Standard Contracts
WINTHROP UNIVERSITY HONORS PROGRAM CONTRACTHonors Program Contract • August 11th, 2016
Contract Type FiledAugust 11th, 2016The following is to be provided by the student after consultation with the instructor. The completed contract must be received by the Honors Director no later than the Friday of the third full week of classes in which the course is being contracted. Students, however, are encouraged to complete their contract the semester prior to the semester in which the course is being contracted. For contracting a course for a summer term, the contract must be received by the Honors Director no later than the Friday of the first week of the class being contracted.
Honors Program ContractHonors Program Contract • April 20th, 2021
Contract Type FiledApril 20th, 2021For students in the Honors Program who wish to chart a customized program of studeydmegoreset, sHuointoerds otfofetrsheir individseusawl imthaojuotsrstanadnindgpaocsutl-tby aancdcianlnaouvaretivaete plans
Honors Program Contract for the Classes of 2015, 2016, 2017Honors Program Contract • March 31st, 2014
Contract Type FiledMarch 31st, 2014Directions: Print all information clearly and legibly, especially e-mail addresses. This contract is completed only once for all honors classes for 2014-2015 for the Classes of 2015, 2016, 2017.
Introduction and OverviewHonors Program Contract • April 12th, 2023
Contract Type FiledApril 12th, 2023The Carolyn F. Blakely Honors Program (Honors Program) here at the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff offers a planned set of arrangements to serve the needs of talented, gifted, and committed students who are receptive to serious academic challenges. Our goal is to produce a program that attracts and retains high-achieving scholars with an interest in becoming well educated and well-rounded people willing to make willing to make their respective communities and nation a better place to live, work, and learn. To achieve this goal, we have compiled a collection of experiences that are designed to enrich the education experience of our scholars. It is our hope that the scholars in the Honors Program will embrace the opportunities that we prove them with vigor, curiosity, and courage. Honors scholars should be willing to take a look at the world that surrounds them and challenge themselves to learn more about the world. Honors Scholars should also be willing to develop their analytical
Honors Program ContractHonors Program Contract • May 11th, 2014
Contract Type FiledMay 11th, 2014For students in the Honors Program who wish to chart a customized program of studeydmegoreset, sHuointoerds otfofetrsheir individseusawl imthaojuotsrstanadnindgpaocsutl-tby aancdcianlnaouvaretivaete plans
Honors Program ContractHonors Program Contract • May 11th, 2014
Contract Type FiledMay 11th, 2014For students in the Honors Program who wish to chart a customized program of studeydmegoreset, sHuointoerds otfofetrsheir individseusawl imthaojuotsrstanadnindgpaocsutl-tby aancdcianlnaouvaretivaete plans
HONORS PROGRAM CONTRACTHonors Program Contract • August 15th, 2017
Contract Type FiledAugust 15th, 2017IMPORTANT NOTES: Further instructions and signatures are on the back of the form. The contract MUST be filled out in ink and in detail using complete sentences, or it will be returned to the student immediately for revisions. The project must be in a course that is 3-credit hours or more and 100-level or above, and must go beyond regular course requirements. (See Recommended Project Guidelines and Examples.) Students should make a copy of the contract for their own records before turning in the original. The Honors Directors will review and approve all contracts.
Introduction and OverviewHonors Program Contract • May 2nd, 2023
Contract Type FiledMay 2nd, 2023The Carolyn F. Blakely Honors Program (Honors Program) here at the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff offers a planned set of arrangements to serve the needs of talented, gifted, and committed students who are receptive to serious academic challenges. Our goal is to produce a program that attracts and retains high-achieving scholars with an interest in becoming well educated and well-rounded people willing to make willing to make their respective communities and nation a better place to live, work, and learn. To achieve this goal, we have compiled a collection of experiences that are designed to enrich the education experience of our scholars. It is our hope that the scholars in the Honors Program will embrace the opportunities that we prove them with vigor, curiosity, and courage. Honors scholars should be willing to take a look at the world that surrounds them and challenge themselves to learn more about the world. Honors Scholars should also be willing to develop their analytical
Honors Program ContractHonors Program Contract • August 7th, 2018
Contract Type FiledAugust 7th, 2018This contract serves as an agreement between the Honors Program, the student and the faculty member. After the director approves the initial outline proposal, the student will work closely with the faculty member on the approved project. The project must be completed by the end of the agreed upon semester. It must have three components:
Boston University (Biological) Anthropology Honors Program Contract (3 pages)Honors Program Contract • April 24th, 2021
Contract Type FiledApril 24th, 2021Enroll in either AN595 or a 500-level biological anthropology course related to the thesis. You should begin developing your project ideas during the Junior Year. You may also conduct research during the summer between your Junior and Senior year, and/or during one or both semesters during your Junior Year.
Honors Program Contract Course FormHonors Program Contract • June 30th, 2016
Contract Type FiledJune 30th, 2016The contract itself does not establish the Honors course in Datatel. The instructor should provide a copy of the contract to the Division Office Associate so the appropriate steps are taken to create the course in Datatel and ensure the student is registered for the honors section. Honors courses may not be offered during a 5 week term.