Scope of Work Agreement Sample Contracts
SCOPE OF WORKScope of Work Agreement • March 20th, 2024 • California
Contract Type FiledMarch 20th, 2024 JurisdictionThis Agreement is made between the State of California, acting by and through the California Health Benefit Exchange, hereafter referred to as “Covered California” and
Standard Contracts
Scope of Work Agreement related to the operation of an Open Doors [1418] Youth Reengagement Program _________________COLLEGE (hereinafter referred to as College) AND ____________ SCHOOL DISTRICT (hereinafter referred to as District)Scope of Work Agreement • March 23rd, 2022 • Washington
Contract Type FiledMarch 23rd, 2022 JurisdictionThis Scope of Work will be in effect from ______, 20___ and shall automatically renew annually until either party notifies the other in writing of their intent to not renew. Notification shall occur at minimum, 60 days prior to termination of the agreement.
SCOPE OF WORK PROVISIONSScope of Work Agreement • August 12th, 2021
Contract Type FiledAugust 12th, 2021
EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF WORKScope of Work Agreement • January 15th, 2020 • California
Contract Type FiledJanuary 15th, 2020 Jurisdiction
SCOPE OF WORK PROVISIONSScope of Work Agreement • June 29th, 2021
Contract Type FiledJune 29th, 2021The scope of work covered by this Agreement shall be all work, In established easements and all work outside of buildings, necessary for the installation of all types of underground ducts or "raceways" as defined in Article 100 of the National Electric Code used as enclosures for electrical conductors, whether power, control or communications.
ATTACHMENT 1 SCOPE OF WORKScope of Work Agreement • March 17th, 2020
Contract Type FiledMarch 17th, 2020The selected firm will provide services as generally described in the following scope of work. The work will be performed as task orders during Fiscal Year 2021 (FY21) with an option to renew for Fiscal Year 2022 (FY22), under the programs summarized below. The total not-to-exceed value of the two- year agreement is approximately $183,000 ($100,000 in FY21 and $83,000 in FY22), as outlined below.
ContractScope of Work Agreement • June 6th, 2024
Contract Type FiledJune 6th, 2024
ContractScope of Work Agreement • May 11th, 2022 • Washington
Contract Type FiledMay 11th, 2022 Jurisdiction
Scope of WorkScope of Work Agreement • October 1st, 2021
Contract Type FiledOctober 1st, 2021SKDK Knickerbocker, herein called (Contractor) is entering into this agreement with the California Secretary of State (SOS Office) hereinafter referred to as “State or SOS Office” to provide voter outreach and public education services on behalf of the counties of California and the State of California as described herein.
SCOPE OF WORKScope of Work Agreement • January 23rd, 2020 • California
Contract Type FiledJanuary 23rd, 2020 JurisdictionThis Agreement is entered into by and between the California Department of Social Services, hereinafter referred to as the CDSS, and the County of Marin, hereinafter referred to as the County, for the purpose of establishing the responsibilities of the CDSS and the County in the provision and receipt of certain services, including legal consultation and legal representation in administrative action appeals as described within section III of this Agreement, associated with the Resource Family Approval (RFA) program of the County child welfare services agency and the State of California, pursuant to California Welfare and Institutions Code section 16519.5 et seq. Hereinafter, the County and CDSS may be referred to collectively as the “Parties”, or individually as a “Party”. If identified below in Section VII, the CDSS and County have agreed that certain services for the family evaluation, complaint investigations or home health and safety assessments shall be provided as described in Sec
ContractScope of Work Agreement • September 30th, 2024 • Washington
Contract Type FiledSeptember 30th, 2024 Jurisdiction
SCOPE OF WORK PROVISIONSScope of Work Agreement • December 9th, 2021
Contract Type FiledDecember 9th, 2021
Scope of Work Agreement related to the operation of an Open Doors [1418] Youth Reengagement Program (include with Contract) (hereinafter referred to as Consortium Lead Educational Agency-LEA) AND ____________ SCHOOL DISTRICT (hereinafter referred to...Scope of Work Agreement • June 22nd, 2020 • Washington
Contract Type FiledJune 22nd, 2020 JurisdictionThis Scope of Work will be in effect from ______, 20___ and shall automatically renew annually until either party notifies the other in writing of their intent to not renew. Notification shall occur, at minimum, 60 days prior to termination of the agreement.
Scope of Work Agreement related to the operation of an Open Doors [1418] Youth Reengagement Program (include with Contract) (hereinafter referred to as Agency) AND ____________ SCHOOL DISTRICT (hereinafter referred to as District)Scope of Work Agreement • June 15th, 2020 • Washington
Contract Type FiledJune 15th, 2020 JurisdictionThis Scope of Work will be in effect from ______, 20___ and shall automatically renew annually until either party notifies the other in writing of their intent to not renew. Notification shall occur, at minimum, 60 days prior to termination of the agreement.
Reclamation Agreement Te rmScope of Work Agreement • June 1st, 2021
Contract Type FiledJune 1st, 2021Researchers monitor endangered fishes in the Upper Colorado River Basin. Periodic population abundances are estimated using capture-recapture techniques. This type of estimation requires that
Contract Type FiledMarch 25th, 2020
Scope of WorkScope of Work Agreement • September 22nd, 2021
Contract Type FiledSeptember 22nd, 2021For Federal fiscal year 2022 the funds from this agreement will cover ongoing hydrologic monitoring in the Sierra Vista Subwatershed of the Upper San Pedro Basin. This work has specific bearing on monitoring the hydrologic system with respect to attaining a sustainable yield of groundwater withdrawals in accordance with the goals of the Upper San Pedro Partnership ( In addition, the information obtained through this basic monitoring is critical to verifying the predictive performance of groundwater modeling of the Sierra Vista Subwatershed.
SCOPE OF WORK PROVISIONSScope of Work Agreement • January 6th, 2021
Contract Type FiledJanuary 6th, 2021
LEA Scope of WorkScope of Work Agreement • November 2nd, 2021
Contract Type FiledNovember 2nd, 2021This is an exhilarating moment, and the Ohio Department of Education is proud to be partners in the complex but meaningful work with your districts and community schools. The ultimate success of Ohio’s Race to the Top strategy lies within the leadership of our participating districts and schools. Race to the Top is a strategy for the entire state, but each of you will drive the change which will propel our work to the next level.
CONTRACT ADDENDUMScope of Work Agreement • September 4th, 2019
Contract Type FiledSeptember 4th, 2019The Scarsdale Public Schools (“District”) and Altaris Consulting Group, LLC (“Altaris”) hereby agree that the Scope of Work Agreement, dated as of July 1, 2019, is hereby amended to add the following new section:
The purpose of this agreement is to establish a framework of collaboration in the development of the LEA Final Scope of Work. Checking this box certifies the acceptance of the Final Scope of Work document by the LEA superintendent and teachers’ union...Scope of Work Agreement • September 1st, 2010
Contract Type FiledSeptember 1st, 2010This is an exhilarating moment, and the Ohio Department of Education is proud to be partners in this complex but meaningful work with your districts and community schools. The ultimate success of Ohio’s Race to the Top strategy lies within the leadership of our participating districts and schools. Race to the Top is a strategy for the entire state, but each of you will drive the change which will propel our work to the next level.
SCOPE OF WORKScope of Work Agreement • August 30th, 2023
Contract Type FiledAugust 30th, 2023The Work of this Agreement shall include but shall not be limited to labor, fringe benefits, materials, attic stock, tools, equipment, supplies, samples, shop drawings, mockups, layout, handling, storage, hoisting, distribution, protection, transportation, supervision, contributions, coordination, permits, permit fees, compliance with all agencies (City, County, State and Federal), insurance, overhead, profit and all other services and facilities necessary for the performance of the Work as shown, detailed, and/or implied by the following documents and defined herein. Your bid constitutes a written offer that may only be accepted in writing by us in the form of a Subcontract or Purchase Order.
SCOPE OF WORK PROVISIONSScope of Work Agreement • December 23rd, 2020
Contract Type FiledDecember 23rd, 2020
LEA Scope of WorkScope of Work Agreement • June 17th, 2011
Contract Type FiledJune 17th, 2011The purpose of this agreement is to establish a framework of collaboration in the development of the LEA Final Scope of Work. Checking this box certifies the acceptance of the Final Scope of Work document by the LEA superintendent and teachers’ union president (if applicable). Each LEA assures that the superintendent and
Bureau of Reclamation Agreement Number:Scope of Work Agreement • July 20th, 2023
Contract Type FiledJuly 20th, 2023
SCOPE OF WORK PROVISIONSScope of Work Agreement • February 26th, 2021
Contract Type FiledFebruary 26th, 2021
EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF WORKScope of Work Agreement • December 2nd, 2021
Contract Type FiledDecember 2nd, 2021
SCOPE OF WORKScope of Work Agreement • August 13th, 2021
Contract Type FiledAugust 13th, 2021
EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF WORKScope of Work Agreement • June 22nd, 2022 • California
Contract Type FiledJune 22nd, 2022 Jurisdiction
Department of Environmental QualityScope of Work Agreement • December 16th, 2012
Contract Type FiledDecember 16th, 2012In a September 24, 2012 letter to DEQ, the City of Portland outlined a plan for completion of site investigation, cleanup, and source control activity at the Former Westinghouse property located at 614 N. Tillamook Street in Portland. Submittals included a letter outlining the proposed approach, a Voluntary Cleanup Program Intent to Participate form, and a Scope of Work. These were submitted in response to a previous DEQ request for source control evaluation at the site, and submission of a draft Source Control Agreement and SOW.
SCOPE OF WORK PROVISIONSScope of Work Agreement • December 14th, 2020
Contract Type FiledDecember 14th, 2020
Reclamation Agreement Te rmScope of Work Agreement • June 1st, 2021
Contract Type FiledJune 1st, 2021Researchers monitor endangered fishes in the Upper Colorado River Basin. Periodic population abundances are estimated using capture-recapture techniques. This type of estimation requires that
SCOPE OF WORK AGREEMENTScope of Work Agreement • November 27th, 2019
Contract Type FiledNovember 27th, 2019This Scope of Work Agreement is a written set of expectations that formalizes the understanding between the appraiser (applicable to both in-house and consultant appraisers) and WisDOT (the department), regarding the appraisal scope of work for the development phase of the appraisal process. It also identifies the appraiser’s responsibilities and key minimum reporting standards to be applied to any appraisal report delivered to WisDOT by the appraiser. This scope of work agreement also addresses the department’s responsibilities. This Scope of Work Agreement addresses any unique, unusual and, or variable appraisal performance requirements anticipated for the covered appraisal assignment. The appraiser and the department have both had the opportunity to recommend modifications to this Scope of Work Agreement. The party’s signatures at the end of this agreement confirms their involvement in the development of this agreement, and their acceptance of the established appraisal scope of work
SCOPE OF SERVICESScope of Work Agreement • October 10th, 2024
Contract Type FiledOctober 10th, 2024The Scope of Work (SOW) covers the delivery of professional services related to the migration from SIMS to Manitou (set up of primary and secondary server, data conversion for 1000 accounts) and is estimated based on requirements provided by the County wherein specified Company resources will be assigned to provide specifically the services and modules detailed in this contract agreement. This agreement covers the delivery of professional services related to Virtual Operator and is estimated based on system requirements provided by the County wherein specified Company resources will be assigned to provide specifically the services and modules detailed in the SOW documented scope. This SOW covers the delivery of professional services related to PBX Standard and is estimated based on system requirements provided by the County wherein specified Company resources will be assigned to provide specifically the services and modules detailed in the SOW documented scope. This SOW covers the deli
LEA Scope of WorkScope of Work Agreement • February 10th, 2011
Contract Type FiledFebruary 10th, 2011The purpose of this agreement is to establish a framework of collaboration in the development of the LEA Final Scope of Work. Checking this box certifies the acceptance of the Final Scope of Work document by the LEA superintendent and teachers’ union president (if applicable). Each LEA assures that the superintendent and