Local Agency Agreement for Federal Participation Sample Contracts
ContractLocal Agency Agreement for Federal Participation • February 7th, 2011
Contract Type FiledFebruary 7th, 2011
Standard Contracts
CITY OF URBANA, ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKSLocal Agency Agreement for Federal Participation • January 6th, 2009
Contract Type FiledJanuary 6th, 2009
CITY OF URBANA, ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKSLocal Agency Agreement for Federal Participation • July 7th, 2008
Contract Type FiledJuly 7th, 2008The City of Urbana recently received $85,000 in Safe Routes to School (SRTS) federal funding to install new school zone signage at all of the public and private elementary and middle schools in Urbana. Currently, the placement and condition of many of the existing school zone signs do not meet federal MUTCD standards and the location and types of school zone signs are inconsistent from one school zone to the next. Additionally, speeding vehicles are a problem at schools located on collector and arterial streets.
ContractLocal Agency Agreement for Federal Participation • February 10th, 2011
Contract Type FiledFebruary 10th, 2011
ContractLocal Agency Agreement for Federal Participation • January 27th, 2009
Contract Type FiledJanuary 27th, 2009
ContractLocal Agency Agreement for Federal Participation • March 1st, 2012
Contract Type FiledMarch 1st, 2012
CITY OF URBANA, ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKSLocal Agency Agreement for Federal Participation • April 25th, 2003
Contract Type FiledApril 25th, 2003Attached is a proposed Resolution, which authorizes the Mayor and Clerk to sign a Local Agency Agreement for Federal Participation (also attached). This agreement provides for