Ohio Department of Transportation Scope of Services Project Designation: xxx Route xx Section xxxxxScope of Services Agreement • September 30th, 2021
Contract Type FiledSeptember 30th, 2021This scope approval is the initial scope for development of the agreement. As the project moves through additional project development Phases, the project specific scopes of services for these additional Phases shall be developed and incorporated herein.
Standard Contracts
Agreement Schedule A - Scope of ServicesScope of Services Agreement • September 1st, 2018
Contract Type FiledSeptember 1st, 2018
Ohio Department of Transportation Scope of ServicesScope of Services Agreement • January 4th, 2024 • Ohio
Contract Type FiledJanuary 4th, 2024 JurisdictionThis scope approval is the initial scope for development of the agreement. Complete phases beyond FE will not be added to this agreement, but selected tasks from later phases may be added if needed. This contract will be administered as a task order contract.
EXHIBIT A – SCOPE OF SERVICESScope of Services Agreement • March 1st, 2021
Contract Type FiledMarch 1st, 2021South Sioux City, in cooperation with the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission (NGPC), wish to develop a plan to alleviate sedimentation issues at their current Missouri River boat launch location, while maintaining the user friendly, off channel, location of the existing ramp. The purpose of this agreement is to study alternatives and develop a recommendation for a preferred alternative for meeting the project goals outlined above. NGPC will be the lead partner for this agreement. JEO has partnered with River Research and Design, Inc. (R2D – Dave Derrick) for this study.
Ohio Department of Transportation Scope of ServicesScope of Services Agreement • July 26th, 2023
Contract Type FiledJuly 26th, 2023
Scope of ServicesScope of Services Agreement • December 2nd, 2016
Contract Type FiledDecember 2nd, 2016Thank you for choosing G-I Office Technologies for your Digital Printing Solutions. As a premier printer, copier, facsimile Service Provider, we staff certified computer and network engineers to meet your digital connectivity needs. The systems connected to your computer or networks have varied requirements, therefore we have developed this “Scope of Services” agreement, which provides a complete explanation of what can be expected of us, as well as what information & assistance that would be helpful from you.
ContractScope of Services Agreement • June 11th, 2020
Contract Type FiledJune 11th, 2020This contract is funded by the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) supplement under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act (Pub. L. 116-136). In addition to abiding by state and federal regulations governing grants and human services programs, including federal restrictions on the use of CSBG funds at 42 U.S.C. § 9901 et seq. and 45 C.F.R. Part 96., the contract agency will:
SCOPE OF SERVICES AGREEMENT 2024-02Scope of Services Agreement • December 5th, 2024
Contract Type FiledDecember 5th, 2024OF DOUGLAS, STATE OF COLORADO (the “County”), and Harris Corrections Solutions Inc., authorized to do business in Colorado (the “Consultant”). The County and Consultant are sometimes collectively referred to herein as the “Parties”.
SCOPE OF SERVICES AGREEMENT NUMBER 2024-3Scope of Services Agreement • February 23rd, 2024
Contract Type FiledFebruary 23rd, 2024THIS SCOPE OF SERVICES AGREEMENT (“SOSA”) is made and entered into is made and entered into this day of , 2024, by and between the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF DOUGLAS, STATE OF COLORADO (the “County”), and
SCOPE OF SERVICES FOR ALTERNATIVE CORRIDOR EVALUATION Insert Project Name with project limits Insert District Name Insert County NameScope of Services Agreement • December 28th, 2017
Contract Type FiledDecember 28th, 2017This Scope of Services is an Exhibit which is incorporated into the agreement between the State of Florida Department of Transportation (hereinafter referred to as the Department or FDOT) and ________________________________________________ (hereinafter referred to as the Consultant) relative to the transportation facility described as follows:
EXHIBIT IScope of Services Agreement • September 8th, 2023
Contract Type FiledSeptember 8th, 2023The following information will explain and define the items of importance relating to these projects. All the elements of work that are necessary to satisfactorily complete the surveying of this project may not be listed. The lack of a specific listing of an element or item of work does not in itself constitute a basis for additional services or work supplement, and/or adjustment in compensation.
Ohio Department of Transportation Scope of ServicesScope of Services Agreement • December 21st, 2023
Contract Type FiledDecember 21st, 2023
ATTACHMENT AScope of Services Agreement • July 25th, 2024
Contract Type FiledJuly 25th, 2024The City of Gulf Shores (City) agrees to perform and carry out in an expedient, satisfactory and proper manner as determined by the Alabama Department of Environmental Management (Department), the services and administrative elements described below for the mutual benefit of the City and the Department. This contract is to assist the City's efforts to conduct building inspection services, review applications for construction activities and other related activities, and to assist the Department in the implementation and administration of the Alabama Coastal Area Management Plan (Management Program) and ADEM Division 8 Coastal Program rules. The City shall operate a delegated Coastal Area Management Program permitting program for construction activities on beaches and dunes as provided for under the ADEM Admin. Code 335-8-1-.12. The City shall operate this program in accordance with the Memorandum of Agreement, which was executed on August 12, 2022, between the City and the Department an
SCOPE OF SERVICES UROLOGISTScope of Services Agreement • January 4th, 2021
Contract Type FiledJanuary 4th, 2021The Contractor shall communicate with the Chief Executive Officer or any other party designated by that Officer in connection with the performance of the duties under this Agreement and shall fulfil any other duties reasonably requested by the Employer and agreed to by the Contractor.
SCOPE OF SERVICESScope of Services Agreement • September 15th, 2022
Contract Type FiledSeptember 15th, 2022The work covered by this Agreement shall include furnishing equipment, materials, professional, technical, and personnel resources necessary to perform vehicle- based field data collection and photograph all of MoDOT’s highway system guardrail end terminals. All work must be completed before 12-31-2023. The CONSULTANT will store the collected data (i.e., point clouds and roadway images) and use an automated process to determine the location of all Trinity ET-Plus end terminals on the MoDOT highway system that are constructed with 4-inch guide/feeder channels (ETPLUS4) and perform damage assessments of the ETPLUS4 end terminals.
Exhibit A: SCOPE OF SERVICES AGREEMENTScope of Services Agreement • November 12th, 2018
Contract Type FiledNovember 12th, 2018This Scope of Services Agreement is referred to in the EDUStaff Master Staffing Agreement as “Exhibit A” and is part of the Master Agreement. By signing this Scope of Services Agreement, the participating educational institution (Client) accepts and agrees to the terms of the Master Staffing Agreement and the Client Responsibilities detailed in this Scope of Services Agreement attached to the Master Agreement.
SCOPE OF SERVICESScope of Services Agreement • April 18th, 2023
Contract Type FiledApril 18th, 2023This agreement is between the Kenton County Fiscal Court (Owner) and Brandstetter Carroll Inc. (Consultant). The proposed work is to design and complete Construction drawings and handle the permitting process for the new Kenton County Farmers Market based on the schematic documentation provided on September 30, 2022.
Mt. Adams Slope Stabilization System Maintenance, Inspection, and Monitoring Two Phase, Scope of ServicesScope of Services Agreement • May 2nd, 2023
Contract Type FiledMay 2nd, 2023This agreement will be entered into for a period of three years beginning in July 2023. Maintenance, Inspection, and Monitoring will begin in September 2023. Inspection and Monitoring will be divided into separate tasks as outlined in this Scope of Services. Inspections are to be performed in September and March each year. Monitoring of the slope will be performed biannually at both the September and March inspection intervals.
Scope of Services and RequirementsScope of Services Agreement • April 13th, 2021
Contract Type FiledApril 13th, 2021
Scope of ServicesScope of Services Agreement • May 23rd, 2005
Contract Type FiledMay 23rd, 2005Thank you for choosing G-I Office Technologies for your Digital Printing Solutions. As a premier printer, copier, facsimile Service Provider, we staff certified computer and network engineers to meet your digital connectivity needs. The systems connected to your computer or networks have varied requirements, therefore we have developed this “Scope of Services” agreement, which provides a complete explanation of what can be expected of us, as well as what information & assistance that would be helpful from you so that we can successfully implement your new system.
These Appendices form part of the Agreement.Scope of Services Agreement • December 12th, 2017
Contract Type FiledDecember 12th, 2017
Scope of Services ForScope of Services Agreement • May 19th, 2021
Contract Type FiledMay 19th, 2021It is the intention of R&R Insurance Services, Inc. to provide the specific services as outlined below for the Employer Sponsored employee benefits programs. This arrangement is assured over the policy term, and is sustained by the compensation arrangement previously disclosed in this Agreement. The Services in this agreement include, but are not limited to:
Contract Type FiledMarch 20th, 2024Please review this Agreement and sign, date and return it to SOS indicating that you agree to these terms and conditions. This Agreement will be effective as of the “Effective Date” indicated with your signature on the last page of this Agreement.
Scope of ServicesScope of Services Agreement • August 13th, 2019
Contract Type FiledAugust 13th, 2019
From “key agreements” that representatives of the Town of Mammoth Lakes and the Mammoth Lakes Recreation Board of Directors have established for a “scope of services” in pursuit of a contractual agreement between the two parties, the following...Scope of Services Agreement • August 10th, 2020
Contract Type FiledAugust 10th, 2020
SCHEDULE 1 – Scope of ServicesScope of Services Agreement • September 6th, 2017
Contract Type FiledSeptember 6th, 2017With reference to the Master Agreement, Reference Number TNPA SLD222/08/2017 [the Agreement] between Transnet SOC Ltd operating as Transnet National Ports Authority [TNPA] and …………………………………………………… [the Supplier] pursuant to which the Supplier has agreed to perform the Services for and on behalf of TNPA subject to such Agreement, the defined terms in the Master Agreement will, unless otherwise indicated, have the same meaning in this Schedule 1.
STATE OF TEXAS § § SCOPE OF SERVICES AGREEMENT COUNTY OF DALLAS §Scope of Services Agreement • April 8th, 2015 • Texas
Contract Type FiledApril 8th, 2015 JurisdictionThis Scope of Services Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into by and between the Town of Addison, Texas (the “City” or “Addison”) and World Affairs Council of Dallas / Fort Worth (“World Affairs Council”) (the City and World Affairs Council are sometimes referred to herein together as the “parties” and individually as a “party”).
SCHEDULE 1 – Scope of ServicesScope of Services Agreement • June 26th, 2017
Contract Type FiledJune 26th, 2017With reference to the Master Agreement, Reference Number iCLM SD 066/TPT [the Agreement] between Transnet SOC Ltd operating as Transnet Port Terminals [TPT] and
SCHEDULE 1 – Scope of ServicesScope of Services Agreement • January 16th, 2017
Contract Type FiledJanuary 16th, 2017With reference to the Master Agreement, Reference Number iCLM SD 044/TPT [the Agreement] between Transnet SOC Ltd operating as Transnet Port Terminals [TPT] and
SCOPE OF SERVICES FORScope of Services Agreement • February 8th, 2019
Contract Type FiledFebruary 8th, 2019This Scope of Services is an agreement between the State of Florida Department of Transportation (hereinafter referred to as the DEPARTMENT or FDOT) and [Consultant Name] (hereinafter referred to as the CONSULTANT) relative to the transportation facility described as follows:
Scope of Services AgreementScope of Services Agreement • April 18th, 2023 • California
Contract Type FiledApril 18th, 2023 JurisdictionThis Agreement is to provide services between Mountain Valley Environmental Services, Inc., a California corporation, 1050 Ben Hur Rd., Raymond, California 93653, hereinafter referred to as MVES, and Biola Community Services District, 4925 N Seventh Street, Biola CA 93606 hereinafter referred to as DISTRICT.
SCOPE OF SERVICESScope of Services Agreement • March 21st, 2022 • Kentucky
Contract Type FiledMarch 21st, 2022 JurisdictionThis agreement is between the Kenton County Fiscal Court (Owner) and Brandstetter Carroll Inc. (Consultant). The proposed work is to amend the May 2021 Kenton County Detention Center Recreation Yard Assessment Report and review contractor submittals during the construction phase.
SCHEDULE A_ SCOPE OF SERVICESScope of Services Agreement • March 12th, 2021
Contract Type FiledMarch 12th, 2021This Schedule A sets out the services that are included and those available at an “Additional cost” under this agreement. Only those marked as “lncluded” will form part of the Services under this agreement unless the parties agree to a change under clause D.8. Where no box has been marked for a line item, or in the case of an ambiguity, that item is “Excluded” from the Services.
Ohio Department of Transportation Scope of ServicesScope of Services Agreement • January 10th, 2024
Contract Type FiledJanuary 10th, 2024
SCOPE OF SERVICESScope of Services Agreement • July 20th, 2020 • Kentucky
Contract Type FiledJuly 20th, 2020 JurisdictionThis agreement is between the Kenton County Fiscal Court (Owner) and Brandstetter Carroll Inc. (Consultant). The proposed work is to design and complete Construction Drawings for the Fit-Up of the Community Space on the second floor of the Kenton County Administration Building.