Master's Course Enrollment Agreement Sample Contracts
ContractMaster's Course Enrollment Agreement • December 23rd, 2015
Contract Type FiledDecember 23rd, 2015Page 1 of 2College of the Humanities and SciencesHARRISON MIDDLETON UNIVERSITY1105 East Broadway Road Tempe, Arizona 85282 Phone 1-877-248-6724 Fax 1-800-762-1622Master's 4 Credit Course Enrollment AgreementI have submitted an Application for Admission and have been accepted to Harrison Middleton University. I have submitted an Application for Admission, approval pending. To accelerate the enrollment process, I am submitting a Master's Enrollment Agreement now. I understand that if I am not eligible for admission, the full application and enrollment fee will be credited to my charge card account. Student Information First Name Middle Name Last Name Sex Date of Birth (mm/dd/yy) Street Address Social Security Number (U.S. Citizens) Country City State (if you reside in the U.S.) Province Zip/Postal Code E-mail Address Day Phone Evening Phone Course InformationMaster's 4 Credit Hour Course Expected Start Date: Expected End Date: (mm/dd/yy) (mm/dd/yy) Program Name: Course Name: