Master Contract for Grants Sample Contracts
STATE OF NEW YORK MASTER CONTRACT FOR GRANTSMaster Contract for Grants • May 3rd, 2022 • New York
Contract Type FiledMay 3rd, 2022 JurisdictionThis State of New York Master Contract for Grants (Master Contract) is hereby made by and between the State of New York acting by and through the applicable State Agency (State) and the public or private entity (Contractor) identified on the face page hereof (Face Page).
Standard Contracts
STATE OF NEW YORK MASTER CONTRACT FOR GRANTSMaster Contract for Grants • November 3rd, 2014 • New York
Contract Type FiledNovember 3rd, 2014 JurisdictionThis State of New York Master Contract for Grants (Master Contract) is hereby made by and between the State of New York acting by and through the applicable State Agency (State) and the public or private entity (Contractor) identified on the face page hereof (Face Page).
STATE OF NEW YORK MASTER CONTRACT FOR GRANTS FACE PAGEMaster Contract for Grants • April 15th, 2013 • New York
Contract Type FiledApril 15th, 2013 JurisdictionSTATE AGENCY (Name & Address):NYS Office of Children and Family Services 52 Washington StreetRensselaer, NY 12144 BUSINESS UNIT/DEPT. ID:CFS01 / 3400000CONTRACT NUMBER: AWARD NUMBER:CONTRACT TYPE:✔ Fixed Term Agreement CONTRACTOR SFS PAYEE NAME: TRANSACTION TYPE:✔ NewRenewal Amendment CONTRACTOR DEPARTMENT OF STATE INCORPORATED NAME: PROJECT NAME: CONTRACTOR IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS: AGENCY IDENTIFIER: NYS Vendor ID Number: Federal Tax ID Number: DUNS Number (if applicable): CFDA NUMBER (Federally Funded Grants Only): CONTRACTOR PRIMARY MAILING ADDRESS:CONTRACTOR PAYMENT ADDRESS:Check if same as primary mailing address CONTRACT MAILING ADDRESS:Check if same as primary mailing address CONTRACTOR STATUS: For Profit Municipality, Code: Tribal Nation IndividualNot-for-Profit Charities Registration Number: Exemption Status/Code: Sectarian Entity
STATE OF NEW YORK MASTER CONTRACT FOR GRANTSMaster Contract for Grants • September 28th, 2021 • New York
Contract Type FiledSeptember 28th, 2021 JurisdictionThis State of New York Master Contract for Grants (Master Contract) is hereby made by and between the State of New York acting by and through the applicable State Agency (State) and the public or private entity (Contractor) identified on the face page hereof (Face Page).
STATE OF NEW YORK MASTER CONTRACT FOR GRANTS FACE PAGEMaster Contract for Grants • April 3rd, 2019
Contract Type FiledApril 3rd, 201967$7( $*(1&< (1DPH & $GGUHVV): %86,1(66 81,7/'(37. ,': &2175$&7 180%(5: &2175$&7 7<3(:0XOWL-<HDU $JUHHPHQW6LPSOLILHG 5HQHZDO $JUHHPHQW)L[HG 7HUP $JUHHPHQW &2175$&725 6)6 3$<(( 1$0(: 75$16$&7,21 7<3(:1HZ5HQHZDO$PHQGPHQW &2175$&725 '26 ,1&25325$7(' 1$0(: 352-(&7 1$0(: &2175$&725 ,'(17,),&$7,21 180%(56: $*(1&< ,'(17,),(5: 1<6 9HQGRU ,' 1XPEHU: )HGHUDO 7D[ ,' 1XPEHU: '816 1XPEHU (LI DSSOLFDEOH): &)'$ 180%(5 ()HGHUDOO\ )XQGHG *UDQWV 2QO\): &2175$&725 35,0$5< 0$,/,1* $''5(66: &2175$&725 67$786: )RU 3URILW 0XQLFLSDOLW\, &RGH: 7ULEDO 1DWLRQ &2175$&725 3$<0(17 $''5(66: ,QGLYLGXDO &KHFN LI VDPH DV SULPDU\ PDLOLQJ DGGUHVV 1RW-IRU-3URILW &KDULWLHV 5HJLVWUDWLRQ 1XPEHU: &2175$&7 0$,/,1* $''5(66: ([HPSWLRQ 6WDWXV/&RGH: &KHFN LI VDPH DV SULPDU\ PDLOLQJ DGGUHVV 6HFWDULDQ (QWLW\
Master Contract for Grants Program-specific Terms and Conditions for: The Council on Developmental Disabilities (CDD) GrantsMaster Contract for Grants • April 27th, 2020
Contract Type FiledApril 27th, 2020