Nature Based Project Agreement Sample Contracts
CM4b: Arable reversion to low / medium input grassNature-Based Project Agreement • July 22nd, 2021
Contract Type FiledJuly 22nd, 2021This nature-based project option will revert whole or part fields from arable use (including maize growing) to low / medium input grassland. This option should be used for fields or areas of fields that regularly flood / get waterlogged or that experience surface runoff and soil erosion. Land already funded by any other scheme (such as ELS/HLS or Countryside Stewardship) is not eligible.
Standard Contracts
Explanatory Note1 Nature Based Project AgreementNature Based Project Agreement • October 17th, 2024
Contract Type FiledOctober 17th, 2024The Nature Based Project Standard Terms and Conditions (the "NBP Standard Terms and Conditions") apply to the Bristol Avon Catchment Market and will, together with the Confirmation of Successful Project Offer Notification, constitute the Nature Based Project Agreement formed between EnTrade and the landholder (“Owner”) who has submitted a successful Project Offer automatically upon Settlement (the "Nature Based Project Agreement").
Explanatory NoteNature Based Project Agreement • October 13th, 2023 • England and Wales
Contract Type FiledOctober 13th, 2023 JurisdictionThis Nature Based Project Agreement and the accompanying Landholder s106 Agreement provide the template agreements that the Owner is required to complete on settlement of an Offer made by the Owner through the Bristol Avon Catchment Market (“Market”) to deliver a Nature Based Project (Project) on their land.