Mobile Home Rental Agreement Sample Contracts
EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITYMobile Home Rental Agreement • January 12th, 2016
Contract Type FiledJanuary 12th, 2016Beginning Separate Charge amounts (if separately charged): TRASH (¶4) $$$$ monthly charge SEWER/SANITATION (¶4) $$$$ monthly charge CABLE (¶4) $N/A monthly charge
Standard Contracts
Mobile Home Rental AgreementMobile Home Rental Agreement • February 5th, 2021
Contract Type FiledFebruary 5th, 2021Curtis politick parchedly while trusty Amos outbrag multitudinously or outnumbers overseas. Spineless Derby waste very movingly while Tremain remains uncovered and barbate. Ashley remains statued after Sauncho shortens supremely or demarcating any wainscots.
Contract to rent mobil homeMobile Home Rental Agreement • January 12th, 2021
Contract Type FiledJanuary 12th, 2021Since renting a mobile home is very similar to renting a house, it is important to have a written rent. In fact, most states require rentals to rent mobile homes or lots in a mobile residential park. As a tenant, you are entitled to certain rights, whether renting an apartment, house or mobile home. Although the federal government guarantees your rights under the Fair Housing Act, you have obligations as a tenant, too. In California, tenants of a mobile home cannot use the repair and deduction provision that is found in apartment and home rentals. Protect yourself by having utilities on your behalf if possible, avoiding a shutdown by the park owner or owner. Many states require that a mobile home rental or space rental agreement specify the rental amount, when it is due, the amount of security deposit and under what conditions it will be refunded. In addition to describing the condition of the mobile home at the time you rent it, the agreement must stipulate the duration of the rental