Socio-Economic Agreement Sample Contracts
SOCIO-ECONOMIC AGREEMENT BHP DIAMONDS PROJECTSocio-Economic Agreement • November 24th, 2003 • Northwest Territories
Contract Type FiledNovember 24th, 2003 JurisdictionGOVERNMENT OF THE NORTHWEST TERRITORIES as Represented by the Minister of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development
Standard Contracts
SOCIO-ECONOMIC AGREEMENTSocio-Economic Agreement • January 8th, 2021 • Newfoundland and Labrador
Contract Type FiledJanuary 8th, 2021 Jurisdictionpursuant to the laws of Canada, which has an office at 36 Lombard Street, Suite 600,, Toronto, ON and is represented by Matt Manson, President and Chief Executive Officer who is duly authorized to execute this Socio-Economic Agreement (“SEA”), hereinafter “Marathon”;
TORONTO, ON – May 10, 2023 – Marathon Gold Corporation (“Marathon” or the “Company”; TSX: MOZ) and Miawpukek First Nation (“Miawpukek”) are pleased to announce that they have concluded a Socio-Economic Agreement (“SEA” or “Agreement”) concerning the...Socio-Economic Agreement • May 9th, 2023
Contract Type FiledMay 9th, 2023The SEA respects Miawpukek’s historic and cultural connections to the lands and waters while establishing a framework for a long-term positive working relationship between Marathon and Miawpukek. The SEA will cover the life of the Valentine Gold Project. The Agreement addresses matters such as access to employment and contracting opportunities by Miawpukek members and businesses, education and training, environmental stewardship and monitoring, cultural investment, and ongoing engagement.
Gahcho Kué Project Socio Economic AgreementSocio Economic Agreement • July 23rd, 2013 • Northwest Territories
Contract Type FiledJuly 23rd, 2013 JurisdictionDE BEERS CANADA INC., a company incorporated under the laws of Canada and having an office in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories (“DBC”)
ContractSocio-Economic Agreement • May 7th, 2011
Contract Type FiledMay 7th, 2011The Government of the Republic of Serbia, the Serbian Association of Employers, the Confederation of Autonomous Trade Unions of Serbia and the ‘Nezavisnost’ Trade Union Confederation (hereinafter: Participants in the Agreement), proceeding from a position that social dialogue represents the foundation of achieving common goals of development and successful resolution of common problems, and that it is not possible without both working and assuming responsibility together to mitigate the negative consequences of the economic crisis or secure the economic and social progress of Serbia in 2011, have on this date 29th April 2011 concluded the following
ContractSocio-Economic Agreement • September 2nd, 2011
Contract Type FiledSeptember 2nd, 2011
What is a Socio-Economic Agreement (SEA)?Socio-Economic Agreement • October 24th, 2011
Contract Type FiledOctober 24th, 2011A socio-economic agreement is an environmental assessment follow-up program. It is the only way the Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) can carry out its promise and responsibility to ensure the wise use of our natural resources.
Q&A: Fortune Minerals NICO Project Socio-Economic AgreementSocio-Economic Agreement • January 29th, 2019
Contract Type FiledJanuary 29th, 2019
SNAP LAKE DIAMOND PROJECT SOCIO-ECONOMIC AGREEMENTSocio-Economic Agreement • May 21st, 2004 • Northwest Territories
Contract Type FiledMay 21st, 2004 Jurisdiction