ContractImporter's Exempt Commodity Form (Sc–6) • May 23rd, 2017
Contract Type FiledMay 23rd, 2017import products for processing or other exempt purposes unless an executed Importers Exempt Commodity Form (SC–6) accompanies the shipment. Both the shipper and receiver are required to register in the Compliance and Enforcement Management System (CEMS) to electronically file an SC–6 certificate to notify the Marketing Order and Agreement Division (MOAD) of the exemption activity. MOAD provides information on its Web site about the commodities imported under section 8e of the Act and directions to the CEMS portal. The Civil Penalty Stipulation Agreement (SC–7) is a ‘‘volunteer’’ form that provides the Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) with an additional tool to obtain resolution of certain cases without the cost of going to a hearing.