Master Software Licence and Support Agreement Sample Contracts
MASTER SOFTWARE LICENCE AND SUPPORT AGREEMENTMaster Software Licence and Support Agreement • March 5th, 2021
Contract Type FiledMarch 5th, 2021This Master Software Licence and Support Agreement (the “Agreement”) is made by and between AvePoint AU Pty Ltd., a limited company organised under the laws of Australia, with offices at 459 Collins Street, Level 11, Melbourne, VIC 3000, Australia (“AvePoint”), and the company or entity, as identified in the signature block below, using certain of AvePoint’s Licensed Property (“Customer”). Each party hereto shall be referred to as “Party”; collectively, the “Parties”.
Standard Contracts
MASTER SOFTWARE LICENCE AND SUPPORT AGREEMENTMaster Software Licence and Support Agreement • February 4th, 2015
Contract Type FiledFebruary 4th, 2015This Master Software Licence and Support Agreement (the “Agreement”) is made by and between AvePoint AU Pty Ltd, a limited company organised under the laws of Australia, with offices at 459 Collins Street, Level 11, Melbourne, VIC 3000, Australia (“AvePoint”), and the company or entity, as identified in the signature block below, using certain of AvePoint’s Licensed Property (“Customer”). The parties hereto acknowledge that this Agreement is intended to be a master agreement under which Customer may licence Licensed Property from time to time. Pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, the Product and Licensing Addendum, and the Support Addendum, and any additional addendums or amendments thereto, AvePoint or its Affiliates may licence the Licensed Property and provide support to Customer or Affiliates of Customer. This Agreement is effective immediately upon delivery of Licensed Property (the
Contract Type FiledMarch 5th, 2021This Master Software Licence and Support Agreement (the “Agreement”) is made by and between AvePoint Deutsch- land GmbH dba AvePoint France, a French branch with of- fices at 24-32 Boulevard Gallieni, 92150 Issy-les-Moulineaux, France (“AvePoint”), and the company or entity, as identi- fied in the signature block below, using certain of AvePoint’s Licenced Property, as defined below (“Customer”). Each party hereto shall be referred to as “Party”; collectively, the “Parties”. Le présent contrat cadre de licence et de support de logiciel (le « Contrat ») est conclu par et entre AvePoint Deutschland GmbH exerçant via son établissement français, AvePoint France, dont les bureaux sont situés au 24-32 Boulevard Gal- lieni, 92150 Issy-les-Moulineaux, France (« AvePoint »), et la société ou entité (le « Client »), telle qu’identifiée dans le pavé de signature ci-dessous, utilisant certains Produits sous licence qui sont concédés sous licence par AvePoint, tel que défini ci-dessous (« Client »)
MASTER SOFTWARE LICENCE AND SUPPORT AGREEMENTMaster Software Licence and Support Agreement • September 29th, 2017
Contract Type FiledSeptember 29th, 2017This Master Software Licence and Support Agreement (the “Agreement”) is made by and between AvePoint NZ Limited, a company incorporated in New Zealand (company number 5672569) with its registered office at c/- Crowe Horwath, Level 6, Westfield Tower, 45 Knights Road, Lower Hutt 5010, New Zealand (“AvePoint”), and the company or entity, as identified in the signature block below, using certain of AvePoint’s Licenced Property (“Customer”). Each party hereto shall be referred to as “Party”; collectively, the “Parties”.
ContractMaster Software Licence and Support Agreement • March 5th, 2021
Contract Type FiledMarch 5th, 2021MASTER SOFTWARE LICENCE AND SUP- PORT AGREEMENT SOFTWARELIZENZ- UND -SUPPORT-RAHMEN- VEREINBARUNG This Master Software Licence and Support Agreement (the “Agreement”) is made by and between AvePoint Deutschland GmbH, (“AvePoint”), and the company or entity, as identified in the signature block below, using certain of AvePoint’s Licensed Property, as defined be- low ("Customer"). Each party hereto shall be referred to as “Party”; collectively, the “Parties”. Diese Softwarelizenz- und Support-Rahmenvereinbarung (die “VEREINBARUNG”) wird zwischen der AvePoint Deutschland GmbH (“AvePoint”) und der Gesellschaft bzw. dem Rechtssub- jekt geschlossen, die/das im Unterschriftenblock genannt wird und bestimmte LIZENZGEGENSTÄNDE (im unten definierten Sinne) von AvePoint nutzt (“KUNDE”). Jede der beiden Parteien wird im Folgenden als „VERTRAGSPARTEI“, zusammen als die „VER- TRAGSPARTEIEN“ bezeichnet) The Parties agree that this Agreement consists of the Master Agreement and the following addenda
MASTER SOFTWARE LICENCE AND SUPPORT AGREEMENTMaster Software Licence and Support Agreement • March 5th, 2021
Contract Type FiledMarch 5th, 2021This Master Software Licence and Support Agreement (the “Agreement”) is made by and between AvePoint Singapore Pte. Ltd., a limited company organised under the laws of Singapore, with offices at 10 Collyer Quay, #17 – 01/04 Ocean Financial Centre, Singapore (“AvePoint”), and the company or entity, as identified in the signature block below, using certain of AvePoint’s Licensed Property (“Customer”). Each party hereto shall be referred to as “Party”; collectively, the “Parties”.
ContractMaster Software Licence and Support Agreement • September 27th, 2017
Contract Type FiledSeptember 27th, 2017MASTER SOFTWARE LICENCE AND SUPPORT AGREEMENT SOFTWARELIZENZ- UND -SUPPORT- RAHMENVEREINBARUNG This Master Software Licence and Support Agreement (the “Agreement”) is made by and between AvePoint Deutschland GmbH, (“AvePoint”), and the company or entity, as identified in the signature block below, using certain of AvePoint’s Licenced Property, as defined below ("Customer"). Each party hereto shall be referred to as “Party”; collectively, the “Parties”. Diese Softwarelizenz- und Support-Rahmenvereinbarung (die “VEREINBARUNG”) wird zwischen der AvePoint Deutschland GmbH (“AvePoint”) und der Gesellschaft bzw. dem Rechtssubjekt geschlossen, die/das im Unterschriftenblock genannt wird und bestimmte LIZENZGEGENSTÄNDE (im unten definierten Sinne) von AvePoint nutzt (“KUNDE”). Jede der beiden Parteien wird im Folgenden als „VERTRAGSPARTEI“, zusammen als die „VERTRAGSPARTEIEN“ bezeichnet) The Parties agree that this Master Software Licence and Support Agreement consists of the Master Agreement
MASTER SOFTWARE LICENCE AND SUPPORT AGREEMENTMaster Software Licence and Support Agreement • October 14th, 2019
Contract Type FiledOctober 14th, 2019This Master Software Licence and Support Agreement (the “Agreement”) is made by and between AvePoint UK, Ltd., a limited company organised under the laws of England and Wales, with offices at Watchmaker Court, 33 St John’s Lane, London EC1M 4BJ, United Kingdom (“AvePoint”), and the company or entity, as identified in the signature block below, using certain of AvePoint’s Licensed Property (“Customer”). Each party hereto shall be referred to as “Party”; collectively, the “Parties”.
ContractMaster Software Licence and Support Agreement • March 5th, 2021
Contract Type FiledMarch 5th, 2021MASTER SOFTWARE LICENCE AND SUPPORT AGREEMENT 基本ソフトウェアライセンスおよびサポート契約 This Master Software Licence and Support Agreement (the “Agreement”) is made by and between AvePoint Japan K.K., a limited company organised under the laws of Japan, with offices at Keikyu Daiichi Bldg. 11F, 4-10-18 Takanawa, Minato, Tokyo, 108-0074 Japan (“AvePoint”), and the company or entity, as identified in the signature block below, using certain of AvePoint’s Licensed Property (“Customer”). Each party hereto shall be referred to as “Party”; collectively, the “Parties”. 本基本ソフトウェアライセンスおよびサポート契約(「本契約」)は、AvePoint Japan 株式会社(本社所在地:東京都港区高輪四丁目 10 番 18 号 京急第一 ビル 11 階)(「AvePoint」)と、AvePoint の一定の許諾財産を使用する、下記署名欄にて特定される法人または事業体(「本件顧客」)との間で締結される。両者を、以下、本契約の「当事者」という。 The Parties agree that this Agreement consists of the Master Agreement starting on the following page and the following addenda which shall all be deemed to have been agreed upon unless they have been marked as “notapplicable”: 本契約は、次頁に記載の基本契約および付属する以下の各 追録によっ