ContractLegislation • January 10th, 2024
Contract Type FiledJanuary 10th, 2024
A BILL TO BE ENTITLEDLegislation • April 5th, 2021
Contract Type FiledApril 5th, 2021
WYOMING STATE LEGISLATURELegislation • January 28th, 2015
Contract Type FiledJanuary 28th, 2015HB0010 Education-state authorization reciprocity agreement. EDUCATION HB0027 NRC agreement state authorization. MINERALS HB0045 Health care sharing ministry. Barlow HB0053 Minerals to value added product facility fund program. MINERALS HB0054 Corrective action account distribution. MINERALS HB0093 Public Service Commission-authority. Zwonitzer, Dn. HB0120 Tribal license plates. Allen HB0123 Juvenile records-expungement. Throne HB0127 Termination of employment-wages. Larsen HB0132 Juvenile confidentiality in court proceedings. Throne HB0151 Governmental immunity-waiver for hospital employees. Connolly
ContractLegislation • April 1st, 2013
Contract Type FiledApril 1st, 2013Please see below the draft language to be inserted into the preliminary legislation for SRTS projects. This language could be inserted in Section I after the actual project description - or could be the new Section II and then renumber the rest of the Sections on the existing form.
ContractLegislation • February 19th, 2013
Contract Type FiledFebruary 19th, 2013
Legislation Included in the June 15 Budget AgreementLegislation • June 17th, 2011
Contract Type FiledJune 17th, 2011
ContractLegislation • April 10th, 2012
Contract Type FiledApril 10th, 2012
SENATE BILL 922Legislation • May 5th, 2020
Contract Type FiledMay 5th, 2020
By Senator DeanLegislation • January 6th, 2009
Contract Type FiledJanuary 6th, 2009
ContractLegislation • May 6th, 2019
Contract Type FiledMay 6th, 2019care. And I should note that this bipar- tisanship is palpable at the staff level as well and the fine staff of the Finance Committee also deserve our thanks for making this agreement possible.
A pril 3 , 1 9 78 LB 957Legislation • July 31st, 2023
Contract Type FiledJuly 31st, 2023of Nebraska. I am talking in terms of the fact that when they put a well on that land they are certain that that land has all the qualifications in terms of its holding power and its ability to generate the best product, in- directly related to the State of Nebraska. I also subrdt to you that these agreements that are entered 1nto bv the Board with those who farm the lands become more valuable to the state because of the fact the improve- ment has been made. Fach and everyone of you realise th1s. For you to do this today to the School Lands
AN ACTLegislation • March 1st, 2011
Contract Type FiledMarch 1st, 2011
January 7, 1 98 8 LB 428Legislation • March 4th, 2024
Contract Type FiledMarch 4th, 2024SENATOR MARSH: T h a n k you, Mr. P resident. I w a n t to agree w it h Senator P e t erson, we do need to increase education, but that is where my agreement ends. W e do need to p a s s f o r w ard , i n it s route, this piece of legislation for education is simply one of the tools and so far it is sort of lagging behind when less than
Agreement in PrincipleLegislation • November 6th, 2009
Contract Type FiledNovember 6th, 2009In 2002 Dr Graeme Reeves was employed by the Greater Southern Area Health Service as a visiting medical officer [VMO] in gynaecology and obstetrics despite the fact that the New South Wales Medical Board had placed an order against him practising as an obstetrician in 1997. Members of the House are very familiar with this case, as are the general public as a result of the considerable media attention that has been given to this matter. Dr Reeves is alleged to have mutilated and sexually assaulted a number of patients during his employment with the Greater Southern Area Health Service. He was deregistered in 2004 after a string of incidents.
A BILL TO BE ENTITLEDLegislation • November 14th, 2022 • Texas
Contract Type FiledNovember 14th, 2022 Jurisdiction