maximum potential energy savings and efficiency, mainly in energy-intensive businesses or industrial facilities.
ENERGY PERFORMANCE CONTRACTEnergy Performance Contract • November 9th, 2024 • New York
Contract Type FiledNovember 9th, 2024 JurisdictionDistrict, 10 Farmington Road, West Babylon, New York, a political subdivision (hereinafter called “District” or “Owner” or “School District”) and Energy Systems Group, LLC, 9877 Eastgate Court, Newburgh Indiana, an Indiana limited liability company (hereinafter called “Contractor” or “ESG” or “Energy Performance Contractor”).
ENERGY PERFORMANCE CONTRACTEnergy Performance Contract • June 18th, 2019 • New South Wales
Contract Type FiledJune 18th, 2019 Jurisdiction