Shared Stewardship Agreement Sample Contracts
IntroductionShared Stewardship Agreement • February 19th, 2020
Contract Type FiledFebruary 19th, 2020Shared Stewardship is a way of doing business that emphasizes a collaborative approach to land management. It puts an emphasis on working across jurisdictions to address challenges on forested landscapes that contribute to our health and quality of life.
Standard Contracts
Contract Type FiledMay 11th, 2024This Agreement for Shared Stewardship is entered into this day of 2024, by and between the Poeh Cultural Center, located at 78 Cities of Gold Road, Santa Fe, NM 87506
AGREEMENT FOR SHARED STEWARDSHIPShared Stewardship Agreement • September 2nd, 2020
Contract Type FiledSeptember 2nd, 2020This Agreement for Shared Stewardship is hereby made and entered into this fourth day of September, 2020 (“Effective Date”) by and between The Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska, a public body corporate and governing body of the University of Nebraska, by and on behalf of the Nebraska Forest Service (NFS), which is administratively housed within the University of Nebraska – Lincoln, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources (IANR), the State of Nebraska, and the United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service (USFS ).
Agreement for Shared Stewardship BetweenShared Stewardship Agreement • October 23rd, 2020
Contract Type FiledOctober 23rd, 2020The state forestry agencies of Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia and the USDA Forest Service (the “Parties”) have developed this agreement to advance Shared Stewardship and forest restoration in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. The purpose of this MOU is to establish a framework for working in partnership to implement the actions identified in the Chesapeake Forest Restoration Strategy. Federal, state, tribes, and local partners in the Chesapeake Bay watershed have been integrating their restoration work for decades through the Chesapeake Bay Program partnership. Multiple USDA agencies have helped facilitate the work of the Chesapeake Bay Program partnership, including the Forest Service, Natural Resources Conservation Service, and Farm Service Agency. Research has been included as appropriate by all entities to help improve restoration activities.
Agreement for Shared Stewardship BetweenShared Stewardship Agreement • October 7th, 2021
Contract Type FiledOctober 7th, 2021This agreement for Shared Stewardship is hereby made and entered into by and between the State of Vermont and the United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service (Forest Service).
Largest Collaborative Agreement for Forest Management in the Country SignedShared Stewardship Agreement • July 17th, 2020
Contract Type FiledJuly 17th, 2020The Agreement continues years of collective effort between the Northeast-Midwest State Foresters Alliance and the Forest Service. It builds on previous collaborative agreements signed in 2009 and 2014. The signatories on this agreement are the Northeast-Midwest State Foresters Alliance President Forrest Boe and the Forest Service Chief Vicki Christiansen.
What is Shared Stewardship?Shared Stewardship Agreement • December 17th, 2019
Contract Type FiledDecember 17th, 2019The Agreement for Shared Stewardship between the State of Idaho and the USDA Forest Service Northern and Intermountain Regions (USFS) was signed on December 18, 2018, in Boise, Idaho. Under the Agreement the State and Forest Service have agreed to reduce wildfire risk, improve forest health, and support jobs through additional, coordinated active land management projects. A specific goal is to double the number of acres treated on National Forest System lands in Idaho by 2025, focusing treatment on the 6.1 million acres impacted by insect and disease infestation. Governor Brad Little announced July 1, 2019, two priority landscapes had been identified, one in northern Idaho and one in southern Idaho, where Shared Stewardship projects will be focused.
INTRODUCTIONShared Stewardship Agreement • August 1st, 2006
Contract Type FiledAugust 1st, 2006On May 22, 2019, Utah Governor Gary R. Herbert and USDA Secretary Sonny Perdue signed the Agreement for Shared Stewardship between the State of Utah and the USDA Forest Service Intermountain Region. This agreement establishes six mutual commitments that support the national vision and framework for Shared Stewardship. We are committed to:
Largest Collaborative Agreement for Forest Management in the Country SignedShared Stewardship Agreement • July 16th, 2020
Contract Type FiledJuly 16th, 2020The Agreement continues years of collective effort between the Northeast-Midwest State Foresters Alliance and the Forest Service. It builds on previous collaborative agreements signed in 2009 and 2014. The signatories on this agreement are the Northeast-Midwest State Foresters Alliance President Forrest Boe and the Forest Service Chief Vicki Christiansen.
USDA and Georgia Sign Shared Stewardship Agreement Highlighting Cooperative Approach to Land ManagementShared Stewardship Agreement • December 2nd, 2019
Contract Type FiledDecember 2nd, 2019The Shared Stewardship agreement strengthens the commitment between federal and state agencies to work together to accomplish mutual natural resource management goals, further common interests, and effectively respond to the increasing ecological challenges and natural resource concerns in Georgia.
AGREEMENT FOR SHARED STEWARDSHIPShared Stewardship Agreement • March 7th, 2019
Contract Type FiledMarch 7th, 2019This Agreement for Shared Stewardship is hereby made and entered into by and between the Idaho Department of Lands (IDL) and the United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service (Forest Service).
Agency Leader’s Intent Letter, Nevada Shared StewardshipShared Stewardship Agreement • August 2nd, 2023
Contract Type FiledAugust 2nd, 2023Nevada has a long history of partnerships and many examples of working together at the landscape level to address wildland fires, landscape restoration and the wildland urban interface. In 2019, interagency partners signed the Nevada Shared Stewardship Agreement (, committing state and federal agencies to expand our working relationships, jointly set priorities and implement projects at the appropriate scale, co-manage risk, and share resources. Shared Stewardship has three core elements:
Agreement for Shared StewardshipShared Stewardship Agreement • January 12th, 2021
Contract Type FiledJanuary 12th, 2021This Agreement for Shared Stewardship is hereby made and entered into by and between the State of Illinois Department of Natural Resources and the United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service, hereinafter referred to as “the Parties.”
RE: Shared Stewardship Agreement Dear Commissioner’s,Shared Stewardship Agreement • September 27th, 2019
Contract Type FiledSeptember 27th, 2019As Chairman of the Public Land Use Advisory Council (PLUAC), I am writing on behalf of PLUAC regarding a concept that is currently being used throughout the United States. Several states have entered into Shared Stewardship Agreements with the U.S. Forest Service (USFS), and others, to ‘share stewardship’ on forest lands within their states. We believe that this concept can be beneficial to our county and state.