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Newsletter Sample Contracts

CONTENTS President’s Message 1 Meeting dates 1 From the Editors Desk 2 Executive members 2 Luncheon News 3 Missing meeting reminder 3 Membership Fees 4 Note about Branch By-Laws 4 Note to Phoners 4 President’s Message Cont.’ 5-6 Humour 6 Membership...
Newsletter • May 20th, 2014

Since I last wrote to you about cost-sharing changes to Public Service Health Care Plan (PSHCP) premiums and the Honour Your Promise campaign, a negotiation of sorts took place with the outcomes outlined below.

Standard Contracts

North Island - John Finn Newsletter No. 86 June 2020 Canada Post Publications Mail Agreement No. 40033460
Newsletter • May 27th, 2020

This is my first message to members as your new Branch President. As way of introduction I will tell you a little about myself. I’m originally a prairie girl, born in Fort McLeod, Alberta where my father was in the RCAF and raised on a farm just outside North Battleford, Sask. Myself and my four brothers and sisters were free range kids without the numerous fears and restrictions that children have to deal with today. Once chores were done my mom was happy to not see us again until supper time. A different world.

Newsletter • November 7th, 2022
IN THIS ISSUE Meeting dates 1 President’s Message 1-2 Executive members 3 From the Editors Desk 3 Luncheon News 4 Membership info 4 President’s Message continued 5 How to lower your risk of falling 6 Election Notice 7 Membership Update Form 7 Humour 8...
Newsletter • March 6th, 2018

it’s also Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) scam time again. In just the first two weeks of 2018, losses reported to Victoria Police had already totalled

Newsletter • December 30th, 2021
North Island - John Finn Newsletter No. 66 September 2015 Canada Post Publications Mail Agreement No. 40033460
Newsletter • August 21st, 2015

IN THIS ISSUE Meeting dates 1 President’s Message 1-4 Veterans Independence Program 4 Executive members 5 From the Editors Desk 5 Luncheon News 6 Missing meeting reminder 6 Membership Update Form 6 Note from the HBO 7 Note to Phoners 7 Travel Advertisements 8

Volume 30, November-December 2018 No. 6
Newsletter • October 21st, 2018

Remember that this is your newsletter. Make sure information you have that is relevant to all gets to me to be included in the newsletter.

Newsletter • May 20th, 2020

Once again, I have the pleasure to share with you a new edition of our Newsletter containing three articles on topics very relevant not only for Argentina but for all the international community in this difficult times.

Staying in TouchVancouver Island North Branch Newsletter No. 54 September 2012 Canada Post Publications Mail Agreement No. 40033460
Newsletter • August 21st, 2012

CONTENTS President’s Message 1 Meeting Dates 1 From the Editors Desk 2 Executive Members 2 Luncheon News 3 Membership Update Form 3 Missing Meeting Reminder 3 Note about Paying Dues Twice 4 Cheque Presentation – Masons 4 Note to Phoners 4 HB Officer’s Notes 5-7 Congratulatory Note 7 Signs of a Stroke 8 Program Speaker Biography 8

Newsletter • November 3rd, 2022

Greetings and salutations to all BC06 members. As I sit here, the day before Halloween, looking out my window at all the brightly coloured leaves that tell me fall is well and truly here, I find myself looking back at the year so far. I remember a relatively average winter, a long and wet spring and a hot dry summer that lasted until late October. I loved the nice weather but did not like what was happening to my plants and bushes. Since it stated to rain they are looking much happier although the lawn is still pretty brown.

Newsletter • February 5th, 2021

When, at the end of the nineteenth century, Emile Berliner improved the invention of Thomas Edison, he didn’t even think that mechanical end electronics engineers would continue his job even in the twenty-first century in search of a perfect record player. The oldest device designed to reproduce the sound is still today a mystery and a never told story. ‘How come?’, a lot of readers of this story will think, ‘if it is a “simple” device’, but is it really?

Publications Mail Poste-publications Agreement No. numéro de convention
Newsletter • September 17th, 2007

The Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) project in Oak Ridge, Tennessee is an accelerator-based neutron source that provides the most intense pulsed neutron beams in the world for scientific and industrial research and development. Ground breaking for the project occurred in 1999. Funded by the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science, SNS is considered the world’s foremost facility for the study of materials and neutron science. SNS will provide opportunities for experts in practically every scientific and technical field.

Newsletter • June 16th, 2023


Volume 33, November - December, 2021 No. 6 Word from the editor:
Newsletter • October 28th, 2021

Remember that this is your newsletter. Make sure information you have that is relevant to all gets to me to be included in the newsletter.

Newsletter No. 65 June 2015 Canada Post Publications Mail Agreement No. 40033460 CONTENTSPresident’s Message 1-2Meeting dates 1From the Editors Desk 3Executive members 3Luncheon News 4Missing meeting reminder 4Vacation Advertisement 5Membership Update...
Newsletter • May 14th, 2015

through the Panama Canal a few days earlier. A couple of days ago, we were awakened by a message broadcast throughout the entire ship: “Bright Star. Bright Star. Cabin 10007, Deck 10, Starboard Side.” Bright Star is the code for a severe medical emergency re- quiring immediate attention. Sometime later, the ship’s captain an- nounced that we were going to make an unscheduled stop at Aca- pulco.

Staying in TouchVancouver Island North Branch Newsletter No. 53 June 2012 Canada Post Publications Mail Agreement No. 40033460
Newsletter • May 24th, 2012

CONTENTS President’s Message 1 Meeting dates 1 From the Editors Desk 2 Executive members 2 Luncheon News 3 Membership Update Form 3 Membership Renewal 4 Humor 4 Note to Phoners 4 HB Officer’s notes 5-7 VI North Branch Volunteer BBQ 8 Guest Speaker’s Bio 8 Missing meeting reminder 8

2nd EMPHNET / 5th TEPHINET Scientific Regional Conference 7th TEPHINET Global Conference 2012
Newsletter • September 13th, 2011

EMPHNET is once again reaching out to you through its quarter newsletter. This 5th issue gives a picture for EMPHNET’s and regional FETPs activities during the past three months, during which EMPHNET shaped many development opportunities for the regional FETPs. EMPHNET signed an agreement with CDC to support its activities through the coming years. This agreement states on supporting many projects that aimed at advancing the scope and impact of FETPs in the region. Many valuable workshops and training courses, interventional projects, TOT teams’ specializa- tion, learning and management capacities, as well other

Newsletter No. 63 December 2014 Canada Post Publications Mail Agreement No. 40033460
Newsletter • November 5th, 2014

CONTENTS President’s Message 1 Meeting dates 1 From the Editors Desk 2 Executive members 2 Luncheon News 3 Membership Update Form 3 In Memoriam 4 Election Notice 4 HB Officer’s notes 5 Chelsea Flower Show Ad 5 Storing Christmas Leftovers 6 Informed Investing 7 Note to Phoners 8 Membership Fee Reminder 8 Sage Magazine Error Notice 8

Newsletter • February 8th, 2022
North Island - John Finn Newsletter No. 68 March 2016 Canada Post Publications Mail Agreement No. 40033460
Newsletter • February 13th, 2016

 The legal case over changes to PSHCP premiums imposed by the pre- vious government is expected to go to hearing in June 2016. The As- sociation charges that those changes were unlawful.

Newsletter • October 28th, 2013

The Early Start Project Team has been working tirelessly to build and maintain the strong momentum of the Early Start initiative. It is timely in this 3rd newsletter for me to provide you with an update on where we are at. Early Start’s national and international reputation is growing by the day and we are being inundated with requests to be involved with Early Start – it is a nice problem to have!

First agreement in europe for a PPP project under JessICA initiative we already know who will provide loans in the social economy entities support programme
Newsletter • March 8th, 2012

sopot’s train station and the surrounding areas will be subject to a thorough revitalisation. In 18 months, the current train station will be replaced with a modern and functional building, and the surrounding areas will become a green highlight of the city. the communication routes will be rebuilt, an underground car park with 270 units will be provided, plus a hotel, a shopping mall, and a two-storey city square connected to the popular “Monciak” (sopot’s main boulevard). After the completion of the investment, the vibrant promenade will become main point of that area, with its numerous cafes and leisure areas. the investor plans that all those facilities will be completed in spring 2014.

North Island - John Finn Newsletter No. 80 December 2018 Canada Post Publications Mail Agreement No. 40033460
Newsletter • November 5th, 2018

that eye-care practitioners cannot bill the Public Service Health Care Plan (PSHCP) directly as do pharmacies. He was unhappy with having to submit a paper claim. In looking into this, we were reminded that it is possible to submit a claim online and be reimbursed by direct deposit. We sent out an e

North Island - John Finn Newsletter No. 79 September 2018 Canada Post Publications Mail Agreement No. 40033460
Newsletter • September 5th, 2018

IN THIS ISSUE Meeting dates 1 President’s Message 1-3 Note to Phoners 3 Membership Update Form 3 Luncheon News 4 Membership info 4 Executive members 5 From the Editors Desk 5 Information from the HBO 6-7 Humour Corner 8 Travel Advertisement 8

Newsletter • June 25th, 2021

The MNZ AGM was held in Wellington on the 16th of May where a new President, Paul Pavletich and South Island Off Road Board member, Gretchen Pirika were announced.

Newsletter • February 22nd, 2023
IN THIS ISSUE Meeting dates 1 President’s Message 1-3 Note to Phoners 3 Membership Update Form 3 Executive members 4 From the Editors Desk 4 Luncheon News 5 Membership info 5 Information from the HBO 6-7 Humour 7 Short Jokes/One- liners 8 Travel...
Newsletter • May 9th, 2018

There have been some changes in your Branch Executive. At the AGM in late March, Kathi Brown indicated that she did not want to run again as Vice President but would be willing to continue as a Director. Former executive member Paddy O’Blenis volunteered to return and new-to-us Cherie Kelley also volunteered to serve as a Director. These appointments were approved by the members present.

Newsletter • May 5th, 2022

After two long years of restrictions due to Covid 19 we are again able to meet in person. Our upcoming meeting on June 7th is special for a number of reasons. Besides allowing us to meet face to face, it is the 40th Anniversary of our Branch. We discovered this when Bill Turnbull wrote an interesting piece on our history for our web site. To check it out, go to our website www.nijf.ca. You’ll see it there along with pictures from both the past and present.

Cork County PPN News Letter Issue 39 07th of April 2022
Newsletter • May 5th, 2022
IN THIS ISSUE Meeting dates 1 President’s Message 1-3 Branch Election Notice 3 Executive members 4 From the Editors Desk 4 Comedy Corner 4 Luncheon News 5 Membership fee reminder 5 6 Reasons to drink water 6 Notice of Motion 7 Note to Phoners 7 Travel...
Newsletter • February 17th, 2017

A December opinion piece in the National Post began with the line “The public sector is still getting rich off the taxes you're forced to pay.” It cited a Fraser Institute bulletin which claimed that, in 2015, employees from federal, provincial and local governments were, on aver- age, paid a 10.6% premium over their private sector counterparts. Un- fortunately, while the paper speaks bravely about control variables and regression analysis, its computational methodology is not revealed. Moreover, when we see something like a 39.5% premium paid in “protective service occupations”, we are left wondering about what pri- vately-owned police and fire services were used as a basis for compari- son.

McGill’s Big Bang in Astrophysics and Cosmology Research
Newsletter • January 25th, 2022
Canada Post Publications Mail Agreement No. 40033460
Newsletter • February 12th, 2015

CONTENTS President’s Message 1 Meeting dates 1 From the Editors Desk 2 Executive members 2 Luncheon News 3 Membership Update Form 3 Missing meeting reminder 3 Treasurer’s note 4 President’s Message Cont. 4 Note to Phoners 4 Volunteers Needed 4 Travel Advertisements 5 HB Officer’s notes 5-6 Top 10 Travel Health Tips 7 Poster 2015 Federal Election 8

Canada Post Publications Mail Agreement No. 40033460
Newsletter • August 18th, 2014

CONTENTS President’s Message 1 Meeting dates 1 From the Editors Desk 2 Executive members 2 Luncheon News 3 Membership Update Form 3 Travel Presentation Ad 4 Donations by our Branch 4 Missing meeting reminder 4 Note to Phoners 4 Affinity Programs 5-6 Travel Advertisements 7 Downsizing Article 8

North Island - John Finn Newsletter No. 67 December 2015 Canada Post Publications Mail Agreement No. 40033460 President’s MESSAGE
Newsletter • November 6th, 2015

IN THIS ISSUE Meeting dates 1 President’s Message 1-2 Help Wanted 2 Membership Update Form 2 Executive members 3 From the Editors Desk 3 Luncheon News 4 Membership fee reminder 4 Information from the HBO 5-6 Membership fee increase 6 Last Post 6 Invest Right Article 7 Note to Phoners 7 Travel Advertisement 8