Judging Agreement Sample Contracts
Agreement - Overseas Resident to Judge Dogs in AustraliaJudging Agreement • September 21st, 2015
Contract Type FiledSeptember 21st, 2015This letter will serve to confirm your official appointment to judge and your acceptance of the following terms and conditions to which both parties hereby agree:
Standard Contracts
JUDGING AGREEMENTJudging Agreement • March 12th, 2024
Contract Type FiledMarch 12th, 2024This agreement dated is made between , referred to as judge, and the Eaton County Agricultural Society, referred to as contractor. ( Please Print )
AGREEMENT &Judging Agreement • February 10th, 2023
Contract Type FiledFebruary 10th, 2023Invitation issued to JUDGES NAME AFFILIATION ADDRESS EMAIL MOBILE Club issuing invitation and hosting show CLUB NAME ADDRESS EMAIL MOBILE Details of assignment Judge to allow at least two (2) Governing Council shows between like assignments at any South Australianshows. DATE TIME TO ARRIVE VENUE ASSIGNMENT Travel & expenses The Club is to complete travel arrangements directly with the Judge, including payment of expenses. TRAVEL TO START DAY AIRPORT MODE OF TRAVEL PLANE CAR OTHER ACCOMMODATION MOTEL PRIVATE OTHER EXPENSES INCLUDED NIGHTS The above invitation is extended to you on the understanding that you are fully conversant with the Rules and Regulations of the GCCFSA Inc. A copy can be made available to you along with the Australian Cat Federation breed standards. Acceptance of this invitation shall constitute a binding agreement between the parties hereto, providing that such acceptance is communicated to the Show Manager/Club Secretar
INVITATION & AGREEMENT TO JUDGEJudging Agreement • August 11th, 2019
Contract Type FiledAugust 11th, 2019The Club offers the following conditions in addition to agreeing to provide lunch on the day of the show and all other meals where a day trip is not considered to be reasonable.
CONTRACT # CONTRACTOR DESCRIPTION EFFORT TYPE TERM RECEIPT AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEEDEXPENSE AMOUNT IO-001-19 Madeleine Spensor Judging Imaginology Poetry & Reading divisions Imaginology 4/6/2019 $200 IO-002-19 Marcus Omari Judging Imaginology Poetry &...Judging Agreement • March 18th, 2019
Contract Type FiledMarch 18th, 2019
N ew Zealand Cat Fancy Inc INVITATION AND AGREEMENT TO JUDGE (NOTE: All sections must be completed before contract is approved)Judging Agreement • August 5th, 2018
Contract Type FiledAugust 5th, 2018The club offers the following conditions in addition to agreeing to provide lunch on the day of the show and all other meals where a day trip is not considered to be reasonable:
AGREEMENT FOR JUDGINGJudging Agreement • March 14th, 2024
Contract Type FiledMarch 14th, 2024THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 11th day of March, 2024 by and between the 32nd District Agricultural Association, an agency of the State of California, through its duly appointed, qualified and acting Secretary-Manager, party of the first part, hereinafter called the State, and Jeff Alu party of the second part, hereinafter called the Judge.
CONTRACT # CONTRACTOR DESCRIPTION EFFORT TYPE TERM RECEIPT AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEEDEXPENSE AMOUNT IO-001-18 Rafael Garcia Judging Imaginology Poetry & Reading divisions Imaginology 4/7/2018 $200 IO-002-18 Barbara Thompson Judging Imaginology Poetry &...Judging Agreement • March 16th, 2018
Contract Type FiledMarch 16th, 2018
Agreement - Overseas Resident to Judge Dogs in AustraliaJudging Agreement • September 21st, 2015
Contract Type FiledSeptember 21st, 2015This letter will serve to confirm your official appointment to judge and your acceptance of the following terms and conditions to which both parties hereby agree:
Contract Type FiledSeptember 13th, 2018Please fill in, sign, make a copy for yourself, and return by the above deadline, to the address of 11300 S. Houghton Rd. Tucson, AZ 85747 or scan and email to julia@pimacountyfair.com A map and your parking pass to the Fair will be subject to change depending on parking availability. If you have any questions, please email me at Julia@PimaCountyFair.com or leave a message at (520) 762-9106. We value our Judges and thank you for your participation so lunch is on us!!!!
AGREEMENT FOR JUDGINGJudging Agreement • January 19th, 2024
Contract Type FiledJanuary 19th, 2024Please fill in, sign, make a copy for yourself, and return by the above deadline, to the address of 11300 S. Houghton Rd. Tucson, AZ 85747 or scan and email to julia@pimacountyfair.com
ContractJudging Agreement • February 11th, 2013
Contract Type FiledFebruary 11th, 2013Disclaimer: This Legal document is provided by The British Alpaca Society (BAS) to Show Organisers/Managers and BAS Certified Judges. This document is not to be amended in any fashion other than filling in the appropriate blanks provided herein.
OC FAIR & EVENT CENTERJudging Agreement • November 4th, 2020
Contract Type FiledNovember 4th, 2020CONTRACT # CONTRACTOR DESCRIPTION EFFORT TYPE TERM NOT TO EXCEEDEXPENSE AMOUNT CA-002-20 David Scholder Judging the Olive Oil Competition 2020 OC Fair 10/13/2020 $150.00 CA-009-20 Lynette MacDonald Judging the Olive Oil Competition 2020 OC Fair 10/13/2020 $150.00
CONTRACT # CONTRACTOR DESCRIPTION EFFORT TYPE TERM RECEIPT AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEEDEXPENSE AMOUNT CA-001-21 Carla Merrigan-Ward Judging the Preserved Foods & Liqueur, Sugar Arts, Yeast & Quick Bread, and Cookies Competitions Fair...Judging Agreement • May 14th, 2021
Contract Type FiledMay 14th, 2021WITNESSETH: That the Judge for and in consideration of the covenants, conditions, agreements, stipulations of the State hereinafter expressed, does hereby agree to furnish to the State services, as follows:
ContractJudging Agreement • November 16th, 2022
Contract Type FiledNovember 16th, 2022
OC FAIR & EVENT CENTERJudging Agreement • May 17th, 2022
Contract Type FiledMay 17th, 2022CONTRACT # CONTRACTOR DESCRIPTION EFFORT TYPE TERM RECEIPT AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED EXPENSE AMOUNT CA-001-22 Carla Merrigan-Ward Judging the Presereved Foods &Liqueur, Sugar Arts, Yeast & Quick Bread, Cookies, and Bars & Brownies Competitions Fair 6/21, 7/12, 7/13,7/19 & 8/2/2022 $500 CA-002-22 Hae Jung Cho Judging the Presereved Foods &Liqueur, Sugar Arts, Yeast & Quick Bread and Cookies Competitions Fair 6/21, 7/12, 7/13,7/19/2022 $300 CA-003-22 Pamela Wnuck Judging the Presereved Foods & Liqueur Competitions Fair Judging thePreserevedFoods & Liqueur Competitions $100 CA-004-22 Karen Schilter Judging the Presereved Foods &Liqueur, Sugar Arts, Yeast & Quick Bread and Cookies Competitions Fair 6/21, 7/13,7/19/2022 $300 CA-005-22 Stacey Izabal Judging the Yeast & Quick Bread andBars & Brownies Competitions Fair 7/13 & 8/2/222 $200 CA-006-22 Richard Espinachio Judging the Yeast & Quick Bread,Cookies and Bars & Brownies Competitions Fair 7/13, 7/19 &8/2/22
Your County Cooperative Extension ServiceJudging Agreement • December 19th, 2023
Contract Type FiledDecember 19th, 2023This agreement is between the Board of Trustees of the University of Arkansas, acting for and on behalf of the University of Arkansas System, Division of Agriculture (UADA) and (Name of Judge). There is no personal or financial interest between the parties outside of this agreement. (If there is, contact your District Director or appropriate supervisor for assistance.)
The Art Guild at Fairfield Glade (the “Guild”) enters into this agreement on this day ofJudging Agreement • March 12th, 2022
Contract Type FiledMarch 12th, 2022Art show entries may include all visual art mediums. The number of entries typically will not exceed 200 by up to 100 artists. Exhibit Committee or show point of contact will provide show awards information and will be available to assist you.
Disclaimer:Judging Agreement • October 28th, 2015
Contract Type FiledOctober 28th, 2015This Legal document is provided by The British Alpaca Society (BAS) to Show Organisers/Managers and BAS Certified Judges. This document is not to be amended in any fashion other than filling in the appropriate blanks provided herein.
Contract Type FiledSeptember 20th, 2019Please fill in, sign, make a copy for yourself, and return by the above deadline, to the address of 11300 S. Houghton Rd. Tucson, AZ 85747 or scan and email to julia@pimacountyfair.com If you have any questions, please email me at Julia@PimaCountyFair.com or leave a message at (520) 762-9106. We value our Judges and thank you for your participation so lunch is on us!!!!
Club Contact InformationJudging Agreement • August 20th, 2018
Contract Type FiledAugust 20th, 2018Emergency Contact Phone (must be answered by a live person the day before the show and the days of the show and preferably a cellular number for the show manager):
AGREEMENT FOR JUDGINGJudging Agreement • November 5th, 2024
Contract Type FiledNovember 5th, 2024Please fill in, sign, make a copy for yourself, and return by the above deadline, to the address of 11300 S. Houghton Rd. Tucson, AZ 85747 or scan and email to julia@pimacountyfair.com
JUDGING AGREEMENTJudging Agreement • October 21st, 2014
AGREEMENT FOR JUDGINGJudging Agreement • March 18th, 2019
Contract Type FiledMarch 18th, 2019THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 4 day of March, 2019 by and between the 32nd District Agricultural Association, an agency of the State of California, through its duly appointed, qualified and acting Secretary-Manager, party of the first part, hereinafter called the State, and Madeleine Spensor party of the second part, hereinafter called the Judge.
JUDGING AGREEMENTJudging Agreement • April 30th, 2023
Contract Type FiledApril 30th, 2023This agreement dated is made between , referred to as judge, and the Eaton County Agricultural Society, referred to as contractor. ( Please Print )
ContractJudging Agreement • February 11th, 2013
Contract Type FiledFebruary 11th, 2013Disclaimer: This legal document is provided by The British Alpaca Society (BAS) to BAS Certified Judges for Alpaca Judging appointments undertaken outside of the UK. This document is not to be amended in any fashion other than filling in the appropriate blanks provided herein.
Club Contact InformationJudging Agreement • June 10th, 2020
Contract Type FiledJune 10th, 2020Emergency Contact Phone (must be answered by a live person the day before the show and the days of the show and preferably a cellular number for the show manager):
Invitation/ Agreement to judge SHFK - Swedish DogfreestyleclubJudging Agreement • June 28th, 2017
Contract Type FiledJune 28th, 2017Name and adress: Phone number and e-mail: You are hereby invited to judge at: Date and location of the competition: Organizer: Contactperson, phone number and e-mail of the organizer: Travel expenses: Accommodation: The undersigned judge [ ] ACCEPT [ ] DO NOT ACCEPT the agreement above. Other requirements/special wishes: Signature organizer: Signature judge: The agreement should be signed and returned to the organizer within days. The agreement should be returned by mail to: Or by e-mail to: SHFK C/O Kerstin EklundFastingsgatan 94129 43 Hägersten
JUDGING AGREEMENTJudging Agreement • March 27th, 2017
Contract Type FiledMarch 27th, 2017This agreement dated is made between , referred to as judge, and the Eaton County Agricultural Society, referred to as contractor.
This agreement is entered into between: Cette entente est conclue entre:Judging Agreement • October 23rd, 2019
Contract Type FiledOctober 23rd, 2019The Club agrees to pay the judge the judging fees and expenses incurred in travel to, from and while attending the Show as provided for in the Canadian Cat Association Show Rules at the time of the show. The club agrees to send the show flyer, a travel and accommodation form, as well as (if applicable) the name and address of the hotel/motel including room reservation number.
OC FAIR & EVENT CENTERJudging Agreement • March 15th, 2021
Contract Type FiledMarch 15th, 2021CONTRACT # CONTRACTOR DESCRIPTION EFFORT TYPE TERM RECEIPT AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEEDEXPENSE AMOUNT IO-001-21 Jeff Alu Online Judging for the Virtual Imaginology Art Projects Imaginology 3/22/2021-3/27/2021 $100.00 IO-002-21 Evalynn Alu Online Judging for the Virtual Imaginology Art Projects Imaginology 3/22/2021-3/27/2021 $100.00
Contract Type FiledApril 29th, 2016WITNESSETH: Contractor, for and in consideration of the covenants, conditions, agreements and stipulations of the Association hereafter expressed, hereby agrees to furnish Association services as follows:
ContractJudging Agreement • February 23rd, 2017
Contract Type FiledFebruary 23rd, 2017This form is to be completed and signed by the RKNA host club when requesting an FCI or RKNA judge and submitted along with an Event Request to the RKNA Director of Regions. The host club will be sent a copy of the signed agreement once signed by all parties. Please send a copy of the completed form to your Regional Director.
Form of Agreement for an Overseas Resident to Judge Dogs in IndiaJudging Agreement • November 15th, 2007
Contract Type FiledNovember 15th, 2007This letter will serve to confirm your official appointment to judge and your acceptance on the following terms and conditions to which both parties hereby agree:
Contract/Agreement for Regular Class Judge for the National SpecialtyJudging Agreement • October 23rd, 2013
Contract Type FiledOctober 23rd, 2013