General Agreement on Trade in Services Sample Contracts
ANNEX 1B GENERAL AGREEMENT ON TRADE IN SERVICESGeneral Agreement on Trade in Services • January 21st, 2021
Contract Type FiledJanuary 21st, 2021
Standard Contracts
ContractGeneral Agreement on Trade in Services • July 16th, 2024
Contract Type FiledJuly 16th, 2024
ContractGeneral Agreement on Trade in Services • February 12th, 2018
Contract Type FiledFebruary 12th, 2018ANNEX 1B GENERAL AGREEMENT ON TRADE IN SERVICES ءاب لولأا قفرملا تامدخلا يف ةراجتلا نأشب ماعلا قافتلاا)ةيمسر ريغ ةمجرت( PART I SCOPE AND DEFINITION فيرعتلاو قاطنلا لولأا ءزجلا Article I Scope and Definition فيرعتلاو قاطنلا ىلولأا ةداملا PART II GENERAL OBLIGATIONS AND DISCIPLINES ةماعلا طباوضلاو تامازتللاا يناثلا ءزجلا Article II Treatment Most-Favoured-Nation ةياعر رثكلأا ةلودلا ةلماعم ةيناثلا ةداملا Article III Transparency ةيفافشلا ةثلاثلا ةداملا Article III bis Disclosure of Confidential Information ةيرسلا تامولعملا ءاشفا ارركم ةثلاثلا ةداملا Article IV Increasing Participation of Developing Countries ةيمانلا نادلبلا ةكراشم ةدايز ةعبارلا ةداملا Article V Economic Integration يداصتقلاا لماكتلا ةسماخلا ةداملا Article V bis Labour Markets Integration Agreements لمعلا قاوسأ لماكت تاقافتا ارركم ةسماخلا ةداملا Article VI Domestic Regulation يلحملا ديعصلا ىلع ميظنتلا ةسداسلا ةداملا Article VI Recognition فارتعلاا ةعباسلا ةداملا Article VIII Monopolies and Exclusive Service Suppliers نوديح
GENERAL AGREEMENT S/NGBT/W/3/Add.14General Agreement on Trade in Services • June 20th, 2005
Contract Type FiledJune 20th, 2005
GENERAL AGREEMENT S/NGBT/W/3/Add.18General Agreement on Trade in Services • June 20th, 2005
Contract Type FiledJune 20th, 2005
ContractGeneral Agreement on Trade in Services • September 27th, 2001
Contract Type FiledSeptember 27th, 2001Desiring to facilitate the increasing participation of developing countries in trade in services and the expansion of their service exports including, inter alia, through the strengthening of their domestic services capacity and its efficiency and competitiveness;
GENERAL AGREEMENT GATS/SC/20General Agreement on Trade in Services • August 23rd, 2005
Contract Type FiledAugust 23rd, 2005Sector or subsector Limitations on market access Limitations on national treatment Additional commitments I. HORIZONTAL COMMITMENTS ALL SECTORS INCLUDED IN THIS SCHEDULE 3) Foreign investment is allowed in all sectors of the economy except for investment projects in activities relating to national defence and the processing and disposal of toxic, hazardous or radioactive waste not produced in Colombia. With regard to foreign corporations, a tax exists on remittances of profits. Colombia considers that this tax is compatible with the provisions of the General Agreement on Trade in Services, in particular with the footnote to Article XVI(d), and therefore it is not specified or scheduled in this offer.
GENERAL AGREEMENT ON TRADE IN SERVICESGeneral Agreement on Trade in Services • April 15th, 2005
Contract Type FiledApril 15th, 2005Suriname, effective as of 20 December 1997 Cyprus, effective as of 30 January 1998 Barbados, effective as of 20 February 1998 Uganda, effective as of 24 December 1998 Guatemala, effective as of 12 March 1999 Côte d'Ivoire, effective as of 18 March 1999 Uganda, effective as of 11 August 1999 Kenya, effective as of 11 August 1999 Morocco, effective as of 12 October 2000
NOTE ON THE MEETING OF 13 JULY 1994General Agreement on Trade in Services • June 20th, 2005
Contract Type FiledJune 20th, 2005
GENERAL AGREEMENT S/NGBT/W/3/Add.13General Agreement on Trade in Services • June 20th, 2005
Contract Type FiledJune 20th, 2005
Procès-verbal to the General Agreement on Trade in Services, concerning SloveniaGeneral Agreement on Trade in Services • July 11th, 2022
Contract Type FiledJuly 11th, 2022Considering that the Marrakesh Ministerial Decision on the Acceptance of and Accession to the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization provided that a State or separate customs territory which became a contracting party to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1947 ("GATT 1947") between 15 April 1994 and the entry into force of the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization ("WTO Agreement") was permitted to submit to the Preparatory Committee for the World Trade Organization ("Preparatory Committee"), for its examination and approval, a schedule of concessions and commitments to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 ("GATT 1994") and a schedule of specific commitments to the General Agreement on Trade in Services ("GATS") and that the WTO Agreement would be open for acceptance by such contracting party in accordance with Article XIV thereof if such schedules were so submitted and approved,
General Agreement on Trade in Services. (d) DECISION ON NEGOTIATIONS ON BASIC TELECOMMUNICATIONSGeneral Agreement on Trade in Services • November 7th, 1995
Contract Type FiledNovember 7th, 1995
GENERAL AGREEMENT S/NGBT/W/3/Add.17General Agreement on Trade in Services • June 20th, 2005
Contract Type FiledJune 20th, 2005
SENEGALGeneral Agreement on Trade in Services • May 9th, 2008
Contract Type FiledMay 9th, 2008Sector or subsector Limitations on market access Limitations on national treatment Additional commitments 1.BUSINESS SERVICES A.Professional services d)Architectural services (CPC 8671) 1)Unbound 1)None 2)None 2)None 3)Unbound 3)None 4)Unbound 4)Unbound h)Medical and dental services (CPC 9312) 1)Unbound 1) None 2)None 2) None 3)Authorization required 3) None 4)Unbound 4)Unbound
General Agreement on Trade in Services and Higher Education in ChinaGeneral Agreement on Trade in Services • November 2nd, 2013
Contract Type FiledNovember 2nd, 2013The Chinese higher education system is the largest in the world. Having an understanding of the Chinese system helps to provide a better understanding of international education. This article discusses the commitments China has made under the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS), these commitments’ implications for Chinese higher education, and Chinese attitudes towards foreign education. It also discusses the recent development of international cooperation in Chinese higher education. Chinese are interested in learning from developed countries, the demand for higher education continues to grow in China, and most Chinese scholars believe internationalization is beneficial. Indications are Chinese higher educators will expand their cooperation with international colleagues to meet changing social needs. In internationalizing Chinese higher education, GATS may play a facilitating role.
Contract Type FiledDecember 24th, 2012
GENERAL AGREEMENT S/NGBT/W/3/Add.5 ON TRADE IN SERVICESGeneral Agreement on Trade in Services • June 20th, 2005
Contract Type FiledJune 20th, 2005The following communication is circulated at the request of Turkey to Members of the Negotiating Group on Basic Telecommunications.
GENERAL AGREEMENT S/IGFS/W/1General Agreement on Trade in Services • July 15th, 2005
Contract Type FiledJuly 15th, 2005
GENERAL AGREEMENT GATS/SC/66General Agreement on Trade in Services • August 23rd, 2005
Contract Type FiledAugust 23rd, 2005Norway reserves its rights to revert with a clarification with respect to the application of the General Agreement on Trade in Services to Svalbard (the Archipelago of Spitsbergen) in the context of the laws and regulations prevailing there.
COMMENTGeneral Agreement on Trade in Services • August 5th, 2023
Contract Type FiledAugust 5th, 2023National Convenor, People’s Health Movement India (Jan Swasthya Abhyiyan) Kuzhuvalil House, Arpookara East, Kottayam 686 008 Kerala INDIA email:
ContractGeneral Agreement on Trade in Services • December 15th, 2014
Contract Type FiledDecember 15th, 2014
GENERAL AGREEMENT S/NGBT/W/3/Add.1General Agreement on Trade in Services • June 20th, 2005
Contract Type FiledJune 20th, 2005
ANNEX 1B GENERAL AGREEMENT ON TRADE IN SERVICESGeneral Agreement on Trade in Services • December 9th, 2024
Contract Type FiledDecember 9th, 2024
GENERAL AGREEMENT S/NGBT/W/3/Add.16General Agreement on Trade in Services • June 20th, 2005
Contract Type FiledJune 20th, 2005
GENERAL AGREEMENT GATS/SC/6General Agreement on Trade in Services • September 25th, 2008
Contract Type FiledSeptember 25th, 2008
GENERAL AGREEMENT S/IGFS/W/2 ON TRADE IN SERVICESGeneral Agreement on Trade in Services • June 20th, 2005
Contract Type FiledJune 20th, 2005The attached communication is circulated by the delegation of Switzerland concerning a recent modification in legislation in the area of financial services.
GENERAL AGREEMENT GATS/SC/59General Agreement on Trade in Services • August 23rd, 2005
Contract Type FiledAugust 23rd, 2005Sector or subsector Limitations on market access Limitations on national treatment Additional commitments 9. TOURISM AND TRAVEL RELATED SERVICES A. Hotels(CPC 641-643) 1) None2) None3) None4) None 1) None2) None3) Unbound4) Unbound B. Travel Agencies and Tour Operators Services (CPC 7471) 1) None2) None3) None4) Unbound 1) None2) None3) Unbound4) Unbound 11. TRANSPORT SERVICES H. Services Auxiliary to all Modes of Transport Tourist transport operation: exclusively operating a tourist business by motor vehicle, water craft or both 1) None2) None3) None4) Unbound 1) None2) None3) Unbound4) Unbound
General Agreement on Trade in Services265General Agreement on Trade in Services • July 11th, 2022
Contract Type FiledJuly 11th, 2022
GENERAL AGREEMENT GATS/SC/6General Agreement on Trade in Services • August 23rd, 2005
Contract Type FiledAugust 23rd, 2005
ContractGeneral Agreement on Trade in Services • July 23rd, 2020
Contract Type FiledJuly 23rd, 2020
GENERAL AGREEMENT GATS/SC/68General Agreement on Trade in Services • May 8th, 2008
Contract Type FiledMay 8th, 2008Sector or subsector Limitations on market access Limitations on national treatment Additional commitments 7.FINANCIAL SERVICES A.Insurance Insurance (excluding reinsurance and retrocession)(CPC 812) 1)Unbound 2)Unbound 3)None4)Unbound, except for senior personnel and specialists 1)Unbound 2)Unbound 3)None4)Unbound, except for senior personnel and specialists Reinsurance and retrocession (CPC 81299) 1) None 2) None 3) None 4)Unbound, except for senior personnel and specialists 1) None 2) None 3) None 4)Unbound, except for senior personnel and specialists
GENERAL AGREEMENT TS/NGBT/W/2General Agreement on Trade in Services • June 20th, 2005
Contract Type FiledJune 20th, 2005
GENERAL AGREEMENT S/NGBT/W/3/Add.7General Agreement on Trade in Services • June 20th, 2005
Contract Type FiledJune 20th, 2005
General Agreement on Trade in S ...?General Agreement on Trade in Services • May 5th, 2020
Contract Type FiledMay 5th, 2020
GENERAL AGREEMENT S/NGBT/W/3/Add.17/Corr.1 ON TRADE IN SERVICESGeneral Agreement on Trade in Services • June 20th, 2005
Contract Type FiledJune 20th, 2005The following communication is circulated at the request of Japan to Members of the Negotiating Group on Basic Telecommunications.