Standard Contracts
GENERAL AGREEMENT GATS/SC/84Schedule of Specific Commitments • August 23rd, 2005
Contract Type FiledAugust 23rd, 2005Sector or subsector Limitations on market access Limitations on national treatment Additional commitments 9. TOURISM AND TRAVEL RELATED SERVICES Hotels of four stars and above2(CPC 641-643) 1) None 2) None 1) None 2) None 3) Acquisitions of domestic firms and mergers by foreigners are subject to approval 3) Unbound The acquisition of land by foreigners or domestic companies which are deemed foreign because of foreign equity ownership is subject to approval 4) Unbound except for measures concerning senior managers that possess skills not available in Tanzania 4) Unbound
SOUTH AFRICASchedule of Specific Commitments • July 6th, 2007
Contract Type FiledJuly 6th, 2007Sector or subsector Limitations on market access Limitations on national treatment Additional commitments I. HORIZONTAL COMMITMENTS ALL SECTORS INCLUDED IN THIS SCHEDULE 4)Unbound, except for the temporary presence for a period of up to three years, unless otherwise specified, without requiring compliance with an economic needs test, of the following categories of natural persons providing services:A.Services Salespersons - natural persons not based in South Africa and acquiring no remuneration from a source located within South Africa, who are engaged in activities related to representing a services provider for the purpose of negotiating for the sale of the services of that provider, without engaging in making direct sales to the general public or supplying services. Temporary presence for Services Salespersons is limited to a ninety-day period. 3)Local borrowing by South African registered companies with a non-resident shareholding of 25 per cent or more is limited4)Unbound, except
GENERAL AGREEMENT GATS/SC/49Schedule of Specific Commitments • September 17th, 2020
Contract Type FiledSeptember 17th, 2020
ZAMBIASchedule of Specific Commitments • May 14th, 2008
Contract Type FiledMay 14th, 2008Sector or subsector Limitations on market access Limitations on national treatment Additional commitments I. HORIZONTAL COMMITMENTS ALL SECTORS INCLUDED IN THIS SCHEDULE 4)Unbound except for measures concerning the entry and temporary stay of natural persons employed in management and expert jobs for the implementation of foreign investment. The employment of such persons shall be agreed upon by the contracting parties and approved by the Ministry of Home Affairs. Enterprises must also provide for training in higher skills for Zambians to enable them to assume specialized roles. 3)With permission from the Bank of Zambia, a foreign-controlled company can obtain loans or overdrafts of up to one third of the value of its paid up capital 4)Unbound except for measures concerning the categories of persons referred to in the market access column
GENERAL AGREEMENT GATS/SC/111Schedule of Specific Commitments • April 8th, 2008
Contract Type FiledApril 8th, 2008Sector or subsector Limitations on market access Limitations on national treatment Additional commitments I. SECTOR-SPECIFIC COMMITMENTS BUSINESS SERVICES F.Other business services 1)None 1)None Conference centres (CPC 87909) 2)None 2)None 3)None 3)None 4)Unbound, except for measures affecting the entry and temporary stay of natural persons - who are employees of a company and transferred to a company incorporated in Benin belonging to, controlled by or a subsidiary of the former - in the following categories: 4)None -directors-senior executives-specialists who possess knowledge that is essential to the provision of the service
GENERAL AGREEMENT GATS/SC/60Schedule of Specific Commitments • August 23rd, 2005
Contract Type FiledAugust 23rd, 2005Sector or subsector Limitations on market access Limitations on national treatment Additional commitments I. HORIZONTAL COMMITMENTS ALL SECTORS INCLUDED IN THIS SCHEDULE 3) Commercial presence requires that foreign service providers incorporate or establish the business locally in accordance with the provision of Namibian laws (Companies Act 61 of 1973). Enterprises with foreign investment in Namibia have the same rights and responsibilities as domestic enterprises.4) In Namibia, the entry and residence of foreign natural persons (service providers) are subject to Namibia' s Immigrations Control Act of 1993 and labour laws. In accordance with Namibian legislation, the employment of foreign natural persons for implementation of the foreign investment shall be agreed upon by the contracting parties and be subject to approval by the Namibian Government, and such personnel shall be employed in management and expert jobs only.
GENERAL AGREEMENT GATS/SC/52Schedule of Specific Commitments • August 23rd, 2005
Contract Type FiledAugust 23rd, 2005Sector or subsector Limitations on market access Limitations on national treatment Additional commitments I. HORIZONTAL COMMITMENTS ALL SECTORS INCLUDED IN THIS SCHEDULE UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED 3) Land, Property and Real Estate Approval may be denied if the acquisition, disposal or dealing of land or any interest in land, property and real estate is undertaken for speculative ornon-productive purpose or for purposes which may conflict with the interest of the State. Incentives/PreferencesIncentives are limited to eligible Malaysian-owned corporations engaged in service sectors promoted by the Government. Any measure and special preference granted to Bumiputera, Bumiputera status companies, trust companies and institutions set up to meet the objectives of the New Economic Policy (NEP) and the National Development Policy (NDP) shall be unbound. 3) Acquisition, Mergers and Take-overs The acquisition of assets or interests of Malaysian companies and businesses, mergers or tak
ICELANDSchedule of Specific Commitments • April 8th, 2008
Contract Type FiledApril 8th, 2008Sector or subsector Limitations on market access Limitations on national treatment Additional commitments I. HORIZONTAL COMMITMENTS ALL SECTORS INCLUDED IN THIS SCHEDULE 3)All foreign investment and currency transfers must be reported to the Central Bank of Iceland Investment by non-residents in the manufacturing industry, other than power-intensive industry, trade services, communications and fish farming may not exceed 25% of the total investment of the relevant sector without special permission. Total investment by a non-resident or the joint investment offinancially related non-residents in enterprises in the above-mentioned sectors may not exceed 250 mill. ISK within a year unless a special concession is given. All foreign investment of a Foreign State or companies/organizations owned by a Foreign State requires a special concession of the Ministry of Commerce (3)Treatment accorded to subsidiaries ofthird-country companies formed in accordance with the law of an EEA Member State
GENERAL AGREEMENT GATS/SC/5Schedule of Specific Commitments • August 23rd, 2005
Contract Type FiledAugust 23rd, 2005This schedule applies only to the territory of Aruba, which is part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Aruba does not form part of the European territory of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, which is a Member State of the European Community. Aruba enjoys an autonomous status under the "Statute of the Kingdom of the Netherlands" of 1954, as modified in 1986.
GENERAL AGREEMENT GATS/SC/30Schedule of Specific Commitments • April 8th, 2008
Contract Type FiledApril 8th, 2008Sector or subsector Limitations on market access Limitations on national treatment Additional commitments I. HORIZONTAL COMMITMENTS ALL SECTORS INCLUDED IN THIS SCHEDULE 3) None 3) Acquisition of land: Authorization is required for the acquisition of land and/or real estate property. Applications in this respect are considered on the basis of the evaluation of the specific projects for which the acquisition is requested and in accordance with the national policy objectives. - Acquisition of land and/or real estate property in free zone areas is unbound. 4) The entry and temporary stay of natural persons According to the labour code (Law No. 137/1981) and its executive 4) None
GENERAL AGREEMENT GATS/SC/16Schedule of Specific Commitments • August 23rd, 2005
Contract Type FiledAugust 23rd, 2005Sector or subsector Limitations on market access Limitations on national treatment Additional commitments I. HORIZONTAL COMMITMENTS Cross-border and consumption abroad 1), 2) None 1), 2) None, other than: - Tax measures that result in differences of treatment with respect to expenditures made on scientific research and experimental development services- Ontario - Tax measures resulting in differences of treatment with respect to payments for management services made to affiliated non-residents. Foreign corporations carrying on business in Ontario must appoint an Ontario agent for service of legal documents.- Alberta - First consideration may be given to service suppliers from within Alberta or Canada where competitive in terms of price and quality in the case of all large scale energy projects needing Industrial Development, Forest Management, Oil Sands, Power Plant or Gas Plant and Coal Development Permits.- Newfoundland and Nova Scotia - Regulations require that first considera
GENERAL AGREEMENT GATS/SC/60Schedule of Specific Commitments • May 8th, 2008
Contract Type FiledMay 8th, 2008Sector or subsector Limitations on market access Limitations on national treatment Additional commitments I. HORIZONTAL COMMITMENTS ALL SECTORS INCLUDED IN THIS SCHEDULE 3)Commercial presence requires that foreign service providers incorporate or establish the business locally in accordance with the provision of Namibian laws (CompaniesAct 61 of 1973). Enterprises with foreign investment in Namibia have the same rights and responsibilities as domestic enterprises.4)In Namibia, the entry and residence of foreign natural persons (service providers) are subject to Namibia's Immigrations Control Act of 1993 and labour laws. In accordance with Namibian legislation, the employment of foreign natural persons for implementation of the foreign investment shall be agreed upon by the contracting parties and be subject to approval by the Namibian Government, and such personnel shall be employed in management and expert jobs only.
GENERAL AGREEMENT GATS/SC/46Schedule of Specific Commitments • August 23rd, 2005
Contract Type FiledAugust 23rd, 2005
CHINASchedule of Specific Commitments • August 23rd, 2005
Contract Type FiledAugust 23rd, 2005Sector or subsector Limitations on market access Limitations on national treatment Additional commitments I. HORIZONTAL COMMITMENTS ALL SECTORS INCLUDED IN THIS SCHEDULE 3) The proportion of the foreign joint venturer' s investment in an equity joint venture shall be, in general, no less than 25 per cent of the registered capital of the equity joint ventureThe establishment of foreign-capital enterprises shall be restricted in the following sectors and subsectors, and application for the establishment of a foreign-capital enterprise in these sectors shall be submitted to the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation (MOFTEC) for approval:a) public utilities,b) communications and transportation,c) real estate,d) trust investment, ande) leasing. No establishment of foreign-capital enterprises shall be permitted in the following sectors and subsectors:
GENERAL AGREEMENT GATS/SC/93Schedule of Specific Commitments • February 16th, 2012
Contract Type FiledFebruary 16th, 2012Sector or subsector Limitations on market access Limitations on national treatment Additional commitments I. HORIZONTAL COMMITMENTS ALL SECTORS INCLUDED IN THIS SCHEDULE 3) With permission from the Bank of Zambia, a foreign-controlled company can obtain loans or overdrafts of up to one third of the value of its paid up capital 4) Unbound except for measures concerning the entry and temporary stay of natural persons employed in management and expert jobs for the implementation of foreign investment. 4) Unbound except for measures concerning the categories of persons referred to in the market access column The employment of such persons shall be agreed upon by the contracting parties and approved by the Ministry of Home Affairs. Enterprises must also provide for training in higher skills for Zambians to enable them to assume specialized roles.
GENERAL AGREEMENT GATS/SC/32Schedule of Specific Commitments • April 8th, 2008
Contract Type FiledApril 8th, 2008Sector or subsector Limitations on market access Limitations on national treatment Additional commitments 9.TOURISM AND TRAVEL- RELATED SERVICES A.Hotels, motels, other tourist accommodation (CPC 641) 1) None 2) None 3)Normal government approval and registration required for all foreign investors 4)Normal government approval required for foreign nationals. Entry limited to key post management and time post skilled employees where these are unavailable locally. Time post appointments for skilled employees is three years initially and extension is subject to Immigration Department requirements. 1) None 2) None 3) None 4)Foreign managers/skilled employees required to provide locals with on-the-job training Restaurants (CPC 642) 1) None 2) None 1) None 2) None 3)Normal government approval and registration required for all foreign investors. Limited to speciality restaurants and hotel restaurants, where speciality restaurants unavailable. 3) None Restaurants (continued) 4)Normal gov
GENERAL AGREEMENT GATS/SC/26Schedule of Specific Commitments • April 8th, 2008
Contract Type FiledApril 8th, 2008
GHANASchedule of Specific Commitments • April 8th, 2008
Contract Type FiledApril 8th, 2008Sector or subsector Limitations on market access Limitations on national treatment Additional commitments I. HORIZONTAL COMMITMENTS ALL SECTORS INCLUDED IN THIS SCHEDULE 1)None 1)None 2)None 2)None 3)Foreign-owned enterprises includingjoint-venture enterprises with Ghanaians must satisfy minimum capital outlay and foreign equity requirements as follows: wholly foreign-owned company requires a minimum equity capital outlay of US$ 200,000. Joint-venture company should have a minimum foreign equity capital of at least US$ 10,000 in cash or kind.Agency establishment must have authority to negotiate and conclude contracts on behalf of foreign parent companies. 3)None 4)Automatic entry and work permit is granted to up to 4 expatriate senior executives and specialized skill personnel in accordance with relevant provisions in the Investment Promotion Law. Approval is required for any additional expatriate workers beyond the automatic level.Enterprises must also provide for training in high
GENERAL AGREEMENT GATS/SC/73Schedule of Specific Commitments • May 9th, 2008
Contract Type FiledMay 9th, 2008Sector or subsector Limitations on market access Limitations on national treatment Additional commitments I. HORIZONTAL COMMITMENTS ALL SECTORS INCLUDED IN THIS SCHEDULE 3)Commercial presence requires that foreign service providers incorporate or establish the business locally in accordance with the requirements of St. Lucia's Commercial Code, and where so required, be subject to relevant Acts pertaining to property acquisition, lease and rental and any operating condition that maybe the subject of existing laws and regulations. Some of these are as follows: Registration of Commercial Presence:St. Lucia's Commercial Code requires that all Companies be registered Aliens Landholding:The Alien Landholding Act requires foreign companies and individuals wishing to hold property in St. Lucia to first obtain a licence in order to do so, within which conditions of purchase are detailed.
ZIMBABWESchedule of Specific Commitments • May 14th, 2008
Contract Type FiledMay 14th, 2008Sector or subsector Limitations on market access Limitations on national treatment Additional commitments I. HORIZONTAL COMMITMENTS ALL SECTORS COVERED BY THIS SCHEDULE 3)The following limitations apply to foreign investors who seek to acquire shares in companies listed on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange. The purchase of shares is limited to 25 per cent per counter of the listed issued share capital; this limit is in addition to any existing foreign holding in a company. A single investor is limited to a maximum of 5 per cent of the shares on offer; foreign investors bringing in hard currency may invest a maximum of 15 per cent of their assets in primary issues of bonds and stocks. 4)None, with respect to categories of natural persons referred to in the market access column. Unbound, with respect to measures concerning any other categories of natural persons. 4)Unbound, except for measures concerning the entry and temporary stay of intra-corporate transfer of executive and senior manag
GENERAL AGREEMENT GATS/SC/82Schedule of Specific Commitments • August 23rd, 2005
Contract Type FiledAugust 23rd, 2005Sector or subsector Limitations on market access Limitations on national treatment Additional commitments I. HORIZONTAL COMMITMENTS L = lag, (= law) F = förordning, (= regulation)* Formation of Legal Entity (L 1975:1385, 3) A limited liability company (joint stock L 1987:667, company) may be established by one or L 1980:1102) several founders. A founding party shall either reside in Sweden or be a Swedish legal entity. A partnership can only be a founding party if each partner resides in Sweden.** Corresponding conditions to the above mentioned prevail for establishment of all other types of legal entities The managing director and at least 50 per cent of the members of the board shall reside in Sweden**
GENERAL AGREEMENT GATS/SC/38Schedule of Specific Commitments • August 23rd, 2005
Contract Type FiledAugust 23rd, 2005Sector or subsector Limitations on market access Limitations on national treatment Additional commitments I. HORIZONTAL COMMITMENTS ALL SECTORS INCLUDED IN THIS SCHEDULE 3) Authorization to establish a commercial presence may take into account the following criteria:The effect of the commercial presence on national or local economic activity, its impact on employment, productivity, technological development, competition and market stability; and its impact on the environmentForeign investors may not engage in small-scale industry and commerceA 40 km. belt is reserved for companies consisting wholly of Honduran partners, Hondurans by birth or State institutions for land situated in border areas or along both coastlines as well as islands, keys, reefs, breakwaters, rocks, and sand banks 3) The commercial presence of foreign enterprises must contribute to the training of Honduran personnel in the specialized fields of activity concerned
GENERAL AGREEMENT GATS/SC/78Schedule of Specific Commitments • August 23rd, 2005
Contract Type FiledAugust 23rd, 2005Sector or subsector Limitations on market access Limitations on national treatment Additional commitments I. HORIZONTAL COMMITMENTS ALL SECTORS INCLUDED IN THIS SCHEDULE 3) Local borrowing by South African registered companies with a non-resident shareholding of 25 per cent or more is limited 4) Unbound, except for the temporary presence for a period of up to three years, unless otherwise specified, without requiring compliance with an economic needs test, of the following categories of natural persons providing services: 4) Unbound, except for measures concerning the categories of natural persons referred to in the market access column A. Services Salespersons - natural persons not based in South Africa and acquiring no remuneration from a source located within South Africa, who are engaged in activities related to representing a services provider for the purpose of negotiating for the sale of the services of that provider, without engaging in making direct sales to the ge
JAPANSchedule of Specific Commitments • April 11th, 2008
Contract Type FiledApril 11th, 2008
EL SALVADORSchedule of Specific Commitments • April 8th, 2008
Contract Type FiledApril 8th, 2008Sector or subsector Limitations on market access Limitations on national treatment Additional commitments I. HORIZONTAL COMMITMENTS ALL SECTORS INCLUDED IN THIS SCHEDULE 3) For a foreign company to be able to engage in commercial activities in El Salvador, it must: - prove that it is legally established in accordance with the law of the country in which it has been set up; - permanently maintain in the country a representative with broad powers to perform all the acts that must be carried out and must have effect in the country; - accept to be subject to the laws, courts and authorities of the country in respect of the acts performed or having effect in the country. 1), 2) 3) and 4) Any type of income obtained in the country, other than dividends, paid to legal persons not domiciled in the country is subject to a deduction of 20 per cent. All foreign investors wishing to be eligible for the benefits and guarantees extended to their investment must be registered in the foreign inv
GENERAL AGREEMENT GATS/SC/58Schedule of Specific Commitments • May 9th, 2008
Contract Type FiledMay 9th, 2008Sector or subsector Limitations on market access Limitations on national treatment Additional commitments II. SECTOR-SPECIFIC COMMITMENTS 7.FINANCIAL SERVICES 1)None 2)None3)Any foreign bank or financial institution can operate in Mozambique as long as they abide by the domestic rules and regulations governing investment and operations of such institutions 4)Work permit required 1)None 2)None 3)None 4)None B.Banking and other Financial Services(excl. insurance)
GENERAL AGREEMENT GATS/SC/28Schedule of Specific Commitments • April 8th, 2008
Contract Type FiledApril 8th, 2008Sector or subsector Limitations on market access Limitations on national treatment Additional commitments I. HORIZONTAL COMMITMENTS ALL SECTORS INCLUDED IN THIS SCHEDULE 3) Foreign investment must be authorized by the Directorate of Foreign Investment, and subsequently registered in the Central Bank register of foreign investment and technology transfer contracts. The annual profits generated by foreign capital that has been duly registered with the Central Bank may be remitted abroad up to an amount equivalent to 25 per cent of the registered capital. Registration of foreign investment is restricted by the following provisions:
GENERAL AGREEMENT GATS/SC/51Schedule of Specific Commitments • August 23rd, 2005
Contract Type FiledAugust 23rd, 2005Sector or subsector Limitations on market access Limitations on national treatment Additional commitments 1. BUSINESS SERVICES F. Other business services e) Technical testing and analysis services (CPC 8676*) 1) Unbound 2) None 1) Unbound 2) None Research, analysis and control of basic equipment in the following sectors:a) preparation of products of vegetable originb) logging and industrial reafforestationc) storage and packaging of food products. 3) Enterprises must obtain approval from the authorities concerned and comply with the performance requirements set forth in the approval document in accordance with the stipulated criteria, including the number of local jobs created and the national value- added criterion. 4) Unbound 3) None 4) Unbound
FRANCE IN RESPECT OF NEW CALEDONIASchedule of Specific Commitments • August 23rd, 2005
Contract Type FiledAugust 23rd, 2005This schedule applies only to France in respect of New Caledonia. In accordance with Articles 72 and 74 of the French Constitution, this territory is one of the collectivités territoriales of the French Republic. Its status results from Law No. 88-1028 of 9 November 1988. It includes New Caledonia or Grande-Terre, the île des Pins, the Belep, Huon and Surprise archipelago, the Chesterfield islands and the Bellone reefs, the Loyalty islands (Maré, Lifou, Tiga and Ouvéa), Walpole island, Beautemps-Beaupré and Astrolabe islands, Matthew and Fearn or Hunter islands and the islets close to the coast. The territory is not part of France' s European territory. In accordance with Law No. 88-1028 mentioned above, the State and the territory each have jurisdiction in specific matters, while the provinces (Province Nord, Province Sud, Province des îles) have competence in matters of ordinary law (droit commun).
GENERAL AGREEMENT GATS/SC/79Schedule of Specific Commitments • May 9th, 2008
Contract Type FiledMay 9th, 2008Sector or subsector Limitations on market access Limitations on national treatment Additional commitments I. HORIZONTAL COMMITMENTS ALL SECTORS INCLUDED IN THIS SCHEDULE 3)Foreign Investment: Certain limitations, conditions and qualifications pertain specifically to some forms of commercial presence by foreign enterprises, as indicated below: a)Foreign investors may invest in any sector of the economy other than the following activities, which are reserved for citizens of Sri Lanka:i) Money-lending;ii) Pawnbrokering; iii) Retail trade with a capital of less thanUS$1 million; iv) Businesses providing personal services other than for export of tourism; andv) Coastal fishing.
GENERAL AGREEMENT GATS/SC/35Schedule of Specific Commitments • August 23rd, 2005
Contract Type FiledAugust 23rd, 2005Sector or subsector Limitations on market access Limitations on national treatment Additional commitments I. HORIZONTAL COMMITMENTS ALL SECTORS INCLUDED IN THIS SCHEDULE 1) None 1) None 2) None 2) None 3) Foreign-owned enterprises including joint-venture enterprises with Ghanaians must satisfy minimum capital outlay and foreign equity requirements as follows:wholly foreign-owned company requires a minimum equity capital outlay of US$ 200, 000. Joint-venture company should have a minimum foreign equity capital of at least US$ 10, 000 in cash or kind.Agency establishment must have authority to negotiate and conclude contracts on behalf of foreign parent companies. 3) None 4) Automatic entry and work permit is granted to up to 4 expatriate senior executives and specialized skill personnel in accordance with relevant provisions in the Investment Promotion Law. Approval is required for any additional expatriate workers beyond the automatic level. Enterprises must also prov
GENERAL AGREEMENT GATS/SC/26Schedule of Specific Commitments • August 23rd, 2005
Contract Type FiledAugust 23rd, 2005Sector or subsector Limitations on market access Limitations on national treatment Additional commitments I. HORIZONTAL COMMITMENTS ALL SECTORS INCLUDED IN THIS SCHEDULE* Acquisition of real estate 3) None 3) Limitations on real estate acquisition by foreign natural and legal entities. Foreign entities may acquire real property through establishment of the Czech legal entities or participation in joint ventures. Acquisition of the land by foreign entities is subject to authorization.
GENERAL AGREEMENT GATS/SC/94Schedule of Specific Commitments • February 16th, 2012
Contract Type FiledFebruary 16th, 2012Sector or subsector Limitations on market access Limitations on national treatment Additional commitments I. HORIZONTAL COMMITMENTS ALL SECTORS COVERED BY THIS SCHEDULE 3) The following limitations apply to foreign investors who seek to acquire shares in companies listed on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange. The purchase of shares is limited to 25 per cent per counter of the listed issued share capital; this limit is in addition to any existing foreign holding in a company. A single investor is limited to a maximum of 5 per cent of the shares on offer; foreign investors bringing in hard currency may invest a maximum of 15 per cent of their assets in primary issues of bonds and stocks. 4) Unbound, except for measures concerning the entry and temporary stay ofintra-corporate transfer of executive and senior managerial personnel and except for specialists, subject to lack of availability in the local labour market. 4) None, with respect to categories of natural persons referred
GENERAL AGREEMENT GATS/SC/33Schedule of Specific Commitments • August 23rd, 2005
Contract Type FiledAugust 23rd, 2005Sector or subsector Limitations on market access Limitations on national treatment Additional commitments I. HORIZONTAL COMMITMENTS ALL SECTORS INCLUDED IN THIS SCHEDULE Legal Entities 3) Acquisition of shares by foreign owners giving more than one third of the voting rights of a major Finnish company or a major business undertaking (with more than 1000 employees or with a turnover exceeding 1000 million Finnish markka or with a balance sheet total exceeding1000 million Finnish markka) is subject to confirmation by the Finnish authorities; the confirmation may be denied only if an important national interest would be jeopardized. At least half of the ordinary and deputy members of the Board of Directors have to be citizens of Finland and resident in Finland. The Managing Director of a limited company has to be a Finnish citizen and resident in Finland. Company exemptions may, however, be granted. Legal Entities 3) A foreigner carrying on a trade as a private entrepreneur or as a part