Joint Research Agreement Sample Contracts
Joint Research AgreementJoint Research Agreement • June 18th, 2020
Contract Type FiledJune 18th, 2020
Standard Contracts
JOINT RESEARCH ARRANGEMENT on [THEME]Joint Research Agreement • February 20th, 2024
Contract Type FiledFebruary 20th, 2024The Japan Atomic Energy Agency (hereinafter referred to as “JAEA”), having its principal office at 765-1 Funaishikawa, Tokai-mura, Naka-gun, Ibaraki, Japan, [name of institution 1] (hereinafter referred to as “AAAA”), having its principal office at [address], and [name of institution 2] (hereinafter referred to as “BBBB”), having its principal office at [address] (hereinafter referred to as the “Party” or the “Parties” as the context requires)
Joint Research AgreementJoint Research Agreement • February 2nd, 2023
Contract Type FiledFebruary 2nd, 2023This Joint Research Agreement (the “Agreement”) has been entered into by and between Niigata University ("NU") and ______________, (the "Company") as of [Month][Date], 20[ ], with the following terms and conditions set forth below.
JOINT RESEARCH AGREEMENTJoint Research Agreement • January 14th, 2021
Contract Type FiledJanuary 14th, 2021This Joint Research Agreement (the "Agreement") is entered into and effective as of (date) (the "Effective Date") by and between Tohoku University having its principal office at 2-1-1 Katahira, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi 980-8577 Japan (hereinafter referred to as "TU") and (Company) having its principal office at (address) (hereinafter referred to as "COMPANY").
Joint Research AgreementJoint Research Agreement • September 10th, 2018
Contract Type FiledSeptember 10th, 2018UEC and Partner, the parties to the agreement in item 1 of the above table of agreement terms, in order to implement the joint research described in the above agreement terms (hereinafter, “Joint Research”), enter into a Joint Research Agreement in accordance with each of the following provisions (hereinafter, “Agreement”), and in witness to the concluding of this Agreement, the parties shall prepare two copies with each party retaining one copy.
Joint Research Agreement with Fuso Pharmaceutical Industries for a High- producing Cell Line for Biopharmaceutical ProductsJoint Research Agreement • May 17th, 2019
Contract Type FiledMay 17th, 2019Gene Techno Science Co.,Ltd. has signed a joint research agreement with Fuso Pharmaceutical Industries, Ltd. (Code: 4538, TSE 1st Section) for the purpose of creating a high-producing cell for biopharmaceutical products.
Joint Research AgreementJoint Research Agreement • May 18th, 2021
Contract Type FiledMay 18th, 2021This Joint Research Agreement is made and entered by and between , University (hereinafter called “A”) and , Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic (established in Antoninska 548/1, Brno 601 90, Czech Republic, VAT number: CZ00216305, represented by prof. RNDr. Ing. Petr Štěpánek, CSc, rector; hereinafter called “B”) in accordance with the provisions stated hereunder.
ContractJoint Research Agreement • February 9th, 2010
Contract Type FiledFebruary 9th, 2010Title: Agreement between the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the People’s Republics of China on joint research operations to determine the natural resources of the Amur river basin and the prospects for development of its productive potentialities and on planning and survey operations to prepare a scheme for the multi-purpose exploitation of the operations to prepare a scheme for the multi-purpose exploitation of the Argun River and the Upper Amur River
Enpower Greentech Inc. and SoftBank Corp. Successfully Verify 450+ Wh/kg Energy Density Battery and Succeed in Development of Core Technologies for Longer Battery LifeJoint Research Agreement • March 14th, 2021
Contract Type FiledMarch 14th, 2021In March 2020, Enpower Greentech Inc. (“Enpower Greentech”) and SoftBank Corp. (“SoftBank”) signed a joint research agreement for the development of lightweight, large capacity, and high specific energy density next generation batteries, with applications for IoT and cellular base stations. Both companies have just successfully verified a high energy density (450+Wh/kg) lithium metal battery, and are also pleased to announce the successful development of core technologies that will extend the service life of lithium metal batteries. The core technologies developed thus far include an ultra-thin coating film (<10nm), which prevents dendrites1* from forming on the surface of lithium metal, and an electrolyte, which achieves both high voltage and high coulombic efficiency (charge-discharge efficiency) 2*.
Agreement Concerning Joint Research of Ophthalmic drugJoint Research Agreement • April 12th, 2023
Contract Type FiledApril 12th, 2023March 22,2006—CytoPathfinder, Inc.(headquartered in Tokyo, Shinagawa, Japan, CEO: Yoshiji Fujita) and Santen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (headquartered in Osaka, Japan, President and CEO: Takakazu Morita) announced that they have signed a three-year research agreement to jointly search target molecule for ophthalmology drug discovery and apply CytoPathfinder’s cubic liquid crystal technology to ophthalmic drug formulation.
Agreement for the creation of a European joint project team/mixed research teamJoint Research Agreement • October 21st, 2015
Contract Type FiledOctober 21st, 2015A national research institute for mathematics and computer science, located Science Park 123, 1098 XG Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
Sumitomo Dainippon Pharma and National Institutes of Biomedical Innovation, Health and Nutrition Conclude Joint Research Agreement for Universal Influenza VaccineJoint Research Agreement • April 23rd, 2020
Contract Type FiledApril 23rd, 2020Sumitomo Dainippon Pharma Co., Ltd. (Head Office: Osaka, Japan; Representative Director, President and CEO: Hiroshi Nomura) and National Institutes of Biomedical Innovation, Health and Nutrition (Headquarters: Ibaraki City, Japan; Director General: Yoshihiro Yoneda; hereafter NIBIOHN) announced today that they have concluded a joint research agreement, aiming at the practical application of a universal influenza vaccine that provides broader protection against most influenza.
EXHIBIT 21.13 Agreement of Joint Research The parties to this agreement are Fujita Corporation, having its principal office at 6-15, Sendagaya 4-chome, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151, Japan (hereinafter referred to as "Party A"), Shantou Vibro-Tech Industrial...Joint Research Agreement • April 12th, 2000 • Vibro Tech Industries Inc • Ball & roller bearings
Contract Type FiledApril 12th, 2000 Company Industry
Joint Research Agreement (Draft)Joint Research Agreement • March 3rd, 2017
Contract Type FiledMarch 3rd, 2017This Joint Research Agreement (hereinafter this "Agreement") is made and entered into by and between Kyorin University (hereinafter the "University") and XXX (hereinafter the "Contracting Party").. The parties hereto agree as follows:
Agreement FormJoint Research Agreement • May 24th, 2021
Contract Type FiledMay 24th, 2021
HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTESJoint Research Agreement • November 6th, 2019
Contract Type FiledNovember 6th, 2019There is no provision corresponding to the first sen- tence explicitly stated in the present statutes, but the refusal of patents by the Patent Office, and the holding of patents invalid by the courts, on the ground of lack of invention or lack of patentable novelty has been fol- lowed since at least as early as 1850. This paragraph is added with the view that an explicit statement in the statute may have some stabilizing effect, and also to serve as a basis for the addition at a later time of some criteria which may be worked out.
Joint Research with View to Developing Regenerative Medicine Product for Type 1 Diabetes by Producing Pancreatic Beta Cells Through Direct Reprogramming of Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Stem CellsJoint Research Agreement • January 24th, 2020
Contract Type FiledJanuary 24th, 2020Type 1 diabetes is a potentially life-threatening autoimmune disease characterized by the destruction of insulin-producing pancreatic beta cells, and people with type 1 diabetes require lifelong treatment with insulin. Globally, around 5% of all diabetes patients are type 1 diabetes, and while the disease is most common in younger people it occurs across a wide range of age groups1,2. In 2017, there are about 80,000 patients suffering from type 1 diabetes3.
Joint Research AgreementJoint Research Agreement • January 5th, 2023
Contract Type FiledJanuary 5th, 2023
BETWEENJoint Research Agreement • June 26th, 2020
Contract Type FiledJune 26th, 2020This Arrangement sets forth Joint Research Agreement is made on this 16th day of March 2020 by and between Assoc. Prof. Handaru Jati, S.T., M.M., M.T., Ph.D, Lecturer in Infomatics Engineering Department, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia and Prof. Dr. Mei Hsiu- Ching Ho, Lecturer in Graduate Institute of Technology Management, National Taiwan University Of Science And Technology, Taiwan, hereinafter referred to singularly as “the Party” and collectively as “the Parties”.
FunPep Signs Joint Research Agreement for a Next-generation Drug Formulation Technology for Antibody Inducing Peptides Using Microneedle Array PatchJoint Research Agreement • September 2nd, 2021
Contract Type FiledSeptember 2nd, 2021On August 13, MEDRx Co., Ltd (Head office: Higashikagawa, Kagawa; hereafter “MEDRx” ) and FunPep Co., Ltd. (Head office: Ibaraki, Osaka; hereafter “FunPep”) have signed a joint research agreement for the purpose of developing a next-generation drug formulation technology for antibody inducing peptides using microneedle array patch.
Joint Research AgreementJoint Research Agreement • February 9th, 2020
Contract Type FiledFebruary 9th, 2020
Contract Type FiledApril 21st, 2010Pursuant to the terms of the Agreement the University will provide access to its serum bank, facilities for the project and will carry out the testing. Cellmid will be required to pay for the facilities and testing of the samples.
JOINT RESEARCH AGREEMENTJoint Research Agreement • November 9th, 2022
Contract Type FiledNovember 9th, 2022This document is made on the basis of an agreement entered into and executed by the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University, Bangladesh (hereinafter referred to as “BSMRAU”) and the Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences (hereinafter referred to as “JIRCAS”), Japan (hereinafter jointly referred to as Parties).
JOINT RESEARCH AGREEMENT ASSIGNMENT AND NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT JOINT RESEARCH AGREEMENTJoint Research Agreement • July 10th, 2006 • NaturalNano , Inc. • Biological products, (no disgnostic substances)
Contract Type FiledJuly 10th, 2006 Company IndustryThis Joint Research Agreement ("JRA") is effective as of May 25, 2005 by and between Nanolution, LLC ("Nanolution") and NaturalNano Inc. ("NaturalNano") (also referred to herein as "the Parties").
ContractJoint Research Agreement • February 15th, 2022
Contract Type FiledFebruary 15th, 2022Eni and the University of Milano-Bicocca sign a joint research agreement for projects in the field of energy transition
ContractJoint Research Agreement • April 7th, 2022
Contract Type FiledApril 7th, 2022
Joint Research Agreement Signed with National Cancer CenterJoint Research Agreement • June 21st, 2007
Contract Type FiledJune 21st, 2007In April 2007, Hitachi High-Technologies Corporation (President: Hidehito Obayashi) signed a joint research agreement with the National Cancer Center in Tokyo, Japan (President: Setsuo Hirohashi) and has begun joint research into developing a commercially viable method of blood diagnosis based on proteome analysis.
Contract Type FiledDecember 24th, 2021This Arrangement sets forth Joint Research Agreement is made on this 1st day of April 2021 by and between Dr. Ari Kusmiatun, M.Hum., Ahmad Wahyudin, M.Hum., and Dwi Hanti Rahayu, M.Pd., lecturers from Department of Indonesian Literature, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta and Ku-Ares Tawandorloh, S.Pd., M.Hum., and Islahuddin, S.S.,M.A., lecturers from Department of Malay Language, Fatoni University, hereinafter referred to singularly as “the Party” and collectively as “the Parties”.
Chulalongkorn University and NICT Photonics-related joint research and photonicJoint Research Agreement • May 14th, 2020
Contract Type FiledMay 14th, 2020NICT has been promoting collaborative research on optical-related technologies with the Department of Electrical Engineering of Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand in 2014 by concluding MOU and Joint Research Agreement (CRA).
AGREEMENT FOR A JOINT RESEARCH DOCTORAL THESISJoint Research Agreement • February 2nd, 2018
Contract Type FiledFebruary 2nd, 2018The "Sapienza" University of Rome, whose headquarters are at Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, Rome, Italy, represented for the purposes hereof by the Rector Prof. Eugenio Gaudio, further to the powers vested in him
the agreement between IFOM and InStemJoint Research Agreement • November 27th, 2013
Contract Type FiledNovember 27th, 2013InStem, the Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine, is a major initiative of the Indian Government and is growing collaboratively in a joint campus with the National Centre for Biological Sciences (NCBS).
LETTER OF AGREEMENT JOINT RESEARCH PROGRAMJoint Research Agreement • August 8th, 2021
Contract Type FiledAugust 8th, 2021This Arrangement sets forth Joint Research Agreement is made on this 29th day of July 2021 by and Dr. Mumu Komaro, MT., Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering Education Department, UNIVERSITAS PENDIDIKAN INDONESIA (UPI), Indonesia and Ts. Dr. Asnul Dahar Bin Minghat, Lecturer in Institute for Life-Ready Graduate (UTMiLeaGue), UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA, here in after referred to singularly as “the Party” and collectively as “the Parties”.
Graduate School of Medicine/Faculty of Medicine, Osaka University and Astellas establish joint research chair for R&D on next-generation cell therapyJoint Research Agreement • February 2nd, 2015
Contract Type FiledFebruary 2nd, 2015Tokyo, February 2, 2015 - The National University Corporation Osaka University ("Osaka University"; Administrative campus located in Suita-city, Osaka, Japan; President, Toshio Hirano) and Astellas Pharma Inc. ("Astellas"; TSE: 4503; Headquarters: Tokyo; President & CEO: Yoshihiko Hatanaka) have entered into an agreement to establish a joint research chair* with a view developing fundamental technologies for next-generation cell therapies and bringing those technologies into practical use. Under the agreement, the joint research chair of “Department of Translational Cell Therapy (Organizing Professor: Professor Yoshiki Sawa, Cardiovascular Surgery, Department of Surgery)” has been established within the Graduate School of Medicine/Faculty of Medicine, Osaka University and will be tasked with developing the new technology platforms required to advance practical use of cell therapies, which are expected to be the next-generation therapies. The department will operate a laboratory facilit
EXHIBIT 21.14 Basic Agreement of Joint Research The parties to this agreement are Fujita Corporation, having its principal office at 6-15, Sendagaya 4-chome, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151, Japan (hereinafter referred to as "Party A"), Shantou Vibro-Tech...Joint Research Agreement • January 5th, 2000 • Vibro Tech Industries Inc
Contract Type FiledJanuary 5th, 2000 Company
SRA Signs Joint Research Agreement with JIRCASJoint Research Agreement • March 30th, 2019
Contract Type FiledMarch 30th, 2019Sugar Regulatory Administrator, Engr. Hermenegildo R. Serafica and Program Director, Dr. Satoshi Tobita of the Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS), signed a Joint Research Agreement (JRA) on 11 February 2019, the first day of the Sugarcane Stakeholders’ Summit at the Lopez Convention Hall of the Bureau of Soils and Water Management (BSWM).