Standard Contracts
JEFFCO SCHOOLS MASTER NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT And Effective 07.01.2020 through 08.31.2021Master Negotiated Agreement • October 7th, 2020
Contract Type FiledOctober 7th, 2020Christy Yacano JCEA Bargaining Chair; Digital Teacher Librarian, Sierra Elementary Dale Munholland Teacher, Pomona H.S.
The Salt Lake Educational Office Personnel Association (SLEOPA) Master Negotiated AgreementMaster Negotiated Agreement • June 26th, 2018 • Utah
Contract Type FiledJune 26th, 2018 Jurisdiction
Cassia Jt. School District No. 151 2016-2017 Master Negotiated AgreementMaster Negotiated Agreement • June 24th, 2016
Contract Type FiledJune 24th, 2016This Negotiated Agreement is made and entered into by and between Joint School District No. 151 of Cassia, Twin Falls, and Oneida Counties, a corporate body politic, hereinafter called the District, and Cassia County Education Association, hereinafter called the Association.
MASTER NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT between The Madison Educators Association and The Madison-Virgil U.S.D. No. 386 Board of Education MADISON-VIRGIL UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 386 FISCAL YEAR 2023 July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023Master Negotiated Agreement • September 14th, 2022
Contract Type FiledSeptember 14th, 2022By Reference – It is our purpose to negotiate language which will make all negotiated items that are ratified by the majority of the members of the Board, and by the majority of the certificated teachers, by reference, a part of the individual contract of each certified teacher for the 2022-2023 school year.
MASTER NEGOTIATED AGREEMENTMaster Negotiated Agreement • September 8th, 2021
Contract Type FiledSeptember 8th, 2021
JEFFCO SCHOOLS MASTER NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT And Effective 09.01.2015 through 6.30.2016Master Negotiated Agreement • September 4th, 2015
Contract Type FiledSeptember 4th, 2015