Standard Contracts
REAL ESTATE AGENT AGREEMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTReal Estate Agent Agreement • November 7th, 2020
Contract Type FiledNovember 7th, 2020In acknowledgement of the restrictions of signs pursuant to the Condominium Bylaws of the Villages of Oscoda, Article VII, Section 1, and the requirement of prior approval of the ACC before any sign may be erected within the Condominium Project, Real Estate Agent hereby acknowledges and agrees to the following conditions and provisions with respect to the Sign;
Real Estate Agent AgreementReal Estate Agent Agreement • December 1st, 2019
Contract Type FiledDecember 1st, 2019This agreement, entered in to between Creative Property Solutions of the Southeast, LLC (CPS herein) with a mail address of PO Box 2226, Kings Mountain NC 28086 and email of and
Real estate agency agreement formReal Estate Agent Agreement • July 15th, 2023
Contract Type FiledJuly 15th, 2023A Real Estate Agent Agreement is a document used by a real estate Agent to provide services necessary to market and sell a Client's property. Under this Agreement, the Agent is an independent contractor with respect to the Client and not an employee of the Client. The Agent acts as an intermediary between the Client selling their property and potential buyers of that property. Real estate Agents assist, arrange, and direct the marketing, advertising, and staging of the property and then negotiating and selling it for the highest possible price under the terms most favorable to the Client. Though similar to the Broker Agreement, the two documents are used for different purposes. A Broker Agreement is used to set forth the terms and conditions under which a Broker will either find goods and/or services for a buyer to purchase or interested buyers for goods and/or services being sold by a seller. A Real Estate Agent Agreement is used to set forth the terms and conditions under which a rea
Real estate agent agreement pdfReal Estate Agent Agreement • October 11th, 2023
Contract Type FiledOctober 11th, 2023This agreement is used between a real estate agent and the landlord. It is written in plain English and includes disclosure of interest by the agent and acknowledgement by the landlord. This template needs to be explicitly signed by the landlord and the agent. It is easy to download, read, sign and submit the agreement.10. Real Estate Rental Housing Property Management Agreementhudexchange.infoDetailsFile FormatSize: 2 MBDownloadThe Real Estate Rental Housing Property Management Agreement is intended for use by a property owner to enter into a pact with a Property Management Company to operate a ‘rent- and income-restricted’ rental housing property as an agent of the property owner. The notes and instructions in brackets with italic font should be removed from the final form. This two pager document is very simple to read, download, and print also.11. Real Estate Broker Agreementimmobilien-stuetz.comDetailsFile FormatSize: 88 KBDownloadThe Real Estate Broker Agreement is a simple agree
AGREEMENTReal Estate Agent Agreement • September 4th, 2018
Contract Type FiledSeptember 4th, 2018
This agreement was made and entered into on , (“Effective Date”) betweenReal Estate Agent Agreement • January 28th, 2022
Contract Type FiledJanuary 28th, 2022