Exhibit 10.1 ADMENDED MINERAL LEASE AGREEMENT Timberwolf Minerals, LTD (Lessor) leases to CAMELOT CORPORATION, (Lessee) the ten (10) unpatented mining claims attached as Exhibit "A" (referred to as the Property) located in Section 2, Township 2 North,...Mineral Lease Agreement • June 13th, 2011 • Camelot Corp • Blank checks
Contract Type FiledJune 13th, 2011 Company Industry
Standard Contracts
MINERAL LEASE AGREEMENTMineral Lease Agreement • September 29th, 2005 • Timberline Resources Corp • Nevada
Contract Type FiledSeptember 29th, 2005 Company JurisdictionTHIS AGREEMENT is executed and made effective as of the _14__ day of __April_, 2005, (the “Effective Date”), by and between HOWARD J. ADAMS, the owner of an undivided fifty per cent (50%) interest, and J. DAVID MILLER, the owner of an undivided fifty per cent (50%) interest, hereinafter collectively designated as "Owner", and TIMBERLINE RESOURCES CORPORATION, an Idaho corporation, hereinafter designated as "TRC". Owner and TRC may be referenced collectively as the “Parties” or, singly, as a “Party.”
MINERAL LEASE AGREEMENTMineral Lease Agreement • January 19th, 2022 • 5E Advanced Materials, Inc. • Mining & quarrying of nonmetallic minerals (no fuels) • California
Contract Type FiledJanuary 19th, 2022 Company Industry JurisdictionThis, MINERAL LEASE AGREEMENT, hereinafter referred to as “Agreement,” made and entered into by and between Elementis Specialties, Inc, a Delaware corporation, with address of 31763 Mountain View Road Newberry Springs, CA 92365, hereinafter referred to as “Owner,” and Fort Cady California Corporation, a California corporation, with address of 5210 E. Williams Circle Suite 700, Tucson, AZ 85711, hereinafter referred to as “Lessee”, and their assigns and successors.
EX-10.6 13 ex106.htm TIMBERLINE RESOURCES CORPORATION FORM 10-SB MINERAL LEASE AGREEMENTMineral Lease Agreement • May 5th, 2020 • Idaho
Contract Type FiledMay 5th, 2020 JurisdictionTHIS AGREEMENT is made effective as of the 26th day of November, 2004 (the “Effective Date”), regardless of the actual dates of execution, by and between TIMBERLINE RESOURCES CORPORATION, an Idaho corporation, hereinafter designated as "Owner", and STERLING MINING COMPANY, an Idaho corporation, hereinafter designated as "Sterling.” Sterling and Owner may be referenced jointly in this Agreement as the “Parties” or singly as a “Party.”
Page 81 TITLE 30—MINERAL LANDS AND MINING § 241Mineral Lease Agreement • September 5th, 2019
Contract Type FiledSeptember 5th, 2019the consent of the President, to enter into agreements such as those provided for under sec- tions 184 and 226 of this title, which agreement shall not, unless expressed therein, operate to extend the terms of any lease affected thereby.
2N) announces an amendment to the Gibellini mineral lease agreement dated June 22, 2017 (the “MLA”),Mineral Lease Agreement • May 31st, 2021
Contract Type FiledMay 31st, 2021whereby Prophecy has been granted the right to cause the current holder (the “Lessor”) of the Gibellini mineral claims (which Prophecy is currently leasing) to transfer their title to the claims to Prophecy.
ContractMineral Lease Agreement • May 5th, 2020 • Nevada
Contract Type FiledMay 5th, 2020 JurisdictionEX-10.1 2 ni_8kex101-61109.htm EXHIBIT 10.1 - MINERAL LEASE AGREEMENT Exhibit 10.1 to Form 8-K MINERAL LEASE AGREEMENT THIS MINERAL LEASE AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made effective as of the day of October 24, 2006 ("Effective Date"), between DALTON LIVESTOCK, a Nevada general partnership, and WINCHELL RANCH, a Nevada corporation, Lessors, and NEWGOLD, INC., a Delaware corporation, Lessee. RECITALS A. Lessors are owners of the surface and varying interests of the minerals in and to property described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto, which property is located in Elko County, Nevada (the "Premises"). B. Lessee desires to lease the interests of Lessors in the Premises upon the terms and conditions herein set forth. C. Lessors desire to lease their interests in the Premises to Lessee upon the terms and conditions herein set forth. AGREEMENT FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the payments herein required, the mutual covenants herein contained, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt a
FIRST AMENDMENT TO MINERAL LEASE AGREEMENTMineral Lease Agreement • January 19th, 2022 • 5E Advanced Materials, Inc. • Mining & quarrying of nonmetallic minerals (no fuels)
Contract Type FiledJanuary 19th, 2022 Company IndustryThis FIRST AMENDMENT TO MINERAL LEASE AGREEMENT (the “First Amendment”), is entered into by and between ELEMENTIS SPECIALTIES, INC., a Delaware corporation (the “Owner”), with an address of 31763 Mountain View Road, Newberry Springs, California 92365, and FORT CADY (CALIFORNIA) CORPORATION, a Maryland corporation (the “Lessee”), with an address of 9329 Mariposa Road, Suite 210, Hesperia, California 92344. Owner and Lessee are sometimes referred to herein individually as “Party” and collectively as “Parties”.
T007 Live Oak County Texas , 526 acres (m/l) minerals for lease.Mineral Lease Agreement • August 19th, 2011
Contract Type FiledAugust 19th, 2011Live Oak County Texas, Eagleford Shale 526 acres (m/l) with 100% mineral interest J Poitevent Survey Abstract 338 and Louis Romero Survey Abstract 395.
MINERAL LEASE AGREEMENTMineral Lease Agreement • December 14th, 2005 • Sterling Mining CO • Idaho
Contract Type FiledDecember 14th, 2005 Company JurisdictionTHIS AGREEMENT is made effective as of the 26th day of November, 2004 (the “Effective Date”), regardless of the actual dates of execution, by and between TIMBERLINE RESOURCES CORPORATION, an Idaho corporation, hereinafter designated as “Owner”, and STERLING MINING COMPANY, an Idaho corporation, hereinafter designated as “Sterling.” Sterling and Owner may be referenced jointly in this Agreement as the “Parties” or singly as a “Party.”
MINERAL LEASE AGREEMENTMineral Lease Agreement • June 27th, 2018 • Prophecy Development Corp. • Metal mining • Nevada
Contract Type FiledJune 27th, 2018 Company Industry JurisdictionPROPHECY DEVELOPMENT CORP., a company amalgamated under the laws of British Columbia, having an office at Suite 1610 – 409 Granville Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6C 1T2, Canada
CONDITION PRECEDENTMineral Lease Agreement • May 28th, 2021
Contract Type FiledMay 28th, 2021This Agreement shall have no force or effect and shall not be binding on any party unless and until it is signed by all parties, and the Mineral Leases are wholly owned by Vista Gold, by no later than 30 March 2006. For the purposes of this clause the registration of transfer of leases need not be effected by 30 March 2006.
TRACT 39718 - Ouachita and Richland Parishes, LOUISIANAMineral Lease Agreement • January 28th, 2008
Contract Type FiledJanuary 28th, 2008All land, LESS AND EXCEPT land now or formerly constituting the beds and bottoms of any water body of whatever description and nature, all belonging to the State of Louisiana located within the geographical boundaries of the (WMA) and not presently under mineral lease by the State of Louisiana as of March 12, 2008, the area of which is set forth as follows: That certain tract of land being the Northwest Quarter, Section 1, Township 15 North, Range 4 East, Richland Parish, Louisiana, lying east of Bayou Lafourche and west of Lafourche Diversion Canal, containing approximately 31 acres, all as more particularly outlined on a plat on file in the Office of Mineral Resources, Department of Natural Resources. All bearings, distances and coordinates are based on Louisiana Coordinate System of 1927, (North or South Zone).
MINERAL LEASE AGREEMENTMineral Lease Agreement • September 29th, 2005 • Timberline Resources Corp • Idaho
Contract Type FiledSeptember 29th, 2005 Company JurisdictionTHIS AGREEMENT is made effective as of the 10th day of March, 2004, by and between A.E. Saucier, doing business as Sedi-Met, Inc., hereinafter designated as "Owner", and TIMBERLINE RESOURCES CORPORATION, an Idaho corporation, hereinafter designated as "TRC".
65A-6-4 Mineral leases -- Multiple leases on same land -- Rentals and royalties -- Lease terms -- Great Salt Lake.Mineral Lease Agreement • May 3rd, 2023
Contract Type FiledMay 3rd, 2023
MINERAL LEASE AGREEMENTMineral Lease Agreement • May 20th, 2011 • Neutron Energy, Inc. • Miscellaneous metal ores • Arizona
Contract Type FiledMay 20th, 2011 Company Industry JurisdictionTHIS Mineral Lease Agreement (“Agreement”), by and between James A. Bonner and Julianne K. Bonner as to an undivided one hundred-percent (100%) interest, whose address is 1925 Quail Run Drive N.E., Albuquerque, New Mexico 87122, (hereinafter referred to as “Lessors”), and NEUTRON ENERGY, INC., a Wyoming corporation, whose mailing address is 6606 North Hillside Drive, Paradise Valley, Arizona 85253, (hereinafter referred to as “Neutron”), is entered into and made effective as of June 1, 2006.
MINERAL LEASE AGREEMENTMineral Lease Agreement • May 20th, 2011 • Neutron Energy, Inc. • Miscellaneous metal ores • New Mexico
Contract Type FiledMay 20th, 2011 Company Industry JurisdictionTHIS Mineral Lease Agreement (“Agreement”), by and between ENERDYNE ENDY CLAIMS LLC, a New Mexico Limited Liability Company, as to an undivided one hundred-percent (100%) interest, whose address is P.O. Box 502, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87103, (hereinafter referred to as “Lessor”), and NEUTRON ENERGY, INC., a Nevada corporation, whose mailing address is 5320 N. 16th Street, Suite 114, Phoenix, Arizona 85016-3241, (hereinafter referred to as “Neutron”), is entered into and made effective as of January 4, 2008.
MINERAL LEASE AGREEMENTMineral Lease Agreement • May 24th, 2010 • Sombrio Capital Corp • Gold and silver ores
Contract Type FiledMay 24th, 2010 Company IndustryTimberwolf Minerals, LTD (Lessor) leases to Sombrio Capital Corp , (Lessee) the unpatented mining claims attached as Exhibit “A” (referred to as the Property) located in Sections 7,& 8, Township 46 North, Range 55 East, Mt. Diablo Meridian in Elko County, Nevada, USA, subject to the following conditions:
ContractMineral Lease Agreement • November 24th, 2021
Contract Type FiledNovember 24th, 2021For— Issued as a result of a sale held— The lessee must pay rental— (3) A mineral lease for other than oil or gas.(4) A mineral lease for other than oil or gas. Before March 26, 2001 ........... After March 26, 2001 .............. On or before the first day of each lease year before the dis- covery of paying quantities.On or before the first day of each lease year before the date the first royalty payment is due on the lease, then on or be- fore the last day of each lease year in any full year in which royalties on production are not due.
Exhibit 48-10 8 October, 1996 Mr. Steve Ert P.O. Box 3785 Chatsworth, CA 91313 Dear Steve: This letter will outline specific terms of a proposed mineral lease agreement between Fischer-Watt Gold and yourself for an area in the Sacramento Mountains in...Mineral Lease Agreement • November 15th, 1996 • Fischer Watt Gold Co Inc • Gold and silver ores
Contract Type FiledNovember 15th, 1996 Company Industry
Page 81 TITLE 30—MINERAL LANDS AND MINING § 241Mineral Lease Agreement • September 5th, 2019
Contract Type FiledSeptember 5th, 2019the consent of the President, to enter into agreements such as those provided for under sec- tions 184 and 226 of this title, which agreement shall not, unless expressed therein, operate to extend the terms of any lease affected thereby.
MINERAL LEASE AGREEMENTMineral Lease Agreement • September 29th, 2005 • Timberline Resources Corp • Idaho
Contract Type FiledSeptember 29th, 2005 Company JurisdictionTHIS AGREEMENT is made effective as of the 23 day of May, 2005 (the “Effective Date”), regardless of the actual date of execution, by and between TIMBERLINE RESOURCES CORPORATION, an Idaho corporation, hereinafter designated as "TRC", and SNOWSHOE MINING COMPANY, an Idaho corporation, hereinafter designated as "Owner.” TRC and Owner may be referenced jointly in this Agreement as the “Parties” or singly as a “Party.”
ContractMineral Lease Agreement • May 5th, 2020 • Nevada
Contract Type FiledMay 5th, 2020 Jurisdiction<DOCUMENT> <TYPE>EX-10.1 <SEQUENCE>2 <FILENAME>ex10-1.txt <DESCRIPTION>MINERAL LEASE AGREEMENT <TEXT> Exhibit 10.1 MINERAL LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN ROYCE L. HACKWORTH and BELVA L. TOMANY AND ZEBRA RESOURCES, INC. THIS MINERAL LEASE AGREEMENT, dated this 16th day of April, 2010 ("Agreement Date") is between ROYCE L. HACKWORTH and BELVA L. TOMANY, ("Hackworth & Tomany") and ZEBRA RESOURCES, INC, ("Zebra"). Hackworth & Tomany and Zebra are each hereinafter sometimes referred to individually as Party and collectively as Parties. RECITALS: A. Hackworth & Tomany own 189 unpatented mining claims, located in Nye County, State of Nevada (referred to as the "Property" and more particularly described in Article I). B. Hackworth & Tomany are desirous of leasing the Property to Zebra, and Zebra is desirous of leasing the Property from Hackwork and Tomany, for the purposes, and on the conditions, set forth herein. NOW THEREFORE In consideration of the sums set forth in this Agreement to be paid by Ze
AMENDMENT TO MINERAL LEASE AGREEMENTMineral Lease Agreement • June 27th, 2018 • Prophecy Development Corp. • Metal mining • Nevada
Contract Type FiledJune 27th, 2018 Company Industry JurisdictionPROPHECY DEVELOPMENT CORP., a company amalgamated under the laws of British Columbia, having an office at Suite 1610 – 409 Granville Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6C 1T2, Canada
MINERAL LEASE AGREEMENTMineral Lease Agreement • July 2nd, 2014 • New Jersey Mining Co • Gold and silver ores • Idaho
Contract Type FiledJuly 2nd, 2014 Company Industry JurisdictionTHIS AGREEMENT is made and effective the 12th day of September, 2012 (the “Effective Date”) by and between NEW JERSEY MINING COMPANY, an Idaho corporation, the address of which is P.O. Box 1019, Kellogg, Idaho 83837 (“Lessor”), and HECLA SILVER VALLEY, INC., a Delaware corporation, the address of which is 6500 N. Mineral Dr., Suite 200, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 83815-9408 (“Lessee”). Lessor and Lessee may be referenced collectively as the “Parties” or singularly, as a “Party”.
MINERAL LEASE AGREEMENTMineral Lease Agreement • June 17th, 2005 • Maneki Mining Inc.
Contract Type FiledJune 17th, 2005 CompanyAmmetco Inc. (Ammetco) agrees to lease to Maneki Mining Inc. (Maneki) the unpatented lode mining claims attach as Exhibit “A”, located in portions of sections 14 and 23, T 7S, R 1 E, MDB&M in Owyhee County, Idaho (referred to as Property), subject to the following conditions:
MINERAL LEASE AGREEMENTMineral Lease Agreement • April 16th, 2013 • Can Cal Resources LTD • Metal mining • California
Contract Type FiledApril 16th, 2013 Company Industry JurisdictionTHIS MINERAL LEASE AGREEMENT (hereinafter the “Mineral Lease”) is made and entered into as of this 23rd day of January, 2012, by and between Can Cal Resources, Ltd., a Nevada corporation, as Lessor (hereinafter referred to as “Can-Cal” or “Lessor”) and GoodCorp Inc., as Lessee, (hereinafter referred to as “GoodCorp” or “Lessee”).
MINERAL LEASE AGREEMENTMineral Lease Agreement • August 20th, 2008 • Link Resources Inc.
Contract Type FiledAugust 20th, 2008 CompanyTimberwolf Minerals, LTD (Lessor) leases to Link Resources Inc., (Lessee) the unpatented mining claims attached as Exhibit “A” (referred to as the Property) located in Section 20 , Township 30 North, Range 39 East, Mt. Diablo Meridian in Pershing County, Nevada, USA, subject to the following conditions:
65A-6-4 Mineral leases -- Multiple leases on same land -- Rentals and royalties -- Lease terms -- Great Salt Lake.Mineral Lease Agreement • May 2nd, 2024
Contract Type FiledMay 2nd, 2024
MINERAL LEASE AGREEMENTMineral Lease Agreement • May 20th, 2011 • Neutron Energy, Inc. • Miscellaneous metal ores • Wyoming
Contract Type FiledMay 20th, 2011 Company Industry JurisdictionTHIS Mineral Lease Agreement (“Agreement”), by and between ENERDYNE ENDY CLAIMS LLC, a New Mexico Limited Liability Company, as to an undivided one hundred-percent (100%) interest, whose address is P.O. Box 502, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87103, (hereinafter referred to as “Lessor”), and NEUTRON ENERGY, INC., a Wyoming corporation, whose mailing address is 6606 North Hillside Drive, Paradise Valley, Arizona 85253, (hereinafter referred to as “Neutron”), is entered into and made effective as of February 1, 2006.
MINERAL LEASE AGREEMENTMineral Lease Agreement • June 28th, 2011 • Diversified Resources Inc.
Contract Type FiledJune 28th, 2011 CompanyTimberwolf Minerals, LTD (Lessor) leases to Diversified Resources Inc., (Lessee) the unpatented mining claims attached as Exhibit "A" (referred to as the Property) located in Sections 14 and 23 , Township 7 South, Range 41 1/2 East, Mt. Diablo Meridian in Esmeralda County, Nevada, USA, subject to the following conditions:
ContractMineral Lease Agreement • August 12th, 2008 • Ready Mix, Inc. • Concrete products, except block & brick
Contract Type FiledAugust 12th, 2008 Company IndustryThis amendment to the Mineral lease agreement is made and entered into as of the 30th day of April, 2008, by and between the Lewis Family Trust (the “Lessor”), and Ready Mix, Inc., a Nevada Corporation (the “Lessee”).
Mineral Lease Agreement TermsMineral Lease Agreement • March 4th, 2019
Contract Type FiledMarch 4th, 2019Understanding the terms found in a mineral lease agreement is important for mineral owners. If the mineral lease agreement terms are not favorable for the mineral owner, you could lose out on a significant amount of money. Below we describe some of the most important lease agreement terms and how they will affect you!
Page 103 TITLE 25—INDIANS § 396eMineral Lease Agreement • November 1st, 2019
Contract Type FiledNovember 1st, 2019mineral lease or agreement that affects individually owned land located within Fort Berthold Indian Res- ervation in North Dakota or certain former Indian res- ervations located in Oklahoma upon consent of major- ity interest and best interest determination.
Authority for Mineral Lease Agreement dated January 8, 2011 2008 Acts and Resolves No. 200, Sec. 32Mineral Lease Agreement • May 1st, 2014
Contract Type FiledMay 1st, 2014