December 31,Repurchase Agreements • April 1st, 2010
Contract Type FiledApril 1st, 2010
Description CUSIPRepurchase Agreements • March 1st, 2018
Contract Type FiledMarch 1st, 201825,000,000 3 Agency Floating Rate Notes, FFCB, 1.6000% 25,000,000 3 Agency Floating Rate Notes, FFCB, 1.6000% 200,000,000 Supra - Discount Notes, IBRD, 1.3500% 200,000,000 Term Repurchase Agreements, Jefferies and Company, Inc., 1.4000% 500,000,000 Term Repurchase Agreements, Cantor Fitzgerald, 1.3900% 1,000,000,000 Repurchase Agreements, Cantor Fitzgerald, 1.4700% 500,000,000 Repurchase Agreements, Daiwa Capital Markets, 1.4400% 100,000,000 Repurchase Agreements, Jefferies and Company, Inc., 1.4500% 680,000,000 Repurchase Agreements, Societe Generale, 1.4400% 50,000,000 Repurchase Agreements, Cantor Fitzgerald, 1.4000% 25,000,000 3 Agency Floating Rate Notes, FFCB, 1.5500% 50,000,000 U.S. Treasury Bills, U.S. Treasury, 1.1360% 50,000,000 U.S. Treasury Bills, U.S. Treasury, 1.1365% 50,000,000 3 Agency Floating Rate Notes, FFCB, 1.6400% 25,000,000 Certificate of Deposit, EastWest Bank, 1.4400% 50,000,000 Agency Discount Notes, FHLMC, 1.2000% 50,000,000 U.S. Treasury Bills, U.S. Treasury
Description CUSIPRepurchase Agreements • August 1st, 2019
Contract Type FiledAugust 1st, 2019400,000,000 Term Repurchase Agreements, Cantor Fitzgerald, 2.4600% 400,000,000 Term Repurchase Agreements, Jefferies and Company, Inc., 2.4700% 400,000,000 Term Repurchase Agreements, Cantor Fitzgerald, 2.4900% 300,000,000 Repurchase Agreements, Cantor Fitzgerald, 2.5200% 300,000,000 Repurchase Agreements, Daiwa Capital Markets, 2.5300% 500,000,000 Repurchase Agreements, Societe Generale, 2.5500% 300,000,000 Repurchase Agreements, Jefferies and Company, Inc., 2.5400% 150,000,000 Repurchase Agreements, Jefferies and Company, Inc., 2.5000% 50,000,000 Supra - Discount Notes, IADB, 2.4500% 300,000,000 Term Repurchase Agreements, Societe Generale, 2.4000% 100,000,000 Agency Bullets, FHLB, 2.3070% 300,000,000 Agency Discount Notes, FHLB, 2.3780% 50,000,000 Supra - Bullets, IBRD, 0.8760% 50,000,000 3 Agency Floating Rate Notes, FFCB, 2.4200% 200,000,000 Agency Discount Notes, FHLB, 2.3720% 200,000,000 Agency Discount Notes, FHLB, 2.3720% 25,000,000 Supra - Bullets, IBRD, 2.2200% 100,000,000 A
This rule was filed as 12 NMAC 16.3.7.Repurchase Agreements • October 31st, 2003
Contract Type FiledOctober 31st, 2003
And Repurchase Agreements FSreanckuJrFiatbiozezsi SeFriiesnanceRepurchase Agreements • February 3rd, 2021
Contract Type FiledFebruary 3rd, 2021shelf, it is really problematic. Th we provide the ebook compilations i website. It will totally ease you t guidesecurities finance securities
Federal Funds Sold And Reverse Repurchase AgreementsRepurchase Agreements • July 5th, 2021
Contract Type FiledJuly 5th, 2021Repurchase Agreements and Money Market Funds Charles. The Repo Market and most Start than the Financial Crisis NBER. By the sold federal tax and. Capital markets in this point to maintain its current market mutual funds invested in spite of risk and also days, and federal funds reverse repurchase agreements up. Some food and repurchase agreements are used when a apply for funds is somewhat likely to utilize quite as soon after be followed by chance need other reverse the effects of the. Parties to sell a security such at a Treasury bond close then repurchase it at a value date. Repurchase Agreement SmartAsset SmartAssetcom. Definition of Reverse Repurchase Agreements in the Financial Dictionary by. Or solicitation to need or sell any securities or other adopt any investment strategy. NCUA IRPS 5-2 - Repurchase Agreements of Depository. When the Fed undertakes reverse repo transactions with financial institutions it is site to? The buyer agrees to sell those same assets back join the or
Description CUSIPRepurchase Agreements • August 18th, 2021
Contract Type FiledAugust 18th, 2021300,000,000 Term Repurchase Agreements, Jefferies and Company, Inc., 1.5600% 700,000,000 Repurchase Agreements, Cantor Fitzgerald, 1.6000% 600,000,000 Repurchase Agreements, Daiwa Capital Markets, 1.6000% 800,000,000 Repurchase Agreements, Jefferies and Company, Inc., 1.6000% 300,000,000 Repurchase Agreements, Societe Generale, 1.5900% 85,000,000 Repurchase Agreements, Cantor Fitzgerald, 1.6000% 300,000,000 Term Repurchase Agreements, Cantor Fitzgerald, 1.5600% 50,000,000 3 Agency Floating Rate Notes, FFCB, 1.8300% 50,000,000 Agency Bullets, FFCB, 1.6371% 200,000,000 Term Repurchase Agreements, Jefferies and Company, Inc., 1.5700% 50,000,000 U.S. Treasury Bills, U.S. Treasury, 1.8980% 50,000,000 U.S. Treasury Bills, U.S. Treasury, 1.8970% 300,000,000 Agency Discount Notes, FHLB, 1.5690% 115,000,000 Supra - Bullets, IADB, 3.8750% 32,000,000 3 Agency Floating Rate Notes, FFCB, 1.7200% 27,000,000 3 Agency Floating Rate Notes, FFCB, 1.7200% 18,000,000 Agency Discount Notes, FHLB, 1.5690% 5
ParRepurchase Agreements • August 1st, 2022
Contract Type FiledAugust 1st, 2022Repurchase Agreements, Jefferies LLC, 2.2400% Repurchase Agreements, Scotia Capital, 2.2500% Repurchase Agreements, FICC (Northern Trust), 2.2200%
118A.05 CONTRACTS AND AGREEMENTS.Repurchase Agreements • September 27th, 2013
Contract Type FiledSeptember 27th, 2013Subdivision 1. May enter into. In addition to other authority granted in sections 118A.01 to 118A.06, government entities may enter into contracts and agreements as follows.
Description CUSIPRepurchase Agreements • June 1st, 2022
Contract Type FiledJune 1st, 2022250,000,000 Term Repurchase Agreements, Societe Generale, 2.5100% 250,000,000 Term Repurchase Agreements, Scotia Capital, 2.5000% 300,000,000 Term Repurchase Agreements, Jefferies and Company, Inc., 2.5300% 300,000,000 Term Repurchase Agreements, Cantor Fitzgerald, 2.5500% 400,000,000 Repurchase Agreements, Cantor Fitzgerald, 2.5000% 750,000,000 Repurchase Agreements, Jefferies and Company, Inc., 2.4200% 50,000,000 Repurchase Agreements, Cantor Fitzgerald, 2.4200% 700,000,000 Term Repurchase Agreements, Cantor Fitzgerald, 2.5500% 100,000,000 Term Repurchase Agreements, Amherst Pierpont, 2.5300% 150,000,000 Term Repurchase Agreements, Amherst Pierpont, 2.5300% 300,000,000 Term Repurchase Agreements, Jefferies and Company, Inc., 2.5200% 54,250,000 Certificate of Deposit - TCD, Office of the State Treasurer, 2.6900% 400,000,000 Term Repurchase Agreements, Daiwa Capital Markets, 2.4000% 50,000,000 3 Agency Floating Rate Notes, FFCB, 2.4200% 100,000,000 Supra - Discount Notes, IFC, 2.4700%
CUSIPRepurchase Agreements • January 2nd, 2020
Contract Type FiledJanuary 2nd, 2020200,000,000 Term Repurchase Agreements, Cantor Fitzgerald, 1.7500% 100,000,000 Term Repurchase Agreements, Cantor Fitzgerald, 1.7000% 300,000,000 Term Repurchase Agreements, Jefferies and Company, Inc., 1.6800% 200,000,000 Repurchase Agreements, Cantor Fitzgerald, 1.5500% 400,000,000 Repurchase Agreements, Daiwa Capital Markets, 1.5500% 700,000,000 Repurchase Agreements, Jefferies and Company, Inc., 1.5300% 150,000,000 Repurchase Agreements, Daiwa Capital Markets, 1.5000% 100,000,000 Repurchase Agreements, Jefferies and Company, Inc., 1.5300% 50,000,000 3 Agency Floating Rate Notes, FFCB, 1.5750% 200,000,000 Term Repurchase Agreements, BMO Capital Markets Corp, 1.6500% 50,000,000 3 Agency Floating Rate Notes, FFCB, 1.7000% 100,000,000 Supra - Discount Notes, IBRD, 2.3400% 100,000,000 Supra - Discount Notes, IBRD, 2.3400% 59,250,000 Certificate of Deposit - TCD, Office of the State Treasurer, 2.2500% 106,000,000 Agency Discount Notes, FHLB, 1.6800% 120,890,000 Agency Discount Notes, FHL