Standard Contracts
This contract is to be used for the teacher education candidate (“pre-service teacher”) and the classroom teacher (“fieldwork mentor”) to articulate expectations for activities to be conducted under the direction of the mentor during the pre-service...Fieldwork Contract • January 16th, 2020
Contract Type FiledJanuary 16th, 2020
Sample Fieldwork ContractFieldwork Contract • June 3rd, 2015
Contract Type FiledJune 3rd, 2015
Practicum Sample Fieldwork Contract For M.A. in Professional Counseling studentsFieldwork Contract • November 9th, 2016
Contract Type FiledNovember 9th, 2016I, John Student, agree to provide approximately hours of counseling-related services as a Master’s-level fieldwork student at the Community Counseling Center during the four- month period between and . During this time, I agree to become familiar with the policies and procedures of the Community Counseling Center. I will observe therapy, do co- therapy, and do individual, group, and family therapy on my own as directed by my supervisor, Jane Smith. I also agree to be available to help with any other therapy- related or educationally relevant experiences that would be helpful within the constraints of the hours. In all of my work, I will observe the established policies and procedures of the Community Counseling Center.
S C H O O L O F E D U C A T I O N / O F F I C E O F C L I N I C A L P R A C T I C E –Fieldwork Contract • December 21st, 2018
Contract Type FiledDecember 21st, 2018
Sample Fieldwork ContractFieldwork Contract • September 29th, 2016
Contract Type FiledSeptember 29th, 2016
Sample Fieldwork ContractFieldwork Contract • August 6th, 2015
Contract Type FiledAugust 6th, 2015I, John Student, agree to provide approximately _ hours of counseling-related services as a Master’s-level fieldwork student at the Abundant Counseling Center during the four-month period between January 13, 2014 and May 9, 2014. During this time, I agree to become familiar with the policies and procedures of the Abundant Counseling Center. I will observe therapy, do co-therapy, and do individual, group, and family therapy on my own as directed by my supervisor, Jane Wisdom. I also agree to be available to help with any other therapy-related or educationally relevant experiences that would be helpful to the Abundant Counseling Center within the constraints of the hours. In all of my work, I will observe the established policies and procedures of the Abundant Counseling Center.
Contract Type FiledMay 15th, 2017This represents an agreement between [student name], MPH/MS student at the CUNY Graduate School of Public Health and Health Policy, and [preceptor name, prefix/suffix, position title, host organization] describing the expectations of both parties as they relate to the supervised fieldwork to be performed beginning [start-date for placement] and projected to end [end-date for placement] on the [project title]. The fieldwork student and preceptor agree that the fieldwork student is responsible for 180 hours of service in this role.
To be completed by Student in coordination with the On-Site Supervisor)Fieldwork Contract • November 30th, 2022
Contract Type FiledNovember 30th, 2022EPS 608- Student Affairs Fieldwork experience requires 300 hours of service to be completed within the students’ 20-hour graduate assistantship or another approved environment for student affairs work.
Fieldwork Contract and Proposal Form Fieldwork I DeliverableFieldwork Contract • January 25th, 2016
Contract Type FiledJanuary 25th, 2016This contract is to be completed according to the understanding of the Fieldwork placement between the student and the site supervisor. Please complete this form which must be submitted to your Fieldwork Faculty Advisor, Site Preceptor, and Graduate Practicum Director for signature and approval. Please be sure to keep copies of all documents for personal records. This form is available on-line at:
PRACTICUM FIELDWORK CONTRACTFieldwork Contract • July 27th, 2018
Contract Type FiledJuly 27th, 2018During this time, I agree to become familiar with the policies and procedures of the Site's Name: . I will observe therapy, do co-therapy, and do individual, group, and family therapy on my own as directed by my supervisor: Supervisor's Name: . I also agree to be available to help with any other therapy-related or educationally relevant experiences that would be helpful within the constraints of the 100 hours. In all of my work, I will observe the established policies and procedures of the Site's Name: .
TO BE PLACED ON HOST ORGANIZATION LETTERHEAD]Fieldwork Contract • August 19th, 2016
Contract Type FiledAugust 19th, 2016This represents an agreement between [student name], MPH/MS student at the CUNY Graduate School of Public Health and Health Policy, and [preceptor name, position title, host organization] describing the tasks and goals of both parties as they relate to the supervised fieldwork to be performed beginning [start-date for placement] and projected to end [end-date for placement] on the [name of project, if applicable]. The fieldwork student and preceptor agree that the fieldwork student is responsible for 180 hours of service in this role.
Sample Fieldwork ContractFieldwork Contract • October 5th, 2016
Contract Type FiledOctober 5th, 2016I, John Student, agree to provide approximately _ hours of counseling-related services as a Master’s-level fieldwork student at the Abundant Counseling Center during the four-month period between January 13, 2014 and May 9, 2014. During this time, I agree to become familiar with the policies and procedures of the Abundant Counseling Center. I will observe therapy, do co-therapy, and do individual, group, and family therapy on my own as directed by my supervisor, Jane Wisdom. I also agree to be available to help with any other therapy-related or educationally relevant experiences that would be helpful to the Abundant Counseling Center within the constraints of the hours. In all of my work, I will observe the established policies and procedures of the Abundant Counseling Center.
PRACTICUM FIELDWORK CONTRACT 1Fieldwork Contract • September 19th, 2018
Contract Type FiledSeptember 19th, 2018Fill in the contract that explicitly describes the agreement between you the student, the supervisor, and the site, including:
This contract is to be used for the teacher education candidate (“pre-service teacher”) and the classroom teacher (“mentor”) to articulate expectations for activities to be conducted under the direction of the mentor during the pre- service teacher’s...Fieldwork Contract • December 21st, 2018
Contract Type FiledDecember 21st, 2018PRE-SERVICE TEACHER Name:Education Program: Phone: MENTORName:Email:School name and district:Phone:District location: Rural Suburban Urban
Contract Type FiledMarch 10th, 2016This represents an agreement between [student name], MPH student at CUNY School of Public Health, and [preceptor name, position title, host organization] describing the tasks and goals of both parties as they relate to the supervised fieldwork to be performed beginning [start-date for placement] and projected to end [end-date for placement] on the [name of project, if applicable]. The fieldwork student and preceptor agree that the fieldwork student is responsible for 180 hours of service in this role.
PRACTICUM FIELDWORK CONTRACT 1Fieldwork Contract • September 19th, 2018
Contract Type FiledSeptember 19th, 2018Fill in the contract that explicitly describes the agreement between you the student, the supervisor, and the site, including: