Exposition Agreement Sample Contracts
Sowing the Seeds of Our Future: New Hampshire’s Agriculture & ForestryExposition Agreement • January 8th, 2017
Contract Type FiledJanuary 8th, 2017The New Hampshire Farm & Forest Exposition has been a winter standard since it began in 1984. Long called “New Hampshire’s Greatest Winter Fair,” the Expo has become a much awaited annual event. The Board of Directors sincerely thanks your organization for participating in the 34th Annual New Hampshire Farm and Forest Expo.
Standard Contracts
THEME – TO BE DETERMINEDExposition Agreement • September 22nd, 2017
Contract Type FiledSeptember 22nd, 2017The New Hampshire Farm & Forest Exposition has been a winter standard since it began in 1984. Long called “New Hampshire’s Greatest Winter Fair,” the Expo has become a much awaited annual event. The Board of Directors sincerely thanks your organization for participating in the 35th Annual New Hampshire Farm and Forest Expo.
Growing NH’s Future with Agriculture & ForestryExposition Agreement • September 25th, 2015
Contract Type FiledSeptember 25th, 2015The New Hampshire Farm & Forest Exposition has been a winter standard since it began in 1984. Long called “New Hampshire’s Greatest Winter Fair,” the Expo has become a much awaited annual event. The Board of Directors sincerely thanks your organization for participating in the 33rd annual New Hampshire Farm and Forest Expo.
ContractExposition Agreement • January 22nd, 2012
Contract Type FiledJanuary 22nd, 2012Safety is our top priority! Heavy equipment will be allowed to unload on Thursday, February 2, 2012, 8:00 a.m. to 6 p.m. The loading dock will also be open from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. on Friday, February 3, 2012 if needed. Heavy equipment is unloaded at the loading dock only! You can find the Radisson Hotel Loading Dock by turning on to Pleasant Street from either Canal Street or Elm Street. Please be patient with our staff during the unloading and loading process; they are responsible to see that everything is handled as safely and quickly as possible. The schedule for unloading for exhibitors with heavy equipment is as follows:
Exposition AgreementExposition Agreement • July 1st, 2024
Contract Type FiledJuly 1st, 2024
THE VENETIAN, HALL D • LAS VEGAS, NEVADAExposition Agreement • August 31st, 2016
Contract Type FiledAugust 31st, 2016
Please Type or Print areas clearlyExposition Agreement • October 24th, 2009
Contract Type FiledOctober 24th, 2009The New Hampshire Farm & Forest Exposition has been a winter standard since it began in 1984. Long called “New Hampshire’s Greatest Winter Fair,” the Expo has become a much awaited annual event. The Board of Directors would like to thank you for participating in the 27th Annual New Hampshire Farm and Forest Expo.
Please Type or Print areas clearlyExposition Agreement • July 28th, 2011
Contract Type FiledJuly 28th, 2011The New Hampshire Farm & Forest Exposition has been a winter standard since it began in 1984. Long called “New Hampshire’s Greatest Winter Fair,” the Expo has become a much awaited annual event. The Board of Directors would like to thank you for participating in the 29th Annual New Hampshire Farm and Forest Expo.
ASIANExposition Agreement • January 4th, 2018
Contract Type FiledJanuary 4th, 2018
KLTA/ MLTAExposition Agreement • July 21st, 2009
Contract Type FiledJuly 21st, 2009Assigning Booths: Location of booth space shall be on a first come, first served basis. The final booth assignment will be decided by the Kansas Land Title Association (KLTA) and Missouri Land Title Association (MLTA). No exhibit may be moved except by mutual consent of the parties.