No reservation is confirmed on the calendar until this Agreement is signed and returned by the host to the facility. Reservations will be confirmed based on availability on a first come / first serve basis. Reservation start and end times must include...Event Reservation Agreement • November 10th, 2021
Contract Type FiledNovember 10th, 2021
Standard Contracts
Event Reservation AgreementEvent Reservation Agreement • June 30th, 2019
Contract Type FiledJune 30th, 2019Please read this agreement in its entirety and then complete the attached request form and return it to The Arc Central Chesapeake Region office. By signing the Event Reservation Agreement and the Reservation Form you are agreeing to all the fees and guidelines included in this instruction form.
DATE:Event Reservation Agreement • November 11th, 2015
Contract Type FiledNovember 11th, 2015This contract represents an arrangement between Blank Space Milwaukee (9224 West Burleigh, Milwaukee) and "Renter" as named below. The following agreements apply to every instance in the future in which Renter uses Blank Space Milwaukee space for any purpose. If Renter fails to uphold any of the following agreements, Renter's studio privileges may be revoked.
EVENT RESERVATION AGREEMENTEvent Reservation Agreement • December 13th, 2022
Contract Type FiledDecember 13th, 2022This Agreement is made by the Princeville at Hanalei Community Association (“PHCA”) and the person or organization named below with respect to the requested use of the Prince Albert Park at the Princeville Community Center, owned and operated by PHCA.
THE CLASSIC Q SPECIAL EVENT RESERVATION AGREEMENTEvent Reservation Agreement • January 9th, 2020
Contract Type FiledJanuary 9th, 2020A credit card will be held to confirm the reservation. Payment is required in full at the end of the event. Guest assumes all liability for payment of the rental requirements and any additional charges for your event.
This form must be completed for ALL events held at Phoenix Park*Event Reservation Agreement • August 28th, 2016
Contract Type FiledAugust 28th, 2016CONTACT INFORMATION Contact Name: Contact Email: Address: City/State/Zip: Home Phone: Cell Phone: EVENT LOCATION Pavilion Amphitheater/Labyrinth Confluence Plaza EVENT INFORMATION 1. Event Name: 2. Purpose of use: 3. Estimated # in Group: 4. Date of Event: 5. Time Range of Event (start and end): 6. Will there be alcohol at your event? Yes No *If yes, Alcohol Application is required 7. Will you have beer kegs at your event? Yes No *If yes, Alcohol Application is required 8. Will you be setting up a tent or inflatable? Yes No *A utility locate fee may be required 9. Is this event a wedding? Yes No 10. Will there be an entry fee, sales of food or merchandise, sale of beer, street/park closures,fireworks, or over 2 half barrels of fermented malt beverage? Yes No RENTAL FEES AND CHARGES (You will be charged for a maximum of 8 hours) Monday-Friday ($10/hour) $ /hour x # of hours = $ 0.00 Saturday & Sunday ($20/hour) Beer Keg Permit Application
No reservation is confirmed on the calendar until this Agreement is signed and returned by the host to the facility. Reservations will be confirmed based on availability on a first come / first serve basis. Reservation start and end times must include...Event Reservation Agreement • May 19th, 2021
Contract Type FiledMay 19th, 2021
WELCH HALL GRAND HALLWAYEvent Reservation Agreement • December 13th, 2010
Contract Type FiledDecember 13th, 2010
Please read CONDITIONS APPLICANT AGREES TO before completing this formEvent Reservation Agreement • September 18th, 2013
Contract Type FiledSeptember 18th, 2013The State of Oregon, for events on the State Capitol State Park grounds, managed and approved by the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department, hereinafter referred to as STATE, and , hereinafter referred to as APPLICANT, agree as follows: