Salary Packaging Agreement Sample Contracts
Salary packaging BackgroundSalary Packaging Agreement • April 20th, 2022
Contract Type FiledApril 20th, 2022
Standard Contracts
SALARY PACKAGING TERMS AND CONDITIONSSalary Packaging Agreement • January 15th, 2017
Contract Type FiledJanuary 15th, 2017
AGRICULTURE WESTERN AUSTRALIA - CSA SALARY PACKAGING AGREEMENT 1999 NO. PSAAG 16 of 1999Salary Packaging Agreement • May 1st, 2021
Contract Type FiledMay 1st, 2021This Agreement shall apply to all Agriculture Western Australia employees including Senior Executive Service employees working in Agriculture Western Australia who are members of or eligible to be members of the Civil Service Association of Western Australia Incorporated.
SALARY PACKAGING AGREEMENTSalary Packaging Agreement • June 25th, 2015
Contract Type FiledJune 25th, 2015The personal information you provide on this form is protected by the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW). You are required to provide this information to commence the deduction as Authorised. Access to the information you provide is available to yourself, and those persons authorised to access the information in the course of their duties to the University. This form will be retained by the Division of Finance. Further details regarding access and notations to personal information are set out in the University’s policy “Access to Personal Files”.
SALARY PACKAGING AGREEMENTSalary Packaging Agreement • October 20th, 2021
Contract Type FiledOctober 20th, 2021VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS TO SUPERANNUATION Super Fund: Fortnightly OR % of Salary Amount: Per Fortnight:Casual Employees % of Salary Per Fortnight:
Salary Packaging Agreement and AuthorityRelocation Temporary Accommodation (Rent)Salary Packaging Agreement • January 11th, 2013
Contract Type FiledJanuary 11th, 2013Name Staff No. Section I wish to salary package TEMPORARY ACCOMMODATION for relocation to a new locality as a result of employment with CSU.▫ Temporary accommodation at new location (fortnightly rent amount) $ Complete Temporary Accommodation declarationAttach copy of lease agreement showing rent amount PRIVACYThe personal information you provide on this form is protected by the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW). You are required to provide this information to commence the deduction as Authorised. Access to the information you provide is available to yourself, and those person authorised to access the information in the course of their duties to the University. This form will be retained by the Division of Financial Services. Further details regarding access and notations to personal are set out in the University’s policy “Access to Personal Files”
SALARY PACKAGING AGREEMENTSalary Packaging Agreement • January 20th, 2011
Contract Type FiledJanuary 20th, 2011STANDARD EMPLOYEE UNISUPER CONTRIBUTIONS I elect to package my compulsory employee contributions to UniSuper. While salary packaged contributions to UniSuper are FBT exempt, they are considered to be employer sponsored benefits and as such, attract a 15% contributions tax. To compensate for the contributions tax and to maintain an employee’s standard superannuation contribution at the correct rate, an employees pre-tax contribution rate will be increased to include the contributions tax, for example 8.25%, instead of 7%
Salary packaging agreement Outside Studies Program (higher education) Living Away From Home Allowance (LAFHA)Salary Packaging Agreement • July 20th, 2021
Contract Type FiledJuly 20th, 2021It is agreed that the University will deduct the employee’s Living Away From Home Allowance (LAFHA) from pre-tax salary. The pre-tax deduction will then be paid as a Living Away From Home Allowance.
SALARY PACKAGING AGREEMENTSalary Packaging Agreement • March 26th, 2019
Contract Type FiledMarch 26th, 2019
Salary Packaging Agreement andSalary Packaging Agreement • October 19th, 2015
Contract Type FiledOctober 19th, 2015Name Staff No. Section I wish to salary package RELOCATION EXPENSES relating to the following items. A valid tax invoice and receipt showing payment and specifying the item purchased must be attached to this form before salary packaging can be processed. ▫ Expenses relating to removal, sale or acquisition of dwelling* $ *If claiming expenses for a home purchase at my new locality, I have provided evidence to show that my former residence has been sold. PRIVACYThe personal information you provide on this form is protected by the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW). You are required to provide this information to commence the deduction as authorised. Access to the information you provide is available to yourself, and those person authorised to access the information in the course of their duties to the University. This form will be retained by the Division of Financial Services. Further details regarding access and notations topersonal are set out in the Universit
SALARY PACKAGING AGREEMENTSalary Packaging Agreement • September 22nd, 2014
Contract Type FiledSeptember 22nd, 2014The personal information you provide on this form is protected by the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW). You are required to provide this information to commence the deduction as a uthorised. Access to the information you provide is available to yourself, and those persons authorised to access the information in the course of their duties to the University. This form will be retained by the Division of Finance. Further details regarding access and notations to personal information are set out in the University’s policy “Access to Personal Files”.
Appendix C – Salary Packaging AgreementSalary Packaging Agreement • August 21st, 2012
Contract Type FiledAugust 21st, 2012
Salary Packaging AgreementSalary Packaging Agreement • August 12th, 2009
Contract Type FiledAugust 12th, 2009
NSW Department of Education Terms & ConditionsSalary Packaging Agreement • January 24th, 2012
Contract Type FiledJanuary 24th, 2012By signing the Salary Packaging Agreement and Application Form – NSW Department of Education as provided by Smartsalary Pty Ltd (“the Salary Packaging Service Provider”) which refers to these terms and conditions you accept and or acknowledge, as a Participant in the Department's salary packaging arrangements, the following terms, conditions and acknowledgements and you understand that you will be bound by these terms, conditions and acknowledgements as well as those of the Salary Packaging Service Provider, which create legally binding obligations between you (“the Participant”) and the NSW Department of Education (“the Department”) and the Salary Packaging Service Provider
THIS SALARY PACKAGING AGREEMENT made the ……… day of ……………………. BETWEEN: THE UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA, a body corporate established under the University of Western Australia Act 1911, 35 Stirling Highway, Crawley, Western Australia 6009 (“the...Salary Packaging Agreement • July 29th, 2020
Contract Type FiledJuly 29th, 2020This salary packaging agreement is entered into pursuant to clause 18.2 of the University of Western Australia Professional and General Staff Agreement 2010 (“the certified agreement”).
Lane Cove Community Aid Service (Nurses) Salary Packaging Agreement 2004Salary Packaging Agreement • August 28th, 2020
Contract Type FiledAugust 28th, 2020
SALARY PACKAGING AGREEMENTSalary Packaging Agreement • September 14th, 2021
Contract Type FiledSeptember 14th, 2021
Transition Authority and Salary Packaging Agreement FormSalary Packaging Agreement • October 31st, 2022
Contract Type FiledOctober 31st, 2022
NSW Department of Education Terms & ConditionsSalary Packaging Agreement • January 24th, 2012
Contract Type FiledJanuary 24th, 2012By signing the Salary Packaging Agreement and Application Form for casual teachers and related employees – NSW Department of Education as provided by Smartsalary Pty Ltd (“the Salary Packaging Service Provider”) which refers to these terms and conditions you accept and or acknowledge, as a Participant in the Department's salary packaging arrangements, the following terms, conditions and acknowledgements and you understand that you will be bound by these terms, conditions and acknowledgements as well as those of the Salary Packaging Service Provider, which create legally binding obligations between you (“the Participant”) and the NSW Department of Education (“the Department”) and the Salary Packaging Service Provider.
Salary Packaging Application & Agreement FormSalary Packaging Agreement • August 17th, 2022
Contract Type FiledAugust 17th, 2022The Queensland Government strongly recommends that Financial Advice is obtained prior to entering into a Salary Packaging Agreement.