Fine Art Consignment Agreement Sample Contracts

Standard Contracts

Fine Art Consignment Agreement • March 3rd, 2009

THIS CONSIGNMENT AGREEMENT is made and entered into this 21st day of June 2009 between the artist, as printed under artist name to the right, and the Lake Oswego Festival of the Arts, hereinafter called “Dealer.”

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Fine Art Consignment Agreement • April 22nd, 2010

THIS CONSIGNMENT AGREEMENT is made and entered into this 20th day of June 2010 between the artist, as printed under artist name to the right, and the Lake Oswego Festival of the Arts, hereinafter called “Dealer.”

Fine Art Consignment Agreement • March 28th, 2011

THIS CONSIGNMENT AGREEMENT is made and entered into this 19th day of June 2011 between the artist, as printed under artist name to the right, and the Lake Oswego Festival of the Arts, hereinafter called “Dealer.”

Fine Art Consignment Agreement
Fine Art Consignment Agreement • June 23rd, 2022

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Fine Art Consignment Agreements Dewitt Stern Group Free
Fine Art Consignment Agreement • July 24th, 2021

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June 26, 27, 28
Fine Art Consignment Agreement • November 6th, 2014

This CONSIGNMENT AGREEMENT is between the “Artist”, as defined below, and the Lake Oswego Festival of the Arts, hereinafter called “Dealer.”

Fine Art Consignment Agreement • April 18th, 2012

THIS CONSIGNMENT AGREEMENT is made and entered into this 17th day of June 2012 between the artist, as printed under artist name to the right, and the Lake Oswego Festival of the Arts, hereinafter called “Dealer.”

Fine Art Consignment Agreement • November 27th, 2007
June 20, 21, 22
Fine Art Consignment Agreement • February 26th, 2014

This CONSIGNMENT AGREEMENT is between the “Artist”, as defined below, and the Lake Oswego Festival of the Arts, hereinafter called “Dealer.”

Book] Fine Art Consignment Agreements Dewitt Stern Group Free
Fine Art Consignment Agreement • November 7th, 2020

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