Privacy Impact Assessment Sample Contracts

Privacy Impact Assessment • November 14th, 2022

Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA): HRSA - BMISS - QTR3 - 2020 - HRSA609657 Data Signed: 7/20/2020‌‌‌‌ Approved AcronymsATO - Authorization to Operate CAC - Common Access CardFISMA - Fed eral Information Security Man ag ement Act ISA - Information Sharing AgreementHHS - Dep artment of Health and Human Services MOU - Memorandum of UnderstandingNARA - National Archives and Record Administration OMB - Office of Man ag ement and BudgetPIA - Privacy Impact AssessmentPII - Personally Identifiable Information POC - Point of ContactPTA - Privacy Threshold Assessment SORN - System of Records Notice SSN - Social Security NumberURL - Uniform Resource Locator General Information Status: PIA Name: OpDiv: Approved HRSA - BMISS - QTR3 - 2020 - HRSA609657 HRSA PIA ID: Title: 1125187 HRSA - BHW Management Information System Solution PTA PTA - 1A: Identify the Enterprise Performance Lifecycle Phase of the system Operations and Maintenance PTA - 1B: Is this a FISMA-Reportable system? Yes PTA - 2: Does t

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Standard Contracts

ATO - Authorization to Operate CAC - Common Access Card FISMA - Federal Information Security Management Act ISA - Information Sharing Agreement HHS - Department of Health and Human Services MOU - Memorandum of Understanding NARA - National Archives...
Privacy Impact Assessment • December 12th, 2022

Are any of the URLs listed accessible by the general public (to include publicly accessible log in and internet websites/online applications)?

ATO - Authorization to Operate CAC - Common Access Card FISMA - Federal Information Security Management Act ISA - Information Sharing Agreement HHS - Department of Health and Human Services MOU - Memorandum of Understanding
Privacy Impact Assessment • February 8th, 2023

PTA PTA - 1A: Identify the Enterprise Performance Lifecycle Phase of the system Operations and Maintenance PTA - 1B: Is this a FISMA-Reportable system? No PTA - 2: Does the system include a website or online application? No PTA - 3: Is the system or electronic collection, agency or contractor operated? Agency PTA - 3A: Is the data contained in the system owned by the agency or contractor? Agency PTA - 5: Does the system have or is it covered by a Security Authorization to Operate (ATO)? No PTA - 5B: If no, Planned Date of ATO 11/19/2020 PTA - 6: Indicate the following reason(s) for this PTA. Choose from the following options. PIA Validation (PIA Refresh) PTA - 7: Describe in further detail any changes to the system that have occurred since the last PIA No changes since last PIA approval. PTA - 8: Please give a brief overview and purpose of the system by describingwhat the functions of the system are and how the system carries out those functions? The primary purpose of CDRH Ele

FISMA - Federal Information Security Management Act ISA - Information Sharing Agreement HHS - Department of Health and Human Services MOU - Memorandum of Understanding NARA - National Archives and Record Administration OMB - Office of Management and...
Privacy Impact Assessment • November 18th, 2022

PTA - 6: Indicate the following reason(s) for this PTA.Choose from the following options. New PTA - 8: Please give a briefoverview and purposeof the system bydescribing what the functions of the system are and how the system carries outthose functions? To determine eligibility for payments from the Public Health and Social Services Fund, maintain an accounting of payments, process payments from the Fund, and collect attestation fromproviders regarding payments. PTA - 9: List and/or describe all the types of information that are collected (into), maintained, and/orshared in the systemregardless of whether that information is PII and how long thatinformation is stored. Banking information, records of funds disbursed, identifying information of p roviders, record of attestation. PTA -9A: Are user credentials used to access thesystem? Yes PTA - 9B: Please identify the type of user credentials used to access the Non-HHS User CredentialsEmail addressPassword Username PTA - 10: Describe wh

Privacy Impact Assessment • December 12th, 2022

Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA): HRSA - JIRA - QTR3 - 2020 - HRSA610687 Signed Date: 9/16/2020 AcronymsATO - Authorization to Operate CAC - Common Access CardFISMA - Federal Information Security Management Act ISA - Information Sharing AgreementHHS - Department of Health and Human Services MOU - Memorandum of UnderstandingNARA - National Archives and Record Administration OMB - Office of Management and BudgetPIA - Privacy Impact AssessmentPII - Personally Identifiable Information POC - Point of ContactPTA - Privacy Threshold Assessment SORN - System of Records Notice SSN - Social Security NumberURL - Uniform Resource Locator General Information PIA ID:HRSA - JIRA - QTR3 - 2020 - HRSA610687 Title: HRSA 1185185HRSA - JIRA PIA Name: OpDiv : Legacy PIA ID: PTA PTA - 1A: Identify the Enterprise Performance Lifecycle Phase of the system Operations and Maintenance PTA - 1B: Is this a FISMA-Reportable system? Yes PTA - 2: Does the system include a website or online application? No PTA - 2A

Privacy Impact Assessment • February 9th, 2023

Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA): FDA - FEAEMAIP - MuleSoft - QTR3 - 2022 - FDA2061387‌‌Date Signed: 7/13/2022 AcronymsATO - Authorization to Operate CAC - Common Access CardFISMA - Fed eral Information Security Man ag ement Act ISA - Information Sharing AgreementHHS - Dep artment of Health and Human Services MOU - Memorandum of UnderstandingNARA - National Archives and Record Administration OMB - Office of Management and BudgetPIA - Privacy Impact AssessmentPII - Personally Identifiable Information POC - Point of ContactPTA - Privacy Threshold Assessment SORN - System of Records Notice SSN - Social Security NumberURL - Uniform Resource Locator General Information Status: PIA Name: OpDiv: ApprovedFDA - FEAEMAIP - MuleSoft - QTR3 - 2022 - FDA2061387FDA PIA ID:Title: 1460097FDA - OC GSS1 Network and Telecom PTA PTA - 1A: Identify the Enterprise Performance Lifecycle Phase of the system Operations and Maintenance PTA - 1B: Is this a FISMA-Reportable system? No PTA - 2: Does the system

ATO - Authorization to Operate CAC - Common Access Card FISMA - Fed eral Information Security Man ag ement Act ISA - Information Sharing Agreement HHS - Dep artment of Health and Human Services MOU - Memorandum of Understanding NARA - National...
Privacy Impact Assessment • December 15th, 2022

PTA - 1A: Identify the EnterprisePerformance Lifecycle Phase of the system Initiation PTA - 1B: Is this a FISMA-Reportablesystem? Yes PTA - 2: Does the system include a website or online application? Yes

ATO - Authorization to Operate CAC - Common Access Card FISMA - Federal Information Security Management Act ISA - Information Sharing Agreement HHS - Department of Health and Human Services MOU - Memorandum of Understanding
Privacy Impact Assessment • February 8th, 2023

PTA PTA - 1A: Identify the Enterprise Performance Lifecycle Phase of the system Operations and Maintenance PTA - 1B: Is this a FISMA-Reportable system? No PTA - 2: Does the system include a website or online application? No PTA - 3: Is the system or electronic collection, agency or contractor operated? Agency PTA - 3A: Is the data contained in the system owned by the agency or contractor? Agency PTA - 5: Does the system have or is it covered by a Security Authorization to Operate (ATO)? Yes PTA - 5A: If yes, Date of Authorization 3/15/2022 PTA - 6: Indicate the following reason(s) for this PTA. Choose from the following options. PIA Validation (PIA Refresh) PTA - 7: Describe in further detail any changes to the system that have occurred since the last PIA CARS was recently updated:

FISMA - Fed eral Information Security Man ag ement Act ISA - Information Sharing Agreement HHS - Dep artment of Health and Human Services MOU - Memorandum of Understanding NARA - National Archives and Record Administration OMB - Office of Man ag ement...
Privacy Impact Assessment • November 23rd, 2022

from the official systems of record for bothCommissioned Corps (CC) and Civil Service (CS) employees. Systems of record include theBusiness Intelligence Information System (BIIS) and the Accounting For Pay System (AFPS), both of which have their own Privacy Impact Assessments. On the personnel, or Full TimeEquivalent (FTE), side, some important elements are eq ual employment opportunity (EEO)information such as pay plan, grade, series, step, position title, employment status, ed ucationrecord, administrative code, common accounting number (CAN), and reg ular and overtime hours worked by the employee. On the payroll side, several data elements are available, includingpay date, gross pay, net pay, gross expen ditures, and pay period. The system gen eratesyear-to-date payroll information monthly andquarterly, as req uested by the user. Timeliness is ensured through reg ular extracts fromtime-attendance and payroll servers; the extracts are timed with the running of the official payrollp

Privacy Impact Assessment • December 23rd, 2020

Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA): HRSA - DSG (COVID) - QTR3 - 2020 - HRSA615797 Date: 9/11/2020 12:07 Acronyms ATO - Authorization to Operate CAC - Common Access CardFISMA - Federal Information Security Management Act ISA - Information Sharing AgreementHHS - Department of Health and Human Services MOU - Memorandum of UnderstandingNARA - National Archives and Record Administration OMB - Office of Management and BudgetPIA - Privacy Impact AssessmentPII - Personally Identifiable Information POC - Point of ContactPTA - Privacy Threshold Assessment SORN - System of Records Notice SSN - Social Security NumberURL - Uniform Resource Locator General Information PIA Name: HRSA - DSG (COVID) - QTR3 - 2020 -HRSA615797 PIA ID: 1192652 Name of ATO Boundary:HRSA - DocuSign PTA PTA - 1A: Identify the Enterprise Performance Lifecycle Phase of the system Initiation PTA - 1B: Is this a FISMA-Reportable system? No PTA - 2: Does the system include a website or online application? Yes PTA - 2A: Are any o

FISMA - Fed eral Information Security Man ag ement Act ISA - Information Sharing Agreement HHS - Dep artment of Health and Human Services MOU - Memorandum of Understanding
Privacy Impact Assessment • November 22nd, 2022

present. For all changes that have occurred in the UNet System, the OPTN Contractor distributes System Notices and provides copies of all notices to HRSA. Infrastructure changes are maintained in the OPTN Contractor’s Change Control System.

Privacy Impact Assessment • February 27th, 2023

Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA): FDA - RMS - QTR1 - 2023 - FDA2077771‌‌Date Signed: 2/6/2023 AcronymsATO - Authorization to Operate CAC - Common Access CardFISMA - Fed eral Information Security Man ag ement Act ISA - Information Sharing AgreementHHS - Dep artment of Health and Human Services MOU - Memorandum of UnderstandingNARA - National Archives and Record Administration OMB - Office of Man ag ement and BudgetPIA - Privacy Impact AssessmentPII - Personally Identifiable Information POC - Point of ContactPTA - Privacy Threshold Assessment SORN - System of Records Notice SSN - Social Security NumberURL - Uniform Resource Locator General Information Status: PIA Name: OpDiv: ApprovedFDA - RMS - QTR1 - 2023 - FDA2077771 FDA PIA ID:Title: 1603669NCTR Research Man ag ement System PTA PTA - 2: Indicate the following reason(s) for this PTA. Choose from the following options. PIA Validation (PIA Refresh) The iRIS application has been removed from the system and website ( PTA

ATO - Authorization to Operate CAC - Common Access Card FISMA - Federal Information Security Management Act ISA - Information Sharing Agreement HHS - Department of Health and Human Services MOU - Memorandum of Understanding
Privacy Impact Assessment • December 7th, 2022

PTA - 1A: Identify the Enterprise Performance Lifecycle Phase of the syst em Operations and Maintenance PTA - 1B: Is this a FISMA-Reportable system? Yes PTA - 2: Does the system include a website or online application? Yes URL Details

Privacy Impact Assessment • March 7th, 2023

Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA): FDA - FURLS_SCH - QTR2 - 2021 - FDA1950986 Date Signed: 11/5/2021 AcronymsATO - Authorization to Operate CAC - Common Access CardFISMA - Federal Information Security Management Act ISA - Information Sharing AgreementHHS - Department of Health and Human Services MOU - Memorandum of UnderstandingNARA - National Archives and Record Administration OMB - Office of Management and BudgetPIA - Privacy Impact AssessmentPII - Personally Identifiable Information POC - Point of ContactPTA - Privacy Threshold Assessment SORN - System of Records Notice SSN - Social Security NumberURL - Uniform Resource Locator General Information Status: PIA Name: OpDIV: ApprovedFDA - FURLS_SCH - QTR2 - 2021 - FDA1950986FDA PIA ID:Title: 1324867FDA - OC FDA Unified Registration and Listing System PTA PTA - 1A: Identify the Enterprise Performance Lifecycle Phase of the system Operations and Maintenance PTA - 1B: Is this a FISMA-Reportable system? No PTA - 2: Does the system inclu

FISMA - Federal Information Security Management Act ISA - Information Sharing Agreement HHS - Department of Health and Human Services MOU - Memorandum of Understanding NARA - National Archives and Record Administration OMB - Office of Management and...
Privacy Impact Assessment • November 18th, 2022

PTA PTA - 1A: Identify the Enterprise Performance Lifecycle Phase of the system Operations and Maintenance PTA - 1B: Is this a FISMA-Reportable system? No PTA - 2: Does the system include a website or online application? No PTA - 3: Is the system or electronic collection, agency or contractor operated? Agency PTA - 3A: Is the data contained in the system owned by the agency or contractor? Agency PTA - 5: Does the system have or is it covered by a Security Authorization to Operate (ATO)? Yes PTA - 5A: If yes, Date of Authorization 9/30/2021 PTA - 5B: If no, Planned Date of ATO PTA - 6: Indicate the following reason(s) for this PTA. Choose from the following options. New PTA - 7: Describe in further detail any changes to the system that have occurred since the last PIA This is the initial PTA/PIA PTA - 8: Please give a brief overview and purpose of the system bydescribing what the functions of the system are and how the system carries out those functions? The Custom Application Bra

ATO - Authorization to Operate CAC - Common Access Card FISMA - Fed eral Information Security Man ag ement Act ISA - Information Sharing Agreement HHS - Dep artment of Health and Human Services MOU - Memorandum of Understanding NARA - National...
Privacy Impact Assessment • December 15th, 2022

PTA - 9: List and/or describe all the types of information that are collected (into), maintained, and/or shared in the system reg ardless ofwhether that information is PII and how long that information is stored. system that streamlines ag ency collaboration,information and data management, and provides the Common Operating Picture for ASPR’sprep aredness and response missions. The initial ASPR Ready release will include the Information Requests module that allows users to submitquestions and receive responses from subjectmatter experts. The preparedness and data responseman ag ement includ es resource req uests (e.g., responders, supplies, eq uipment) for disasters and planned events (e.g., PresidentialInauguration, State of the Union address). These activities involve man aging these req uests, tracking resources until they arrive at theirdestination site. The Common Operating Picture displays a graphical representation of theresources deployed (e.g., respond ers, supplies, eq uipm

Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA): FDA - GM - QTR4 - 2020 - FDA1851023
Privacy Impact Assessment • March 7th, 2023

PTA PTA - 1A: Identify the Enterprise Performance Lifecycle Phase of the system Operations and Maintenance PTA - 1B: Is this a FISMA-Reportable system? No PTA - 2: Does the system include a website or online application? No PTA - 3: Is the system or electronic collection, agency or contractor operated? Agency PTA - 3A: Is the data contained in the system owned by the agency or contractor? Agency PTA - 5: Does the system have or is it covered by a Security Authorization to Operate (ATO)? No PTA - 5B: If no, Planned Date of ATO 11/15/2019 PTA - 7: Describe in further detail any changes to the system that have occurred since the last PIA A new module (Operations) has been released for use in association with the Office of Orphan Products Development (OOPD) application and is addressed in this Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA). PTA - 8: Please give a brief overview and purpose of the system by describing what the functions of the system are and how the system carries out those functions

Privacy Impact Assessment • March 7th, 2023

Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA): FDA - GeoWeb - QTR2 - 2021 - FDA1950987 Date Signed: 11/12/2021 AcronymsATO - Authorization to Operate CAC - Common Access CardFISMA - Federal Information Security Management Act ISA - Information Sharing AgreementHHS - Department of Health and Human Services MOU - Memorandum of UnderstandingNARA - National Archives and Record Administration OMB - Office of Management and BudgetPIA - Privacy Impact AssessmentPII - Personally Identifiable Information POC - Point of ContactPTA - Privacy Threshold Assessment SORN - System of Records Notice SSN - Social Security NumberURL - Uniform Resource Locator General Information Status: PIA Name: OpDIV: ApprovedFDA - GeoWeb - QTR2 - 2021 - FDA1950987 FDA PIA ID:Title: 1324869FDA - OC Emergency Operations Network PTA PTA - 1A: Identify the Enterprise Performance Lifecycle Phase of the system Operations and Maintenance PTA - 1B: Is this a FISMA-Reportable system? No PTA - 2: Does the system include a website or on

Privacy Impact Assessment • February 8th, 2023

Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA): FDA - CAAPS HR-PBM - QTR2 - 2022 - FDA2041729 Date Signed: 4/11/2022‌‌ AcronymsATO - Authorization to Operate CAC - Common Access CardFISMA - Federal Information Security Management Act ISA - Information Sharing AgreementHHS - Department of Health and Human Services MOU - Memorandum of UnderstandingNARA - National Archives and Record Administration OMB - Office of Management and BudgetPIA - Privacy Impact AssessmentPII - Personally Identifiable Information POC - Point of ContactPTA - Privacy Threshold Assessment SORN - System of Records Notice SSN - Social Security NumberURL - Uniform Resource Locator General Information Status: ApprovedFDA - CAAPSHR-PBM - QTR2 - 2022 - FDA2041729 PIA ID: 1439669FDA - CDRH Center Engagement and Workforce Development PIA Name: OpDIV: Title: FDA PTA PTA - 1A: Identify the Enterprise Performance Lifecycle Phase of the system Implementation PTA - 1B: Is this a FISMA-Reportable system? No PTA - 2: Does the system inclu

Privacy Impact Assessment • March 7th, 2023

Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA): FDA - FURLS - QTR1 - 2022 - FDA2034601 Date Signed: 6/28/2022 AcronymsATO - Authorization to Operate CAC - Common Access CardFISMA - Federal Information Security Management Act ISA - Information Sharing AgreementHHS - Department of Health and Human Services MOU - Memorandum of UnderstandingNARA - National Archives and Record Administration OMB - Office of Management and BudgetPIA - Privacy Impact AssessmentPII - Personally Identifiable Information POC - Point of ContactPTA - Privacy Threshold Assessment SORN - System of Records Notice SSN - Social Security NumberURL - Uniform Resource Locator General Information Status: PIA Name: OpDIV: ApprovedFDA - FURLS - QTR1 - 2022 - FDA2034601 FDA PIA ID:Title: 1429198FDA - OC FDA Unified Registration and Listing System PTA PTA - 1A: Identify the Enterprise Performance Lifecycle Phase of the system Operations and Maintenance PTA - 1B: Is this a FISMA-Reportable system? No PTA - 2: Does the system include a we

ATO - Authorization to Operate CAC - Common Access Card FISMA - Fed eral Information Security Man ag ement Act ISA - Information Sharing Agreement HHS - Dep artment of Health and Human Services MOU - Memorandum of Understanding NARA - National...
Privacy Impact Assessment • December 14th, 2022

List and/or describe all the types of information that are collected (into), maintained, and/or shared in the system reg ardless of

Privacy Impact Assessment • January 19th, 2023

Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA): OS - OASH-Force - QTR1 - 2022 - OS1169723 Signed Date: 5/2/2022‌‌ Approved AcronymsATO - Authorization to Operate CAC - Common Access CardFISMA - Federal Information Security Management Act ISA - Information Sharing AgreementHHS - Department of Health and Human Services MOU - Memorandum of UnderstandingNARA - National Archives and Record Administration OMB - Office of Management and BudgetPIA - Privacy Impact AssessmentPII - Personally Identifiable Information POC - Point of ContactPTA - Privacy Threshold Assessment SORN - System of Records Notice SSN - Social Security NumberURL - Uniform Resource Locator General Information OS -OASH-Force - OS PIA ID: 1439889OS - OASH-Force PIA Name: Title: OPDIV: PTA PTA - 1A: Identify the Enterprise Performance Lifecycle Phase of the system Initiation PTA - 1B: Is this aFISMA-Reportable system? No PTA - 2: Does the system include a website or online application? Yes PTA - 2A: Are any of the URLs listed accessib

AutoNDA by SimpleDocs
FISMA - Fed eral Information Security Man ag ement Act ISA - Information Sharing Agreement HHS - Dep artment of Health and Human Services MOU - Memorandum of Understanding NARA - National Archives and Record Administration OMB - Office of Man ag ement...
Privacy Impact Assessment • November 23rd, 2022

The Paraprofessional Apprenticeship Technical Assistance Program (PATA) website is a way for the Health Resources and Services

Privacy Impact Assessment • February 8th, 2023

Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA): FDA - CFS - QTR2 - 2022 - FDA2041784 Date Signed: 4/14/2022‌‌ AcronymsATO - Authorization to Operate CAC - Common Access CardFISMA - Federal Information Security Management Act ISA - Information Sharing AgreementHHS - Department of Health and Human Services MOU - Memorandum of UnderstandingNARA - National Archives and Record Administration OMB - Office of Management and BudgetPIA - Privacy Impact AssessmentPII - Personally Identifiable Information POC - Point of ContactPTA - Privacy Threshold Assessment SORN - System of Records Notice SSN - Social Security NumberURL - Uniform Resource Locator General Information Status: PIA Name: OpDIV: ApprovedFDA - CFS - QTR2 - 2022 - FDA2041784 FDA PIA ID:Title: 1439931FDA - OC Cloud File Sharing PTA PTA - 1A: Identify the Enterprise Performance Lifecycle Phase of the system Operations and Maintenance PTA - 1B: Is this a FISMA-Reportable system? No PTA - 2: Does the system include a website or online applicatio

Privacy Impact Assessment • May 21st, 2023

Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA): OS - TCH - QTR3 - 2022 - OS1218360Created Date: 9/9/2022 4:16 PM Last Updated: 11/8/2022 5:12 PM AcronymsATO - Authorization to Operate CAC - Common Access CardFISMA - Federal Information Security Management Act ISA - Information Sharing AgreementHHS - Department of Health and Human Services MOU - Memorandum of UnderstandingNARA - National Archives and Record Administration OMB - Office of Management and BudgetPIA - Privacy Impact AssessmentPII - Personally Identifiable Information POC - Point of ContactPTA - Privacy Threshold Assessment SORN - System of Records Notice SSN - Social Security NumberURL - Uniform Resource Locator General Information PIA Name: OS - TCH - QTR3 - 2022 - OS1218360 PIA ID: 1481506OS - OS - Think Cultural Health Name of ATO Think Cultural HealthBoundary: PIA Queue:# Days Open: 91 Submitted Submit Date: 9/7/2022 N/A Expiration Date: 11/7/2025 OPDIV: OSOpDiv PIA ID: OS1218360 Make PIA Noavailable to Public?:Identify the Enterpri

FISMA - Fed eral Information Security Man ag ement Act ISA - Information Sharing Agreement HHS - Dep artment of Health and Human Services MOU - Memorandum of Understanding NARA - National Archives and Record Administration OMB - Office of Man ag ement...
Privacy Impact Assessment • January 13th, 2023

FOH Communication System (FCS) is moving from the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Gov Cloud to the HHS Cloud-Managed Application Hosting Center (C-MAHC).

FISMA - Fed eral Information Security Man ag ement Act ISA - Information Sharing Agreement HHS - Dep artment of Health and Human Services MOU - Memorandum of Understanding NARA - National Archives and Record Administration OMB - Office of Man ag ement...
Privacy Impact Assessment • November 14th, 2022

Are any of the URLs listed accessible by the gen eral public (to include publicly accessible log in and internet websites/online

Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA): FDA - HCTERS - QTR2 - 2021 - FDA1955831
Privacy Impact Assessment • March 7th, 2023

PTA PTA - 1A: Identify the Enterprise Performance Lifecycle Phase of the system Operations and Maintenance PTA - 1B: Is this a FISMA-Reportable system? No PTA - 2: Does the system include a website or online application? No PTA - 3: Is the system or electronic collection, agency or contractor operated? Agency PTA - 5: Does the system have or is it covered by a Security Authorization to Operate (ATO)? Yes PTA - 5A: If yes, Date of Authorization 6/19/2018 PTA - 6: Indicate the following reason(s) for this PTA. Choose from the following options. PIA Validation (PIA Refresh) PTA - 7: Describe in further detail any changes to the system that have occurred since the last PIA No changes were made to the system.Updates to the dates for the following were made in this document:ATO dateOMB information collection approval expiration dates PTA - 8: Please give a brief overview and purpose of the system bydescribing what the functions of the system are and how the system carries out those func

ATO - Authorization to Operate CAC - Common Access Card FISMA - Federal Information Security Management Act ISA - Information Sharing Agreement HHS - Department of Health and Human Services MOU - Memorandum of Understanding
Privacy Impact Assessment • December 7th, 2022

PTA - 1A: Identify the Enterprise Performance Lifecycle Phase of the syst em Initiation PTA - 1B: Is this a FISMA-Reportable system? Yes PTA - 2: Does the system include a website or online application? Yes URL Details

Privacy Impact Assessment • March 1st, 2023

Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA): FDA - AIRRS - QTR1 - 2023 - FDA2084392‌‌Date Signed: 2/21/2023 AcronymsATO - Authorization to Operate CAC - Common Access CardFISMA - Fed eral Information Security Man ag ement Act ISA - Information Sharing AgreementHHS - Dep artment of Health and Human Services MOU - Memorandum of UnderstandingNARA - National Archives and Record Administration OMB - Office of Man ag ement and BudgetPIA - Privacy Impact AssessmentPII - Personally Identifiable Information POC - Point of ContactPTA - Privacy Threshold Assessment SORN - System of Records Notice SSN - Social Security NumberURL - Uniform Resource Locator General Information Status: PIA Name: OpDiv: ApprovedFDA - AIRRS - QTR1 - 2023 -FDA2084392 PIA ID:Title: 1617710CTP Electronic Submissions FDA PTA PTA - 2: Indicate the following reason(s) for this PTA. Choose from the following options. New PTA - 3: Is the data contained in the system owned by the agency or contractor? Agency PTA - 4: Please give a brief ov

Privacy Impact Assessment • March 21st, 2023

Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA): FDA - TriCS - QTR1 - 2022 - FDA2033810‌‌Date Signed: 2/10/2022 AcronymsATO - Authorization to Operate CAC - Common Access CardFISMA - Federal Information Security Management Act ISA - Information Sharing AgreementHHS - Department of Health and Human Services MOU - Memorandum of UnderstandingNARA - National Archives and Record Administration OMB - Office of Management and BudgetPIA - Privacy Impact AssessmentPII - Personally Identifiable Information POC - Point of ContactPTA - Privacy Threshold Assessment SORN - System of Records Notice SSN - Social Security NumberURL - Uniform Resource Locator General Information Status: PIA Name: OpDIV: ApprovedFDA - TriCS - QTR1 - 2022 - FDA2033810 FDA PIA ID:Title: 1423610FDA - CTP Call Center System PTA PTA - 1A: Identify the Enterprise Performance Lifecycle Phase of the system Operations and Maintenance PTA - 1B: Is this a FISMA-Reportable system? No PTA - 2: Does the system include a website or online applica

Privacy Impact Assessment • December 23rd, 2020

Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA): OS - SHDR - QTR2 - 2020 - OS775329 Date: 7/1/2020 Acronyms ATO - Authorization to Operate CAC - Common Access CardFISMA - Federal Information Security Management Act ISA - Information Sharing AgreementHHS - Department of Health and Human Services MOU - Memorandum of UnderstandingNARA - National Archives and Record Administration OMB - Office of Management and BudgetPIA - Privacy Impact AssessmentPII - Personally Identifiable Information POC - Point of ContactPTA - Privacy Threshold Assessment SORN - System of Records Notice SSN - Social Security NumberURL - Uniform Resource Locator General Information PIA Name: OS - SHDR - QTR2 - 2020 - OS775329 PIA ID: 1113367 Name of ATO Boundary:OS - Synthetic Healthcare Database for Research -Cloud PTA PTA - 1A: Identify the Enterprise Performance Lifecycle Phase of the system Operations and Maintenance PTA - 1B: Is this a FISMA-Reportable system? Yes PTA - 2: Does the system include a website or online ap

Privacy Impact Assessment • January 13th, 2023

Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA): OS - EFlow - QTR1 - 2020 - OS503829Date Signed: 1/24/2020 AcronymsATO - Authorization to Operate CAC - Common Access CardFISMA - Fed eral Information Security Man ag ement Act ISA - Information Sharing AgreementHHS - Dep artment of Health and Human Services MOU - Memorandum of UnderstandingNARA - National Archives and Record Administration OMB - Office of Man ag ement and BudgetPIA - Privacy Impact AssessmentPII - Personally Identifiable Information POC - Point of ContactPTA - Privacy Threshold Assessment SORN - System of Records Notice SSN - Social Security NumberURL - Uniform Resource Locator General Information Status: PIA Name: OpDiv: ApprovedOS - EFlow - QTR1 - 2020 - OS503829 OS PIA ID:Title: 1113115OS - Electronic Workflow PTA PTA - 1A: Identify the Enterprise Performance Lifecycle Phase of the system Operations and Maintenance PTA - 1B: Is this a FISMA-Reportable system? Yes PTA - 2: Does the system include a website or online application?

Privacy Impact Assessment • December 15th, 2022

Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA): OS - BEAM - QTR4 - 2020 - OS1040755Date Signed: 4/8/2021 AcronymsATO - Authorization to Operate CAC - Common Access CardFISMA - Fed eral Information Security Man ag ement Act ISA - Information Sharing AgreementHHS - Dep artment of Health and Human Services MOU - Memorandum of UnderstandingNARA - National Archives and Record Administration OMB - Office of Management and BudgetPIA - Privacy Impact AssessmentPII - Personally Identifiable Information POC - Point of ContactPTA - Privacy Threshold Assessment SORN - System of Records Notice SSN - Social Security NumberURL - Uniform Resource Locator General Information Status: PIA Name: OpDiv: ApprovedOS - BEAM - QTR4 - 2020 - OS1040755 OS PIA ID:Title: 1310881OS - BARDA Enclave for Analytics and Man ag ement (BEAM) PTA PTA - 1A: Identify the Enterprise Performance Lifecycle Phase of the system Initiation PTA - 1B: Is this a FISMA-Reportable system? Yes PTA - 2: Does the system include a website or online

Privacy Impact Assessment • November 21st, 2022
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