Fisheries Act 1995 Sample Contracts
TABLE OF PROVISIONSFisheries Act 1995 • March 30th, 2022
Contract Type FiledMarch 30th, 202266B Existing quota orders 107 66C Initial abalone quota order 108 66D Further abalone quota order 109 66E Sub-zone abalone orders 109 66F When abalone quota order takes effect 110 66G Abalone Fishery Access Licence specification 110 66H Abalone quota unit holding statement 111 66I Entitlement of holder of an individual abalone quota unit 111
Standard Contracts
TABLE OF PROVISIONSFisheries Act 1995 • May 5th, 2020
Contract Type FiledMay 5th, 2020Division 2—Issue, variation, conditions etc. of licences and permits 68 51 Issue of fishery licences 68 51A Minister may determine that licences be publicly sold 71 52 Conditions of fishery licences and permits 71 53 Offence to fail to comply with licence or permit conditions 72 54 Changes to licence or permit conditions 74 55 Variations of licences and permits by regulation 75 56 Transfer of licences 76 5757A Certain licences may be renewedTransitional provision concerning certain licences not held by one person 78 80 57B57C Restriction on the re-issue of cancelled licences Transitional provision concerning certain licences not heldby one person 81 82 58 Powers of Secretary to cancel or suspend licences 83 58A Licences or permits must be returned to Secretary 85 59 Registration of financial interests 85 59A Registration of financial interests 86 60 Cancelled transferable licences may be transferred 87 60A Removal notice on cessation of aquaculture activities 89 Division fisheries 3—Mi